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Also, trolls on FB. Why do liberals, assuming they're not russian troll farms, follow 2A pages? Some dumb cunt conflated the Founders owning slaves with AR's not being included in the 2A :facepalm:

So, abortion that's never mentioned in the Constitution or Bill of Rights is someone a Constitutional right. AR's, where the Founders very specifically said the citizens should be equally armed as any government, blatantly falling under the 2A, is not a Constitutional right.

The pure stupidity of liberals is amazing.
Tommy said:
Not sure wtf the govt needs to get in the middle of an issue that’s between a woman & her Dr, imo
sure, but it wasn't SCOTUS's job to decide that, its the state legislatures or congress to make that law. its not in the constitution.
Evil gator said:
Tommy said:
Not sure wtf the govt needs to get in the middle of an issue that’s between a woman & her Dr, imo
sure, but it wasn't SCOTUS's job to decide that, its the state legislatures or congress to make that law. its not in the constitution.


Although I am curious what prompted the revisit of this. Why bother with it now after all this time?
Also. I do hate the “between a woman and her Dr” line. Or rather, the “men shouldn’t decide” bit. No, the man shouldn’t decide, but he should have a say in it.

Yeah, it’s her body. But why should she get to abort it at any point if the man would take custody of it? Because if a woman wants it and the man doesn’t, she’ll have it and then rape him in court.
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
Tommy said:
Not sure wtf the govt needs to get in the middle of an issue that’s between a woman & her Dr, imo
sure, but it wasn't SCOTUS's job to decide that, its the state legislatures or congress to make that law. its not in the constitution.


Although I am curious what prompted the revisit of this. Why bother with it now after all this time?
because some elected officials in states want to ban it in those states, and if you follow the constitution, they should be able to, unless congress passes a federal law or constitutional amendment.
Ever argue with a lib online and it feels like they are using talking points? Well they are

All the libs on TGB mocked me when I said the Bidens were corrupt right after the laptop story came out.

It still amazes me when you have bobulinski, a Navy veteran with nothing to gain and his life to lose, offer to testify under oath that Joe knew all about Hunter's business dealings and stood to make 10% off the deal being formulated, nobody in the MSM asks a thing.

I can only figure they fear giving Trump a victory after Mike Wallace wouldn't even let Trump bring it up in the debate.

I can't wait until somebody asks him if that is his voice on the VM saying he thought Hunter was "in the clear". He either perjures himself, tries to lie/explain it away, or refuses to answer.

That's if he ever does another presser. I think John Kirby is set to be the voice of the WH.
Yeah me too. You couldn’t find or share the story. Collusion.

You have to wonder what they have on hunter given the disgusting shit we know about. Did he kill an escort or something? Worse?

All the shitheads who said hunter isn’t the candidate are imbeciles. A father is going to protect his kid and family name and is as susceptible to blackmail, if not moreso.

I felt it was tinhat to question the cash to defend Ukraine but now I’m wondering about all that untraceable money of ours
pg. said:
All the libs on TGB mocked me when I said the Bidens were corrupt right after the laptop story came out.

It still amazes me when you have bobulinski, a Navy veteran with nothing to gain and his life to lose, offer to testify under oath that Joe knew all about Hunter's business dealings and stood to make 10% off the deal being formulated, nobody in the MSM asks a thing.

I can only figure they fear giving Trump a victory after Mike Wallace wouldn't even let Trump bring it up in the debate.

I can't wait until somebody asks him if that is his voice on the VM saying he thought Hunter was "in the clear". He either perjures himself, tries to lie/explain it away, or refuses to answer.

That's if he ever does another presser. I think John Kirby is set to be the voice of the WH.
Doocy asked that press secretary moron about that quote on tape and she blew it off as a lie.

Uhhhh….it’s recorded audio, not a rumor.
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
sure, but it wasn't SCOTUS's job to decide that, its the state legislatures or congress to make that law. its not in the constitution.


Although I am curious what prompted the revisit of this. Why bother with it now after all this time?
because some elected officials in states want to ban it in those states, and if you follow the constitution, they should be able to, unless congress passes a federal law or constitutional amendment.
Yeah I get that. It just seems a weird boat to rock when the left has done such a great job of pushing moderates away.

As an aside, I don’t think States should be able to do as they wish either. Put it on a ballot and vote, truly let the population decide. Only not in one extreme or the other. Give 4 options.
Juggs said:
pg. said:
All the libs on TGB mocked me when I said the Bidens were corrupt right after the laptop story came out.

It still amazes me when you have bobulinski, a Navy veteran with nothing to gain and his life to lose, offer to testify under oath that Joe knew all about Hunter's business dealings and stood to make 10% off the deal being formulated, nobody in the MSM asks a thing.

I can only figure they fear giving Trump a victory after Mike Wallace wouldn't even let Trump bring it up in the debate.

I can't wait until somebody asks him if that is his voice on the VM saying he thought Hunter was "in the clear". He either perjures himself, tries to lie/explain it away, or refuses to answer.

That's if he ever does another presser. I think John Kirby is set to be the voice of the WH.
Doocy asked that press secretary moron about that quote on tape and she blew it off as a lie.

Uhhhh….it’s recorded audio, not a rumor.

Why I can't wait for him to be asked.
This is well worth the short watch or listen, but the video certainly ads to it.

Hammering stupid shit from Kamala and Biden in his funny way. Her talking and repeating the same phrase over and over. How has NO ONE corrected her on this by now?

Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:

Although I am curious what prompted the revisit of this. Why bother with it now after all this time?
because some elected officials in states want to ban it in those states, and if you follow the constitution, they should be able to, unless congress passes a federal law or constitutional amendment.
Yeah I get that. It just seems a weird boat to rock when the left has done such a great job of pushing moderates away.

As an aside, I don’t think States should be able to do as they wish either. Put it on a ballot and vote, truly let the population decide. Only not in one extreme or the other. Give 4 options.

Ballot initiatives are terrible government and yield terrible results. This is part of why California is so fucked up. We elect officials and they compromise or we vote them out or move somewhere else. It’s a foundational principal juggsy. Change that and the 2nd amendment is up for grabs
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
because some elected officials in states want to ban it in those states, and if you follow the constitution, they should be able to, unless congress passes a federal law or constitutional amendment.
Yeah I get that. It just seems a weird boat to rock when the left has done such a great job of pushing moderates away.

As an aside, I don’t think States should be able to do as they wish either. Put it on a ballot and vote, truly let the population decide. Only not in one extreme or the other. Give 4 options.

Ballot initiatives are terrible government and yield terrible results. This is part of why California is so fucked up. We elect officials and they compromise or we vote them out or move somewhere else. It’s a foundational principal juggsy. Change that and the 2nd amendment is up for grabs
Not really a comparison because the 2nd A is a Constitutional right. States or voters can't restrict that, as SCOTUS just made clear.

But on certain issues, like abortion, let's be realistic. If you put it to a vote instead of letting the Governor's do what they want on a whim AND give people options, you're going to get the same result. Abortion is legal in the first, maybe second trimester. Not banned, not at 9 months. I think if people voted on specific issues with REASONABLE options on the ballot, most people are reasonable. However, I don't see a ton of difference between voting on specific issues and electing a governor to do what he wants. And then the next Governor can reverse. And back and forth we go. I get your point....voting on some issues is majority/mob rule and doesn't usually lead anywhere good. So why do we vote on other issues then? Who decides what (not in the Constitution) we vote on in our states and what we don't? It's pretty random. We can vote on weed and state funding for this or that..
that's not how ballot measures work though. You get a ton of money poured in by special interests (which is very hard to control because of that pesky 1st amendment) with misleading titles and descriptions, so that its very easy to vote for the very thing you're voting against. I feel like people who own solar panels got screwed over recently this way because of the utilities?

I think there are a lot of analyses that these things are terrible. The founding fathers had it right: representative government, states get to decide, if you don't like how your state leg is doing, move.
Good point, which we've discussed before. Every time the State introduces something people vote on, those 10 or so items are written to intentionally confuse people. Ok I take it back, people are too stupid to be given the benefit of the doubt.
Juggs said:
Good point, which we've discussed before. Every time the State introduces something people vote on, those 10 or so items are written to intentionally confuse people. Ok I take it back, people are too stupid to be given the benefit of the doubt.

yeah that's really the point of representative government. we elect people to take care of those things, we tell them what we want, they weigh all the factors and make decisions, and if we don't like them we vote them out.

The problem is when our free and fair press are all on one side and don't bother to address issues like senility or corruption if its their guy and people vote for the wrong guy.
True. But most of our politicians have been bought and paid for already...for who knows how long. So how "representative" of the people are they truly?

Yeah, with the corruption of the media, the Republic is on thin ice. Luckily that's changing as people are waking up to the MSM agenda.
Juggs said:
True. But most of our politicians have been bought and paid for already...for who knows how long. So how "representative" of the people are they truly?

Yeah, with the corruption of the media, the Republic is on thin ice. Luckily that's changing as people are waking up to the MSM agenda.

That's a common assumption, but not really, all the US reps take into account what constituents tell them. Its easy for opponents to say this guy took $5k from NRA that's why they support gun rights but it's more likely the other way around - one that supports gun rights because its their genuine belief and they represent an area where its popular, so NRA gives them money to help buy ads an win. and because our system is relatively open compared to other countries, everyone can see that NRA gave them money.

some groups do have outsize influence, esp gov worker unions with dems and big pharma.
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
True. But most of our politicians have been bought and paid for already...for who knows how long. So how "representative" of the people are they truly?

Yeah, with the corruption of the media, the Republic is on thin ice. Luckily that's changing as people are waking up to the MSM agenda.

That's a common assumption, but not really, all the US reps take into account what constituents tell them. Its easy for opponents to say this guy took $5k from NRA that's why they support gun rights but it's more likely the other way around - one that supports gun rights because its their genuine belief and they represent an area where its popular, so NRA gives them money to help buy ads an win. and because our system is relatively open compared to other countries, everyone can see that NRA gave them money.

some groups do have outsize influence, esp gov worker unions with dems and big pharma.
Well obviously it's selective. I don't believe for a second that big pharma, the military industrial complex, and worker unions haven't completely bought some politicians. I can't see any other reason that Republicans voted for sending the money to Ukraine.

As an aside, I read that Ukraine has asked for billions more.
Hmmmm....just stirring the pot? The video in question hits around 4:15. Much of the rest is him reading texts from his (not white) friend who was there that were thugs wearing a MAGA hat who said questionable things. Following video notes that if Trump is associated with Insurrection, he wouldn't be able to run for President again. A good motive for democrats to stage it.....
