Politics Politics

Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
Great article

affluent countries to fix decaying infrastructures (in the US all sectors where concrete dominates, including dams, roads, and aviation get a D grade in nationwide engineering assessments)

This one always surprises me. I mean, it doesn't.....but, it's a DAM. WTF do they think is going to happen if you neglect a big one and comes down? We're not talking potholes and maybe some damaged wheels or blown tires....

When I first started at JE in 97, we did an analysis and repair of Rodman dam....they asked me, a f'n 17 year old, to repel down the side of the dam for the inspection. I told them not a chance in hell. Cool story bro

Lots of osha violations there. At a minimum you should have had a lot of training
Oh I didn't f'n do it. I don't like heights, no chance I was doing it. I can't remember the poor sap who did, but OSHA laws were 100% broken :lol:
DocZaius said:

He’s as good @ hiring hair implant people as he is cabinet positions
As we’ve long suspected, Dem policies of long lockdowns, printing money, driving up the cost of energy and thus everything has hurt the poorest the most

also EPA is working to shut down yet another potential mine that provides needed metals for their beloved clean energy transition. These are not serious people https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2022-05/Bristol-Bay-FRN-PrePub-05-26-2022.pdf

Irish Mike said:

It's pretty insane that he was firing into a crowd and didn't hit a damn thing. Burn in hell you sick fuck.
Irish Mike said:


MSM ignoring it because 1) Citizen with a gun saves the day, which happens all the time. 2) Black shooter.

In further stupidity, Biden claims an AR-15 completely decapitates the heads, as the coroner of that Texas town found out. Doubling down on his absurd lack of firearm/ammo knowledge after saying a 9mm is high caliber and blows the lungs out.

What's worse is that even though people completely unfamiliar with guns should still use common f'n sense and know it doesn't decapitate a fucking head or blow out the lungs, the media and liberals keep repeating these very wrong lies. I don't know if it's pure stupidity and fear or if they actually know they're lying.

Biden also claimed that until 30-40 years ago, no one ever interpreted the 2nd Amendment to mean citizens should be allowed to have guns. I think he has that backwards. I don't think anyone ever questioned it until the last 30-40 years.