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Juggs said:
A group of retards glued their hands to the floor at VW to protest gas cars. Then they tweeted complaining about how VW supported their right to protest, but refused to deliver them buckets to pee and shit in.

I thought that was hilarious. The employees just turned off the lights and the heat and went home, leaving the protestors in the showroom.

Charlie Crist is doing a Bus Tour and started in Jacksonville. About 30 people showed up and they were all democrat officials, and Mex. What little the Dems have in this state is going down in flames in a couple weeks. Desantis is going to win Miami-Dade, which is insanity.
52:20 said:
Charlie Crist is doing a Bus Tour and started in Jacksonville. About 30 people showed up and they were all democrat officials, and Mex. What little the Dems have in this state is going down in flames in a couple weeks. Desantis is going to win Miami-Dade, which is insanity.


Listening to the Charles cook podcast on this and how the Dems lost Florida.
We haven't had a dem governor since Lawton Chiles and dem voters have outnumbered pubs forever until now. Can't see anything but a bloody murder of dem statewide candidates.
52:20 said:
Charlie Crist is doing a Bus Tour and started in Jacksonville. About 30 people showed up and they were all democrat officials, and Mex. What little the Dems have in this state is going down in flames in a couple weeks. Desantis is going to win Miami-Dade, which is insanity.

He sucks anyway and it doesn't matter what he did or said, he'd never beat DeSantis.....but Crist hitching his wagon to Biden and insisting he's the best resident in modern history was beyond stupid
Biill Gates says an energy crisis is good because it gets people off fossil fuels.

So what he means is that it's awesome for people to go broke trying to drive or heat their homes or die while he flies around on his private jet to hope onto his private yacht that burns more gas in an hour than an entire city in a week.
Juggs said:
Biill Gates says an energy crisis is good because it gets people off fossil fuels.

So what he means is that it's awesome for people to go broke trying to drive or heat their homes or die while he flies around on his private jet to hope onto his private yacht that burns more gas in an hour than an entire city in a week.

Yes he’s an evil asshole. Anyone who talks about “getting off” a source of 85% of the earths energy we need for food, heat, medicine and mobility without a valid replacement wants us to have a lower standard of living or be dead.
Expose on desantis: he once pronounced a word wrong


This whole thing is so elitist. I’m pretty sure I pronounced it wrong for a long time. No one cares about this but coastal elites who think they’re better because they pronounce the names of wines with an accent
Gatorbreeze said:
Castro (or his kid) are coming for guns of the great white north.

Well Canada has slowly eroded their gun laws for years (and they don't have a "right" to them like we do). This is why it's stupid when liberals criticize the slipper slope argument. It's why you can't give 1 inch to those bastards because 1 inch because 2 and then 3 and so on until nothing is left. It's why a lot of hardcore gun nights criticize the NRA, because they've compromised too much in the past.
Hyperbole is now misinformation. Clearly the post made wasn't that they literally had a film crew there, but pointing out how convenient. So Pelosi bungled security on 1/6, non-Trumpers on camera seen egging on the crowd, Pelosi's own daughter films them, and then Pelosi says "She was waiting for this to happen" and "she was ready". All adds to a setup IMO.

"Why were camera crews on standby ready to film Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer during January 6th?" read text in a video shared on Instagram on Oct. 14. "The footage that was released yesterday looks like it was filmed by a movie production company. Lights, camera, action. So much phoniness on both sides. This was a setup and we all know it."

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