Politics Politics

In response to SCOTUS ruling that NY's concealed weapons permits, NY has enacted even more unconstitutional laws.

Renew every 3 years instead of 5. Have to turn over all forms of social media so they can comb your full history. Have to turn over medical records. They restricted basically everyone from allowing guns unless a private business specifically posts a sign that says you CAN carry in their business. And misdemeanor as low as a DUI excludes you from getting a permit.

Reporter asks NY Governor what data she has to prove that concealed weapons permit are responsible for crimes. Governor replies, "I don't need data....." along with rambling gibberish.

Come on SCOTUS, smack that cunt in the face
Evil gator said:
"I don't need data" is the most dem response ever.

"trust the science"*

*except when it disagrees with the idealogy of my donors.

Speaking of "trust the science"....I was outside with my kid and the neighbors last night as they finished up. The neighbor is a chatty girl about random stuff. She brought up politics a little (at 11) because her mom is freaked out about the panic over covid resurging and they're all getting boosted. Of course I casually say "meh...the science doesn't support the panic and it never did". Now this is hard for me, because my daughter told their family that we were vaxxed so they were allowed to play :lol: So I have to watch what I say over there without directly lying, other than I said I no, I wasn't getting boosted with the data we have now. Real data, not the lies the news feeds us.

They're a bit loopy over there. She mentioned her mom also freaked out and enraged over Roe vs Wade. No I didn't say anything, I just ignored it.
How is that type of protesting legal? I fucking hate protestors. Every one of htem should be flattened on that asphalt. Preventing people from getting to work, emergency vehicles, etc. doesn't prove any kind of point other than making you an outright cunt.
I’m not a fan of protests but I’m on board with Italians on tractors defending their livlihoods ?

Evil gator said:
“I have a lot of accomplishments”
*shakes ass*

I love her instagram comment later in the video. She shouldn't be professional because the system is designed to oppress her, so black people should twerk everywhere.

Sound logic there. Nothing says, "Screw you whitey" like acting like a whore.
Evil gator said:
I’m not a fan of protests but I’m on board with Italians on tractors defending their livlihoods ?

When I saw conventional ag was primarily risk & little reward, I consulted VD and got rich on a tiny watermelon patch!
Evil gator said:
I’m not a fan of protests but I’m on board with Italians on tractors defending their livlihoods ?


There have been some Dutch protests, too and I think I saw a report that Dutch police have actually fired on the protestors. Not sure of the details, but the Netherlands exports a shit-ton of food - if that is restricted, Europe is going to see even worse inflation and shortages of certain goods.

Not a good scene in the present economic climate.
More fabulous news brought to you by Bloomberg who paid a lot of money to get Biden elected

yeah to actually fill a whole list requires going to multiple stores for the past 6 or more months.

we generally do a big shop at aldi every 2-3 weeks then supplement with the two more expensive stores we can walk to for milk and produce, but aldi has been out of bananas the last two times I've gone.

who knew paying people to stay home and making diesel prices triple would have an impact
Yep. And certain other things annoy me. Some prices haven't just increased, they've skyrocketed. I was looking at reflooring part of my house. The exact same vinyl plank is now double the price. Literally double per SF.

The only that irks me though is eggs. Extra large eggs are now filled with noticeably smaller eggs and those are mostly out of stock. Large eggs are even smaller on top of that price increase.

I've been thinking about getting hens again, but I'd have to spend the money to build a more secure coop. And more importantly, not be too lazy to go out in the evening and lock it up. Stupid foxes. Though I haven't checked feed prices lately, no sure if it's worth it unless I expect things to get worse.