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Hunter Biden investigation over 13 months has resulted in 459 crimes being sent to every member of Congress. About a third each of business, sexual, and drug crimes.

Obviously the business crimes are the only ones that should matter at this point.
Juggs said:
Hunter Biden investigation over 13 months has resulted in 459 crimes being sent to every member of Congress this morning. About a third each of business, sexual, and drug crimes.

Obviously the business crimes are the only ones that should matter at this point.

sexual? If its harming some poor sex worker or underage shit I think it should be too. i think the issue with the drugs (like sex) is that foreign govs have shit on him and some of Biden's apparent terrible floundering policies are due to trying a deal for those countries to not release info about the fucker. I mean if that's going on then it all matters. I mean he video'd himself doing so much shit, you wonder what he was doing when he wasn't filming himself (but some foreign spy/hooker might have been)
How accurate has RCP been overt he years? This is kinda shocking to me. Always thought the BEST pubs could do would be to hold the 50/50. I'd be amazed if this turns out to be correct.

Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Hunter Biden investigation over 13 months has resulted in 459 crimes being sent to every member of Congress this morning. About a third each of business, sexual, and drug crimes.

Obviously the business crimes are the only ones that should matter at this point.

sexual? If its harming some poor sex worker or underage shit I think it should be too. i think the issue with the drugs (like sex) is that foreign govs have shit on him and some of Biden's apparent terrible floundering policies are due to trying a deal for those countries to not release info about the fucker. I mean if that's going on then it all matters. I mean he video'd himself doing so much shit, you wonder what he was doing when he wasn't filming himself (but some foreign spy/hooker might have been)
I meant as far as Papa Biden goes. Yeah, throw the book at him for everything. But his sex and drugs isn't all that relevant to Joe. His illegal business dealings at the behest of Joe is big picture importance. Good point on the spy's or hookers.

But let's be real, he'll get pardoned and/or this will get buried. He'll never see prison and Joe will get off free. That happens when the same people that have control you and have a vested interest also control the DOJ, and agencies.
Polls have mostly been shit and overestimated dems for some time. RCP does average other polls.

The reason for suggesting the R's wouldn't do well is that more R seats are up for re-election this cycle than dem, most of the dem seats are in bluer states, and you have some popular, moderate R's retiring in purply areas (PA and OH) and trump endorsed, inexperienced candidates to replace them.

in some cases this cycle you had the dems actually SPENDING money on the more right, trumpy candidates thinking it would help them, but in cases like AZ their candidates sucked and everyone hates Biden and blames dems for shitting economy. So now dems are like "isn't democracy more important that money???" Like, if those candidates are such a danger why did you support them?

I am hoping for a huge wave election. its possible, but people need to vote to make up for potential shennanigans.
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Hunter Biden investigation over 13 months has resulted in 459 crimes being sent to every member of Congress this morning. About a third each of business, sexual, and drug crimes.

Obviously the business crimes are the only ones that should matter at this point.

sexual? If its harming some poor sex worker or underage shit I think it should be too. i think the issue with the drugs (like sex) is that foreign govs have shit on him and some of Biden's apparent terrible floundering policies are due to trying a deal for those countries to not release info about the fucker. I mean if that's going on then it all matters. I mean he video'd himself doing so much shit, you wonder what he was doing when he wasn't filming himself (but some foreign spy/hooker might have been)
I meant as far as Papa Biden goes. Yeah, throw the book at him for everything. But his sex and drugs isn't all that relevant to Joe. His illegal business dealings at the behest of Joe is big picture importance. Good point on the spy's or hookers.

But let's be real, he'll get pardoned and/or this will get buried. He'll never see prison and Joe will get off free. That happens when the same people that have control you and have a vested interest also control the DOJ, and agencies.
his sex and drugs ARE important to Joe if there is blackmail and Joe is cutting deals to save his son!
Evil gator said:
Polls have mostly been shit and overestimated dems for some time. RCP does average other polls.

The reason for suggesting the R's wouldn't do well is that more R seats are up for re-election this cycle than dem, most of the dem seats are in bluer states, and you have some popular, moderate R's retiring in purply areas (PA and OH) and trump endorsed, inexperienced candidates to replace them.

in some cases this cycle you had the dems actually SPENDING money on the more right, trumpy candidates thinking it would help them, but in cases like AZ their candidates sucked and everyone hates Biden and blames dems for shitting economy. So now dems are like "isn't democracy more important that money???" Like, if those candidates are such a danger why did you support them?

I am hoping for a huge wave election. its possible, but people need to vote to make up for potential shennanigans.
I don’t want my great analysis to be lost!

The other thing is the chair of the dem re-election committee is using funds to prop up his own campaign https://twitter.com/bresreports/status/1584609485372686338?s=46&t=0F7rP9c_fK5ak4LBiJ6sfQ
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
sexual? If its harming some poor sex worker or underage shit I think it should be too. i think the issue with the drugs (like sex) is that foreign govs have shit on him and some of Biden's apparent terrible floundering policies are due to trying a deal for those countries to not release info about the fucker. I mean if that's going on then it all matters. I mean he video'd himself doing so much shit, you wonder what he was doing when he wasn't filming himself (but some foreign spy/hooker might have been)
I meant as far as Papa Biden goes. Yeah, throw the book at him for everything. But his sex and drugs isn't all that relevant to Joe. His illegal business dealings at the behest of Joe is big picture importance. Good point on the spy's or hookers.

But let's be real, he'll get pardoned and/or this will get buried. He'll never see prison and Joe will get off free. That happens when the same people that have control you and have a vested interest also control the DOJ, and agencies.
his sex and drugs ARE important to Joe if there is blackmail and Joe is cutting deals to save his son!
Yeah but I doubt they found Joe paying off blackmail and cutting deals with foreign nations over cocaine and whores on the laptop. Maybe. I'm just assuming that business dealings are the sure fire thing that will be connected to Joe because we know he put Hunter there. That connection is already established, so any illegal business dealings damn near guarantees Joe is involved in some way. Just seems like a better trail to follow. Not that I care which avenue it takes, as long as someone nails his ass.
The Chinese dude apparently appointed himself King for eternity? And their mini stock market crashed as a result. Interesting. China imposing a naval blockade on Taiwan, so expect us to get involved there.

101st Airborne commander who is stationed on the Romanian/Ukranian border area said they are there for a military purpose, not a training exercise.
MSNBC on air - It's a media conspiracy and lie that women don't care about abortion and their body. The narrative that it's all about the economy is a lie! The economy is not more important than the abortion topic, so you're brainwashed if you vote republican because Biden is destroying the country!

Another video - A journalist questioned Kari Lake and said that people of color aren't concerned about crime.

Liz Cheney - You're pro Putin if you don't want to go to war with Russia. You're a shame to "her party" if you disagree. Yeah cunt, you're not a Republican.
Juggs said:
30 House Democrats urged Biden to change strategy, deal directly with Russia and come to a resolution to prevent Nuclear war.

Even some Dems see that Biden is instigating this war.

they're already walking it back because god forbid they agree with republicans on anything because they're racist fascists!

when the dems lose, and i pray its so, there will def be a reckoning on this. you saw it with the AOC hecklers. there are still a lot of traditional liberals who are antiwar. this will be one of the splits you see within the dem party. these progs are happy to spend taxpayer cash, even if it leads to WW2, but their voters for the most part don't, no matter how much propaganda they are fed.

I mean I'm totally against Putin and for all its faults, Ukraine deserves to not be mown over. But we don't need to go bankrupt and die to keep it going. there needs to be some end in sight. Like a lot of things, Republicans are for the most part more pragmatic about this.
Not sure why this admin is so opposed to having dialogue w Putin, as opposed to poking him with a stick? Zelensky or htf it’s spelled comes across as a f’n idiot, who has his country on the verge of being annihilated, at least say he’s willing to sit down and see if some resolution can be reached. It’s simply not our fight, this is a fight between drunk dumb ass cousins
Tommy said:
Not sure why this admin is so opposed to having dialogue w Putin, as opposed to poking him with a stick? Zelensky or htf it’s spelled comes across as a f’n idiot, who has his country on the verge of being annihilated, at least say he’s willing to sit down and see if some resolution can be reached. It’s simply not our fight, this is a fight between drunk dumb ass cousins

Zelensky isn't just an idiot, he's as corrupt as Putin. Libs keep talking about them being a Democracy. He outlawed all opposing views from radio air time. He arrested all his political opponents. He just signed a decree that there will be no talks with Russia, which is probably Biden's doing. This all could have been avoided if Zelensky accepted Russia's initial terms. All Russia wanted was for Ukraine to not join NATO and what Russia really wants is free access to the Black Sea. Biden talked Zelensky out of it, which was flat out stupid.

And then there's this: In 2019, the CIA-run Radio Free Europe reported on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s connection to Ihor Kholomoisky, a Ukrainian oligarch whom the State Department banned from entering the U.S. in March 2021 due to his “significant corruption.”
Oh they are corrupt, no question, and the biden crime families cash is a big deal - remember a “Putin puppet” was impeached for even asking about it (ot but check vindemans Twitter feed, he’s a dem hack). But anything seen as something logical ie something trump might have done to prevent WW3, they must do the opposite or be racist.

Keep in mind Putin only had the balls and cash to do this because biden signed away our energy independence on day one.

Vote R - they can push this by withholding money
I don’t remember the choice being so crystal clear on D vs R. I remember agreeing w Dems on a # of issues, but now I can’t see anything I agree with, they’re just too batshit & blatantly corrupt. So far the Pubs have done a decent job of not fn it up, thought I wish they’d moderate on abortion.
Tommy said:
I don’t remember the choice being so crystal clear on D vs R. I remember agreeing w Dems on a # of issues, but now I can’t see anything I agree with, they’re just too batshit & blatantly corrupt. So far the Pubs have done a decent job of not fn it up, thought I wish they’d moderate on abortion.

well they have to some extent. The florida law is 15 weeks which is what Roe was based on and what most other countries have. that's the vast majority of abortions. I used to def be in the dem camp of "safe legal and rare" but seeing the pics of some late term abortions - which no dems are against!- just broke my heart. there are always going to be medical exemptions as well as states that have no restrictions. I would like to see dems be reasonable on this and open up centers (like the prolife centers that help pregnant women keep their babies) that help women who are poor and need to travel. But the way they have paraded around with blood on their pants and terrorized SCOTUS justices and their families is just disgusting.

if for no other reason, Im voting for Rs for not spending ridiculous amounts of money that mostly goes to their donors like dems do and causing inflation, as well as the dumbass idea of letting criminals roam free in the name of equity. my uber driver last night has one baby and another on the way and can only afford to live in Silver Spring, where there was a shootout between two thugs in broad daylight in downtown. this guy immigrated from war and famine in Ethiopia and might have his family shot because of not locking up criminals.