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I am for less and less restrictions as time goes on. While I think it’s okay for some situations to be gun free like events where the president is appearing and there’s huge security all down the line, I would run the risk of having concealed guns at say the store because it would reduce the risk of a nut job killing me
Yeah, big events with a high profile speaker, don’t have a problem there. Gun free zones though are stupid. They stop 0% of crimes and make each targets.

Like at my kids 5th graduation last week when the campus was wide open to anyone and 200-300 people crammed in the cafeteria. The SRO showed up later and was on the opposite side of the entrance. If a shooter came in, I’m always along the wall of the entrance. 3 things happen; I kill the SOB, I get myself killed trying to protect my daughter, or I do nothing because I have no clear shot because of panicking people getting in my way.

The majority of us who carry know what we’re doing and wouldn’t risk shooting a bystander. This idea that it’d be the wild west and innocents get killed is largely a myth. I ignore gun free zones except where federally required.
pg. said:
I don't know how you can tell an 18 year old in the military he can't own a gun. That's why the drinking age was 18 during Vietnam. If you are old enough to be forced to go fight and die for our country you are old enough to have a drink. And in this case old enough to own a gun.

When anti gun people bring up the age discrepancy, the answer is to reduce drinking age to 18. The military is the reason why. As you said, fighting and dying for our country at 18 sets the precedent.

And no one doesn’t drink because of an 18 or 21 legality anyway.
The argument I heard is there’s already laws on the books for gun control that aren’t being enforced, don’t know if that’s true? This is an super obvious stupid ass political ploy, it won’t fix shit, and it never goes anywhere, it’s just dumb virtue signaling.
Tommy said:
The argument I heard is there’s already laws on the books for gun control that aren’t being enforced, don’t know if that’s true? This is an super obvious stupid ass political ploy, it won’t fix shit, and it never goes anywhere, it’s just dumb virtue signaling.

Oh it's definitely campaigning. Biden's stupid speech, he flat out said that the Republicans who wouldn't vote on his gun reform were unconscionable and they must be voted out. Trying to use this gun stuff to get people's emotions worked out and ignore the fact that he's fucked this country 6 ways from Sunday.

Given the history of our Democrats, I'm starting to buy into my own theory that some of these shootings are fueled by the government. Curious how the Avalde PD won't work with anyone now after questionable behavior by everyone involved. And now they're claiming the door wasn't left open at the school? Some shady shit going on, but it sure does benefit the Dems gun grabbing rallying cry.

Unfortunately for them, I think many Americans would accept a monthly schooting to not give up their freedoms. And the average Joe cares little about stranger getting shot compared to their bank account being drained by inflation, gas, and any retirement stocks they have tanking.
If only there was a pandemic that killed lazy stupid fatties, though we’d lose 2/3 of the population in the US
The more I watch these Biden speeches, the more I'm irritated that people take him seriously. His condescension, the "My God's!"...every mannerism and lie he speaks while he's talking to us like we're heathen morons for not believing his lies.
Poll shows (on a podcast, no link) on age/political affiliation breakdown of support on assassinating your political opponents.

Almost 50% for people under 30 think it's acceptable. The older you get, the lower the % drops. Democrats have a higher % of thinking it's acceptable.
Juggs said:
Poll shows (on a podcast, no link) on age/political affiliation breakdown of support on assassinating your political opponents.

Almost 50% for people under 30 think it's acceptable. The older you get, the lower the % drops. Democrats have a higher % of thinking it's acceptable.

yeah when you've been indoctrinated that your enemies are evil murders who deserve what they have coming this is the result. Many, many vds who deny their opponents a right to exist. This is how Hitler, Stalin, Mao Pol Pot, Guevara, etc were able to commit their atrocities

if you oppose a terrible bill or policy there's no compromise, no willingness to discuss and change one's mind. You're a bad person who doesn't have any rights.
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Poll shows (on a podcast, no link) on age/political affiliation breakdown of support on assassinating your political opponents.

Almost 50% for people under 30 think it's acceptable. The older you get, the lower the % drops. Democrats have a higher % of thinking it's acceptable.

yeah when you've been indoctrinated that your enemies are evil murders who deserve what they have coming this is the result. Many, many vds who deny their opponents a right to exist. This is how Hitler, Stalin, Mao Pol Pot, Guevara, etc were able to commit their atrocities

if you oppose a terrible bill or policy there's no compromise, no willingness to discuss and change one's mind. You're a bad person who doesn't have any rights.
The difference between D and R wasn't actually that big. 10% maybe?

Funny enough, women had a higher % of acceptance. Although seeing that white liberal women are the most vocally woke, it's not surprising.
More lies and/or misleading statistics. Biden, "My God!" cites the CDC to push his gun control agenda by saying that guns are the #1 death of all children.

The problem they're ignoring? They define children as being 19 and under. That includes the teenage inner city gang bangers murdering each other. Not proven, but that could also include military service members who die in combat. The number of ACTUAL kids (innocent, not gang related) killed by guns, be it accident or murder, is an extremely small %
52:20 said:
They can’t point to any actual positive, all they can do is gaslight and hope it works.

Gaslighting requires scheming and subtlety. This is just blatant, in your face, easily debunked lying.
State of NY bans that passed, awaint Gov signature.

Micro stamping for handguns and ammo casing - Expensive and tedious, so it's more likely the gun manufacturer just doesn't sell to NY instead of changing their entire mfr process
Age for semi auto rifles raised to 21 and a special permit required to get one (like a concealed weapons permit), existing ones grandfathered in.
Body armor banned.
Also red flag law strengthened for anyone who was reported of any concern to have their guns removed for at least a year. And easier to do it.
Also wasn’t the vax plan already developed under trump - that Harris cuomo newsome etc didn’t trust when trump was president but then was fine once Biden was elected?
Evil gator said:
Also wasn’t the vax plan already developed under trump - that Harris cuomo newsome etc didn’t trust when trump was president but then was fine once Biden was elected?

They were already vaccinating a million people per day before he took office.
Evil gator said:
Also wasn’t the vax plan already developed under trump - that Harris cuomo newsome etc didn’t trust when trump was president but then was fine once Biden was elected?

Yes, they're 100% trying to take credit for what Trump started. Just like the White House claimed there was no vaccine until Biden was in office despite it being publicly shown him bragging about getting the vax prior to his installment.

Fucking retards
Interesting - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/percentage-of-americans-who-say-trump-was-responsible-for-jan-6-drops-poll/ar-AAY8qO3?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=U531&cvid=407bc481fd8c492cb9b0d013f3cc589c

the number of people who blame trump for jan 6 is going down. The dems really over played their hand here IMO. If they'd had some sort of bipartisan effort into it, allowed some criticism of pelosi for not keeping the capitol safe (which was actually her and Mcconnel's responsibility), realized the fuck ups all around and ended up with a lot of the blame on trump and a little on dems it would have served them a lot better.

but no one really cares now that the dems and biden have fucked up absolutely everything.anyone going to watch on Thursday prime time?
Well, if people get their ass off their shoulders, nothing Trump said directly instigated the storming of the capital. Not a single one of those tweets told morons to go inside. His tweets were far less blatant than what liberals have tweeted in the last few months alone with a literal "call to arms" coming from multiple people.

The far left is so mentally deranged that their entire defense of Biden on twitter 90% of the time is bring up Trump/Jan 6th as if that's somehow relevant to Biden's fuck ups. Although these days I wonder how many of those tweets are from troll farms and not actual people.