Politics Politics

There is one Dem believe I agree with, although for different reasons. In a Fetterman bashing session on one of the Conservative youtube channels (I can't remember which one now), they referred to his stance that all drugs should be legal. Then they went on to say it's proven that legalizing drugs in America will lead to lots of fentanyl deaths.

Ok, fentanyl has never been legal, so you can't say it's legalization has caused an increase in deaths. That's a left wing style lie right there. No one refrains from cocaine or meth or any other hard drug because it's illegal FFS. The Conservative stance on drugs is beyond fucking stupid. Spend billions upon billions every year to stop less than 3% of drugs. It's statistically proven that treatment is cheaper and more effective than prevention. Legalize or at least decriminalize it. Use those billions to build affordable (if not free), quality rehab/treatment centers. There are only 2 types of rehabs: One that is 10k a month or more and the shitty ones the government provides where half the people are using while in the fucking rehab center because they're pure shit.

That's to say nothing of the crime element we create from it.
while I think its logical to draw parallels between organized crime rise during prohibition and drugs being illegal, I do think Oregon's experiment in "everything legal" hasn't been a raging success. obviously there is a lot of mismanagement in that state, but I don't think it argues for legalization of everything. Pot should obviously be legal, but I don't see that even legalizing that has reduced crime but increased it at least in California - the people who sold it before aren't going to lie down for some hippies now that its legal.

i think its a discussion to have. Certainly treatment should be better. but I don't want to have to step over junkies when I'm going to work.
Prob w Ca is they regulated & taxed to the point where it became so costly to grow, the cartels & illegal growers undercut the legal weed, at substantially more than it was before legalization.
but I agree the far right have some dumb ideas, esp when they get too religious or cultural. LIke candace owens was saying something about how some model was getting divorced for her husband cheating but that she cheated on him for showing her boobs. WTF, she's dumb. But they are way less influential than the far left has become for the dems.

that's what's so hilarious about the MEGA MAGA scare shit. Trump was pretty moderate, more like a 90s southern dem. That's why that had to make it seem like far right in order to scare people into supporting stuff like teaching sex to 2nd graders. AT LEAST WE'RE NOT TRUMP FACISTS BTW WE ARE REMOVING YOU FROM TWITTER FOR HATE.
Tommy said:
Prob w Ca is they regulated & taxed to the point where it became so costly to grow, the cartels & illegal growers undercut the legal weed, at substantially more than it was before legalization.

yes I think that's part of it. My friends in Illinois still buy some of theirs illegally even though they have beautiful grocery stores of pot because of cost.
Evil gator said:
while I think its logical to draw parallels between organized crime rise during prohibition and drugs being illegal, I do think Oregon's experiment in "everything legal" hasn't been a raging success. obviously there is a lot of mismanagement in that state, but I don't think it argues for legalization of everything. Pot should obviously be legal, but I don't see that even legalizing that has reduced crime but increased it at least in California - the people who sold it before aren't going to lie down for some hippies now that its legal.

i think its a discussion to have. Certainly treatment should be better. but I don't want to have to step over junkies when I'm going to work.
I don't think we can really conflate the issues we're seeing in California or Oregon with the legalization of any drug(s). Their stupid policies across the board have been the problem. Catering to the homeless, letting them steal at will to the point of chain stores closing up those locations, letting people riot and take over the streets. That has nothing to do with drugs, that's commie policies.

And as Tommy mentioned, Cali fucked the entire thing up in a greedy cash grab that put legit people out of business and just opened the door for the cartels who have been hauling all their equipment miles and miles into the forests on their backs and setting up entire operations.

The issues here weren't the legalization of drugs, it was how a liberal government fucked it all up.
Lololol - it was a mistake (ie they heard from their Raytheon overloads)

Tommy said:
Prob w Ca is they regulated & taxed to the point where it became so costly to grow, the cartels & illegal growers undercut the legal weed, at substantially more than it was before legalization.

The stepkid in AVL just got a job as a sous chef... in a weed gummie kitchen.
Panamag8or said:
Tommy said:
Prob w Ca is they regulated & taxed to the point where it became so costly to grow, the cartels & illegal growers undercut the legal weed, at substantially more than it was before legalization.

The stepkid in AVL just got a job as a sous chef... in a weed gummie kitchen.

Ooh ?
My best friend melts Ghirardelli dark chocolate and pot oil from Oregon into little candies and they are the best. I was in Nashville for a conference and she gave me some and it was by far the best conference I ever participated in and I even broke up a fight between coworkers.
Holy shit this dumb b turned me red when she made up a story about a meeting I was at. If it’s behind a paywall she’s saying the brain amoebas are the fault of Climate change.

Evil gator said:
My best friend melts Ghirardelli dark chocolate and pot oil from Oregon into little candies and they are the best. I was in Nashville for a conference and she gave me some and it was by far the best conference I ever participated in and I even broke up a fight between coworkers.

I haven't smoked weed since 1994, but I think I may dabble in some edibles and lay off the beer a little.
I wish I could smoke sativa and have fun with it, but stupid anxiety. I've been planning on taking some older indica I have and making some chocolate or soemthing.....but that's just a waste of Ghirardelli.
Irish Mike said:
Evil gator said:
My best friend melts Ghirardelli dark chocolate and pot oil from Oregon into little candies and they are the best. I was in Nashville for a conference and she gave me some and it was by far the best conference I ever participated in and I even broke up a fight between coworkers.

I haven't smoked weed since 1994, but I think I may dabble in some edibles and lay off the beer a little.

Yeah I love how the commercial ones are pretty predictable. The low strength gummies are great because you can really control the high. Also use for pain relief and still function.
I think another thing to consider when voting is lockdowns. I know most of you were in states that opened quickly but I was not. Remember how it was all deathsantis and kemp is killing grandma. If those republican governors hadn’t had the balls to ignore that and take a huge risk, a lot of the rest of the country would have been even slower to open. The mostlu southern governors shows great leadership and their states and the whole country owes them a debt.
pg. said:
Biden pushing the jab on tv again. I swear he must get royalties on every shot.

FFS. We've long established the jab does little except maybe save the lives of super old/sickly people. Here's the thing though: How do we actually know the vax "saved lives". Maybe herd/natural immunity worked by then. Maybe it wasn't (it wasn't) as deadly as they claimed. We have no actual way of knowing "the vaccine saved lives". Many of those people probably would have been fine regardless. It's all an assumption.
Juggs said:
pg. said:
Biden pushing the jab on tv again. I swear he must get royalties on every shot.

FFS. We've long established the jab does little except maybe save the lives of super old/sickly people. Here's the thing though: How do we actually know the vax "saved lives". Maybe herd/natural immunity worked by then. Maybe it wasn't (it wasn't) as deadly as they claimed. We have no actual way of knowing "the vaccine saved lives". Many of those people probably would have been fine regardless. It's all an assumption.
Maybe they stopped calling every death with a person who had Covid a Covid death. Like maybe the stage 4 brain cancer patient died from brain cancer rather than Covid that was in his system.
I do know a few middle aged otherwise healthy people who got very sick from Covid and one who died that were not vaxxed. One is one constant care. I don’t know any vaxxed people who died. I think it does help prevent death but only for people above maybe 40 or 45 but it def doesn’t protect anyone else.
Also I think what she’s talking about is something that could be fixed by congress, a bunch of Republicans posed legislation, but Dems wanted it tied in with their dumb voting bill
Yeah but she said right wing extremists are going to steal the election. Then later said Republican state legislatures is where it will happen. Is she saying Republican state legislators are all extremist?

I think you're giving her too much credit. She deliberately wants you to think that the extremists have already formed a cunning way to steal the election to where the votes don't matter. She said the popular vote or the electoral college won't matter....so that removes voter rights, IMO. She's just one of many pre-emptively making excuses for their 2024 loss and slandering the other side for what they did in 2020.