Politics Politics

so while the Biden admin is totalitarian and controlling all the news we are allowed to see, it appears that SCOTUS is poised to overturn race based admissions for college, which could upend a lot of the race based stuff this crappy admin is trying to do like Enviro justice.
Evil gator said:
Who believes this?


No idea about the ones on the left, they may be buried in some bill somewhere. The 3 on the right are total bullshit
The ones on the left are artificial price changes on a few things that will manifest elsewhere in the economy and likely add to inflation, like the stimmy checks. They love to pass giant bills with a handful of stuff that helps a few people.
The guy that attacked Pelosi is really a weird piece of work, it would get weirder if he was in the country illegally...oh, wait:

David DePape, the man who allegedly broke into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco home, and wrestled her husband Paul for a hammer, was in the United States illegally.

According to CNN, DePape, 42, grew up in Powell River, British Columbia, before leaving "Canada about 20 years ago to pursue a relationship that brought him to California."

A source from Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) later told Fox News that DePape is in the U.S. illegally following a "longtime" visa overstay. In other words, DePape arrived in the U.S. by legal means but did not leave after his visa expired.

Evil gator said:
LOL ap is reporting that Biden is going to do windfall taxes on Energy producers. So look to higher prices as production will go down because he's a fucking moron.

He also accused oil companies of war profiteering.

Once again Biden accuses someone else of the very thing he's doing.
so yeah as I've said many times collusion, price gouging, etc are all very illegal and have been so for some time. He has an army of federal experts at uncovering this sort of thing at his disposal. They can and do find companies and industries guilty of this and put them in jail. Industry meetings are ALWAYS started with anti trust reminders and any talk of prices shuts down the meeting, everyone knows this. if there was any truth he'd be investigating, but there's not. He relies on the low info typical dem voter who gets outraged at dumb assertions (they are coming for your social security!!!) and doesn't understand how government or business works.

he should tone it down or people will get hurt, but we know he doesn't give a fuck.
So, all the support for blm riots and allowing mayhem and increasing crime which the Dems cynically allowed to happen appear to have backfired, who could have guessed

Evil gator said:
Jfc his son didn’t die in Iraq


How do no democrats call admit this is an issue? His approval rating is terrible, yet the no one will admit to hating him publicly.
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
Jfc his son didn’t die in Iraq


How do no democrats call admit this is an issue? His approval rating is terrible, yet the no one will admit to hating him publicly.
They were starting to call him out in the summer before Manchin caved and they got the spending bill passed. Then they all acted like he was some bad ass. Bunch of teenage girls over there.
I feel like they will come after him when Dems lose big next week. They will blame it all on him vs policies they ALL support.

No idea if he and his handlers will be capable of pivoting, they owe too much to their union and enviro overlords.
Evil gator said:
But who runs instead? Kamala is awful. The only non idiots are more white men.

Doesn't matter who it is. They have to be loony to win the primary. Make take 2 or 3 elections for these whacko to realize they gotta dial back their bullshit.