Politics Politics

Irish Mike said:
Pelosi's husband was supposedly beat up with a hammer by a burglar.

Suspect in custody but no name released.

$140 mil net worth and no security on your house?

Didn't someone poop on their driveway a couple years ago? Or am I confusing her with someone else?

But yeah, I would expect some decent security for those folks.
Irish Mike said:
Pelosi's husband was supposedly beat up with a hammer by a burglar.

Suspect in custody but no name released.

$140 mil net worth and no security on your house?

Or he got into another drunk accident and they needed someone to frame this time to avoid the scrutiny.
Juggs said:
Irish Mike said:
Pelosi's husband was supposedly beat up with a hammer by a burglar.

Suspect in custody but no name released.

$140 mil net worth and no security on your house?

Or he got into another drunk accident and they needed someone to frame this time to avoid the scrutiny.

Joke stolen from Twitter: "Not the first time he got hammered."
It’s always amazing that when anything bad happens to a dem it’s maga trumpism but when someone tries to stab a republican or kill a scotus justice or shoots 6 congressmen it’s just a disturbed person
Evil gator said:
It’s always amazing that when anything bad happens to a dem it’s maga trumpism but when someone tries to stab a republican or kill a scotus justice or shoots 6 congressmen it’s just a disturbed person

Or a Republican canvasser for Rubio gets the shit beaten out of him on the job….
Panamag8or said:
Evil gator said:
Twitter thinks Pelosi was rolled by a gay hooker

Apparently, they were both in their underwear.

The Jesse Kelly thread about this on twitter is awesome.

Well it was 230am. Pelosi was probably sleeping in his drawers. The other guy is crazy nudist supposedly. :lol:
An aide to Virginia Democratic Rep. Don Beyer has been fired after an investigation concluded she had been working on behalf of the Chinese Embassy to set up meetings with congressional offices.

The probe conducted by the House Sergeant at Arms discovered the allegations against Barbara Hamlett. Beyer's office was notified of the findings on Tuesday, and she was subsequently terminated.

"Congressman Beyer was totally unaware of these activities prior to being contacted by the House Sergeant At Arms," Beyer’s deputy chief of staff Aaron Fritschner told National Review.

"As soon as he learned of them, he followed every directive he was given by security officials. The staffer in question is no longer employed by the office of Congressman Beyer," Fritschner continued.

Hamlett's time working in congressional offices dates back to the 1970s, according to congressional data. She had worked as a scheduler in Beyer's office.

During her time on Capitol Hill, Hamlett has worked for several members of Congress, including late Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Penn., former Rep. Diane Watson, D-Calif., Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas, and former Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y.
Read the rest:

Starts at the clip.....WTF. Biden once again proves he's battling dementia. Aside from walking off into the woods, later clips in the 9 minutes have Biden bumbling over names he can't remember and then saying that Republican leadership will crash the economy. Uhhh, Joe, you've already crashed the economy. Further on, Pierre says Biden has LOWERED COSTS.

Apparently there was supposed to be a neutral zone in the Black Sea for ships to get grain out to the world to help with the coming food crisis. I've seen mixed reports. Some say Russia backed out. Some say Ukraine violated it with an attack so Russia pulled out. :beatsme:

In other news: Bill Gates wants to spray dust into the atmosphere to block the sun to stop climate change. Stop climate change and kill all of our food? Nothing can go wrong with that plan.
Remember that it’s anti semetic to say anything about George soros influencing elections

I had never heard of those middle 3 donors. The Uihleins own some kind of shipping company I never heard of (Uline?) and the husband is an heir to the Schlitz brewing fortune.
Griffin is a hedge fund manager.

But this Sam Bankman dude is a 30-year-old crypto bro worth $10 billion. No family, lives in a condo with a bunch of roommates.
the thing about Soros is that he made his fortune on chaos. he doesn't want America to do well. I trust a capitalist far more than someone who thrives on destruction.
LOL ap is reporting that Biden is going to do windfall taxes on Energy producers. So look to higher prices as production will go down because he's a fucking moron.