Politics Politics

How does the anti-mandate trucker equate to racist? And it's hilarious that he calls THEM babies and childish while he's screaming like a 2 year old. Fuck I wish guys like that would have gotten a little froggy with that jacked hoss at the beginning of the video.
Juggs said:
How does the anti-mandate trucker equate to racist? And it's hilarious that he calls THEM babies and childish while he's screaming like a 2 year old. Fuck I wish guys like that would have gotten a little froggy with that jacked hoss at the beginning of the video.

If that big dude had even acted like he was going to lunge at him, he would have shit himself and started crying.
ufgators68 said:
Juggs said:
How does the anti-mandate trucker equate to racist? And it's hilarious that he calls THEM babies and childish while he's screaming like a 2 year old. Fuck I wish guys like that would have gotten a little froggy with that jacked hoss at the beginning of the video.

If that big dude had even acted like he was going to lunge at him, he would have shit himself and started crying.

When all else fails, just call them racist and fascist. That dude probably doesn't know what fascism is and he DEFINITELY never threw or received a punch in his life.
Dickless Durbin wants to keep the confirmation hearings "civil"..like the Dems do. :lol: But it's uncivil to question their judical history??

Sen. Dick Durbin’s very concerned that GOPers won’t keep SCOTUS hearing civil the way Dems do
Posted at 12:40 pm on March 21, 2022 by Doug P.

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley scrutinizing the record of Biden Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson has caused Democrats and the media (as always, pardon the redundancy) to circle the wagons and clutch their pearls.

Today the Senate’s confirmation hearing began, and Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin has set the bar at “questioning the nominee’s record is uncivil.”

I do feel bad for nominees who have to sit there all day listening to grandstanding without switching emotions during opening statements as the senators attack each other and lavish weird praise upon her.

Mazie Hirono is the dumbest person elected. I'm happy the Rs are pushing back on Whitehouse's dark money bullshit. There is so much more on the left, including a fucking truck in front of SCOTUS urging Breyer to retire.
interesting strategy for this confirmation, dems going all in on the child porn issue. She seems against it, but still doesn't explain why she went below sentencing guidelines for these pervs.
have we discussed this?


you stupid poors, eat lentils and kill your dog
Evil gator said:
interesting strategy for this confirmation, dems going all in on the child porn issue. She seems against it, but still doesn't explain why she went below sentencing guidelines for these pervs.

She keeps writing Ted Cruz is an asshole.
pg. said:
Evil gator said:
interesting strategy for this confirmation, dems going all in on the child porn issue. She seems against it, but still doesn't explain why she went below sentencing guidelines for these pervs.

She keeps writing Ted Cruz is an asshole.

Isn't it weird everyone can call him an asshole and its not racist, but if you say that about AOC it is?

I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but this administration is doing something else that will make everything but mostly energy more expensive, yay! and not help the environment AT ALL. Like a lot of bad gov programs though, Some consultants will get rich so that's awesome.

as someone who has dealt with regs for a long time, I can't tell you have fucking stupid it is to make a voluntary reporting system mandatory, but lazy stupid and idealogical idiots do it all the time.

Unlike other SEC filings about assets and real numbers that companies must do to inform shareholders etc, these will consist of estimates and made up numbers for all industries, but give the governments a chance to go after and punish those they decide are bad, and give NGOs more opportunities to sue.

Guess who will pay for all this tomfoolery?
Evil gator said:
pg. said:
Evil gator said:
interesting strategy for this confirmation, dems going all in on the child porn issue. She seems against it, but still doesn't explain why she went below sentencing guidelines for these pervs.

She keeps writing Ted Cruz is an asshole.

Isn't it weird everyone can call him an asshole and its not racist, but if you say that about AOC it is?
Not as weird as Candice Owens being a racist, sexist nazi.
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Voluntary reporting? That sounds brilliant.

It’s changing from voluntary to a requirement- so can get fined or put in jail if it’s wrong. For numbers no one has.

Ahh. Yeah I half read it and it's out of my knowledge base :lol:

My best comparison in how you just described it is that the FWC changed hunting laws that you have to report to the state within 24 hours every deer you kill. Supposedly for numbers management, but why are we pretending that the state knows how many deer we have or that anyone not hunting on state/federal land are actually going to report an accurate number of kills, if at all.
Exactly. And this administration is imposing this bs across all agencies. Why would an oil company invest millions in new rigs when they are going to have an even harder time because their products cause emissions.

And the same time they’re saying their policies have no impact on the costs of gas lol
Evil gator said:
Exactly. And this administration is imposing this bs across all agencies. Why would an oil company invest millions in new rigs when they are going to have an even harder time because their products cause emissions.

And the same time they’re saying their policies have no impact on the costs of gas lol

I was just listening to basically the same thing yesterday on a podcast. I think it was Mike Baker, the retired CIA opp, on Rogan. Biden admin keeps talking about how there are 9,000 permits as if that answers all the questions. But aside from further permitting, emissions, availability of the land/oil those permits are on....there's also the fact that if they keep pushing policies to outlaw fossil fuels, then companies aren't going to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into a process that won't see any financial benefits. It's a stupid business decision. Which is exactly what they want.
Ketanji.....All the questions and her horrendous, unethical answers. Wow.

Can't define a woman because she's not a biologist.
An 18 year old boy and an 8 year old girl are peers.
Pedophiles are judged too harshly and it's not their fault because it's too easy to get online.

How can any parent support this nutjob.
Juggs said:
Ketanji.....All the questions and her horrendous, unethical answers. Wow.

Can't define a woman because she's not a biologist.
An 18 year old boy and an 8 year old girl are peers.
Pedophiles are judged too harshly and it's not their fault because it's too easy to get online.

How can any parent support this nutjob.
