Politics Politics

DocZaius said:
pg. said:

I feel like I should know what movie this was from, but I can't remember.

one of the terminators.

also, unsurprisingly, news is still running with this lie as fact despite the physical impossibility of Trump even reaching the driver from the back of the limo.
It's been obvious, they don't even try to hide it. Now they're flat out telling us. FFS. If the R's fuck this up and don't sweep the midterms, I hope Cons take a page from the left and go full crazy. Let's get this party started.
for an administration interested in messaging over policy, they sure are terrible at it. Dems have gotten so lazy, with the MSM being so in their corner. Their policies are mostly shit and that's apparently whenever they are pushed back on they spout the dumbest shit like how its putins fault. Good policies don't need bullshit, they stand up to scrutiny. Look how Mcconnell and Mccarthy or Scalise or any of the R leaders response when questioned, even tough questions. They answer rationally. Biden Pelosi etc respond to reasonable questions with "you sound like a republican" and get angry.
in case anyone cares here are some of my thoughts on the SCOTUS GHG case WV v EPA - I get paid for this stuff but you, my friends get it for freezzzzzzzzzzzzz[/size]

I am still taking it in but one impact I see now is the SEC GHG rule, which was already on very shaky legal ground, seems unlike to go into effect, or at least not for long. This decision, taken with the court’s decision over the vax mandate, indicates they are very particular about only agencies that have the expertise and general mission dabbling in an area (the “major questions” doctrine). Indirectly, it is another marker on the road to ending Chevron deference, wherein if its NOT prohibited by Congress, an agency can do most anything related to its mission. This is another indication this Court is meticulous that when it’s not in a law or the constitution, that its up to the states to decide. This bodes ill for many of their Environmental Justice initiatives, because there's not even a law, nor is it part of the other environmental statutes.

I’ve been reading thoughts from the other side, including the inane notion that EPA will have to check with congress before regulating a pollutant, because a section of the opinion can be taken out of context (they are discussing CO2 which isn’t actually a pollutant), and would only be true if 111d of the CAA was the only way to regulate. The opinion specifically upholds the other provisions of the CAA that allow EPA to do this. It just doesn’t allow EPA to misuse a previously little used provision to change a whole industry. EPA can set limits under the CAA, but not tell industries how to get there. That’s the state’s job – the states submit plans to EPA on how they will reach EPA’s limits.

The outlook is for more limits on agency power in the future, provided this makeup of the court continues. I think the interesting thing to see is how this administration and the general market responds. This case was regarding the Obama’s Clean Power Plan (and this admins attempts to replace it), which keep in mind was stayed immediately. Even with that, the power industry, pushed by the financial sector and other inducements, switched to solar and wind pretty quickly which meant upgrades to coal plants and even gas didn’t happen as often, and you ended up with blackouts in even a red state like Texas. There are other factors at play, but the CPP was a factor. They know that even a rule that’s DOA can have influence, so I wonder how much they attempt in light of this ruling. I don’t think they have time in Biden’s first term to finalize a new CPP, but I wonder how much they pull back their other rules. I mean just the concepts in the SEC rule is changing how businesses operate, and that’s likely the point.
Another example of an expert federal agency doing what is best for us:


(tl;dr: the FDA won't approve new, better sunscreen ingredients, despite already having data on their safety from Europe)
Yeah we have the largest best funded health agencies in the world and they are ridiculously slow to approve life saving treatments (see Covid and this) and even threaten the well being of babies by not bothering to inspect a potentially troublesome plant for months then leaving it closed when there was no problem. How many studies did cdc do about masking and vaccines? We used studies form much smaller countries. Of all the agencies I loathe they are at the top because they are the most useless group of bureaucrats. Fda alone gets 6 billion a year.
California introduces new bill of gun laws, specifically targeting CCW, which directly defies the SCOTUS ruling.

California DOJ also released full information of every CCW permit holder to the public in the name of "transparency" that included name, address, race, gender drivers license number, criminal history, and includes FFL dealer information.

Sue, arrest, and prosecute everyone involved.
Has there ever been a more anti business president? Makes Obama look like a big ole capitalist

Also Dems are scraping the barrel for candidates. What an inspiring bunch

These shitheads that think America is so terrible and think socialism is cool af should renounce $ and move to Cuba or China, and speak out about all the atrocities there, and see how they like the reaction they’ll get. F’n idiots.
Tommy said:
These shitheads that think America is so terrible and think socialism is cool af should renounce $ and move to Cuba or China, and speak out about all the atrocities there, and see how they like the reaction they’ll get. F’n idiots.


And how exactly is her getting her nails done, which she's going to do anyway, some kind of act of resistance? Also, good job on showing everyone that while half of America can't afford gas, she's going out to get her $200 manicure.
Juggs said:
Tommy said:
These shitheads that think America is so terrible and think socialism is cool af should renounce $ and move to Cuba or China, and speak out about all the atrocities there, and see how they like the reaction they’ll get. F’n idiots.


And how exactly is her getting her nails done, which she's going to do anyway, some kind of act of resistance? Also, good job on showing everyone that while half of America can't afford gas, she's going out to get her $200 manicure.

Shut up and eat your cake, plebe.