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Seriously, Oz didn't have to say a word. He should have just kept deferring to Fetterman and let him hang himself. But half his votes have already been cast.

Fetterman said the Unions can reduce costs of vocational schools. How TF does that work?
Juggs said:
Something that triggers me, Fetterman saying that federal funds should be used to pay for women to travel to states that allow abortions if she wants one because abortion is only between women and her doctor.

If abortion rights belong only between a woman and her doctor, why should our tax payer dollars go towards paying for women being shipped to states where they can get the abortion? If she decides to get an abortion, that's her fucking dime, not mine.

yeah oz should have listened to how Kari Lake and other Rs are going on the attack on this. The Dem position has become very radical and out of touch with polling. 2/3 people support abortions in the first 15 weeks, it drops to 1/3 support for 2nd trimester, then to almost none for late term. But none of the dems running will agree to ANY restrictions AT ALL. Oz isnt that good at turning things around. he didn't have that great of a debate, but it doesn't matter that much, only idiots vote for Fetterman. Unfortunately, they have ridiculous corrupt voting in PA so he could win, also due to early voting.

ALL the polling is showing a huge advantage to R's. Its unfortunate more normies like Pat Toomey and Rob Portman didn't go for re-election, because this is just the climate where a calm, reasonable experienced Republican wins hands down (see Kemp, etc) Outsiders like JD Vance and Oz have a big disadvantage. I still think the Rs take the senate but I'm scared of shennanigans.
I was just talking to my boss who worked on the hill for 10 years. if anyone is on the fence about voting, with all the signs pointing to a red wave (but with still very very close races!), if the republicans have a big enough majority they are more able to pull back some of the ridiculous spending in the IIJA and IRA, like the 87000 IRA agents.
I think shennanigans are only possible if its very very close, so its MORE incentive to get out there and vote - see Youngkin winning Virginia. but even if it looks not close vote! I would like my 401k to not bleed more, and if I want to move, to not spend ridic amounts on a mortage.
Voted. Straight R, of course. Because fuck every democrat alive until the lunacy ceases. Left blank on retaining all State Judges because I don't know shit. No to all State Amendments, because fuck amendments.

And as anyone who can see my FB rant, a big Fuck you to the County for wanting a sales tax increase for all those wonderful things like land preservation (and stuff I generally agree with), but forcing me to vote no because their real motivation is the last line of using our tax dollars to build more section 8 housing that happens to coincide with Gainesville, who bullies the County around anyway, eliminating single family zoning. You're not using my taxes to build section 8 bullshit into family neighborhoods you cunts.
I will vote against everyone my wife votes for :lol:

We were watching Ngtmr on Elm St last night, i mentioned to the boy that back years ago, in the theater, black people would freak the f out in a scary movie. I got mildly chastised for stereotyping, but I was just recounting my experience, that got her off her soapbox
Another reason to vote R: this administration is dangerously ramping up the deep state like no other. In the past federal jobs required degrees and expertise like a soil scientist at agriculture etc. now with climate change and especially equity and EJ they are literally hiring neighborhood activists to slow any sort of economic growth.

Evil gator said:
Another reason to vote R: this administration is dangerously ramping up the deep state like no other. In the past federal jobs required degrees and expertise like a soil scientist at agriculture etc. now with climate change and especially equity and EJ they are literally hiring neighborhood activists to slow any sort of economic growth.


Well we knew that with their appointees from the start. None more obvious than the press secretary, the face of the f'n white house, who is utterly clueless with no qualifications.

Doesn't surprise me one bit they're just hiring activists
This isn’t the typical appointments that go away when administrations change - these are people who are unfirable gov employees who will work to undermine all that is good
Evil gator said:
This isn’t the typical appointments that go away when administrations change - these are people who are unfirable gov employees who will work to undermine all that is good

How is that possible. If Biden can just install someone, how can the next POTUS's EO not undo it? Revamp the whole damn department if you have to. If we end up with the House, Senate, and POTUS....they should be able to do basically anything shouldn't they? :beatsme:
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
This isn’t the typical appointments that go away when administrations change - these are people who are unfirable gov employees who will work to undermine all that is good

How is that possible. If Biden can just install someone, how can the next POTUS's EO not undo it? Revamp the whole damn department if you have to. If we end up with the House, Senate, and POTUS....they should be able to do basically anything shouldn't they? :beatsme:

Incoming Administrations can appoint a certain, relatively small number of appointees. For heading agencies and high level positions, some have to be approved by congress. These typically go away after an administration ends, but some are appointed for a specific time (or lifetime in SCOTUS). Some are asked to stay on.

Most of the 9 million federal employees are unfirable due to their unions who donate to dems 99% of the time. So dems always want to increase government to pay them back, and the "service" they offer gets worse and worse. Generally they went to expensive colleges live in DC and loathe all of you proles and think they are much smarter and can tell you how to live and run your business. That is how it is now, which is bad enough. But with all the spending in the biden admin and focus on DEI and EJ and equity, they are hiring a ton of activists who are going to try to force businesses to to this dumb shit and make them suffer if they don't. And you will be paying their salaries for decades while they smugly hate you. because of the power of unions they nearly all work from home now and are more worthless than ever. And they are hiring more and more and more.

this is really the fault of congress for allowing government to grow and grow, with the exception of Reagan and Trump. Trump learned that he couldn't get rid of old rules and useless staff though because unions put a lot of safeguards in place. And even if someone is an R appointee like say Chris Ray at FBI, they live in DC and all their friends are dems so they end up becoming dems even if they didn't start that way, see the prosecution of peaceful abortion clinic protestors and no charges for any of the church bombers.
That is one thing I wish establishment Pubs would recognize is...or moderates. Trump ran on drain the swamp. He didn't realize that the swamp is more like quicksand. It wasn't reasonable to expect him to make drastic changes at all, let alone in 4 years with everyone up his ass. But yeah I realize unions....but really seems like the f'n POTUS can make shit happen to eliminate that in some form or another. I don't care if he has to start Hoffa-ing mother fuckers. Because if there is no changing it, there truly is only 1 solution.
well trump did some great things in the area (its why we had 2.50 gas for a while at least!), but another 4 years would have really helped get better things entrenched. I think in some ways a R governor is better at this because they know better how to cull, but it will really take 8 years of an R to do it well. The good thing is that the Bush part of the party that was fine with the deep state are a minority and any new ones are going to be anti gov and reg. The R members of congress definitely are, even the squishy ones.
Tommy said:
I will vote against everyone my wife votes for :lol:

We were watching Ngtmr on Elm St last night, i mentioned to the boy that back years ago, in the theater, black people would freak the f out in a scary movie. I got mildly chastised for stereotyping, but I was just recounting my experience, that got her off her soapbox

:lol: my mother used tell my father she voted against all his choices after every election.
Ha my husband never wants to read about the city council or initiatives so I give him a cheat sheet. All the ones here are dems so read all their info and vote for the ones who seem most pro development which means less tax hikes. This generally leads to POC esp immigrants because they own small businesses and aren't useless gov libs.
Not googling it, Russell Brand 30 minutes ago reports the US Congress is working to modify a bill that gives emergency wartime powers to sell Ukraine an unlimited amount of weaponry. A week ago? 1 Dem and 1 Pub introduces the National Defense Authorization Act.

Not sure how they got that name when we're instigating a war we shouldn't be in