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Irish Mike said:
DocZaius said:
Evil gator said:
The job creation bragging is what kills me. The jobs from the shutdown haven’t even all been recovered.

Something that should frighten everyone is how few small business jobs have come back compared to large. Small businesses are independent minded and a bulwark against government control

It's always been weird to me that leftists are almost universally against big powerful businesses, but they cheer for policies that drive smaller businesses out of the marketplace because they think those same policies are punishing the big ones, too. In reality, they're not. The big boys can absorb the costs of regulation and pass it on the consumer far more effectively than the small players - it helps them drive the small competitors out of business, which of course gives the consumer fewer choices and shittier goods.
Yeah they never stop ranting about big corporations over Twitter on their iPhones.
while using free wifi as they campout at Starbucks all day.

The lawsuit also claims the mayor used obscene language and called the lawyers “d—-.” The mayor allegedly made the following statement:

“You make some kind of secret agreement with Italians, what you are doing, you are out there measuring your d—- with the Italians seeing whose got the biggest d—, you are out there stroking your d—- over the Columbus statue, I am trying to keep Chicago Police officers from being shot and you are trying to get them shot.

The lawsuit claims she then went on to say, “My d— is bigger than yours and the Italians, I have the biggest d— in Chicago.”
DocZaius said:
Evil gator said:
The job creation bragging is what kills me. The jobs from the shutdown haven’t even all been recovered.

Something that should frighten everyone is how few small business jobs have come back compared to large. Small businesses are independent minded and a bulwark against government control

It's always been weird to me that leftists are almost universally against big powerful businesses, but they cheer for policies that drive smaller businesses out of the marketplace because they think those same policies are punishing the big ones, too. In reality, they're not. The big boys can absorb the costs of regulation and pass it on the consumer far more effectively than the small players - it helps them drive the small competitors out of business, which of course gives the consumer fewer choices and shittier goods.

Yeah it just shows how fucking idiotic so many of their positions are, and when they don’t get their way they scream like the fattie above.

While it obviously varies small biz skews R so clearly they’re all racist
DocZaius said:

The lawsuit also claims the mayor used obscene language and called the lawyers “d—-.” The mayor allegedly made the following statement:

“You make some kind of secret agreement with Italians, what you are doing, you are out there measuring your d—- with the Italians seeing whose got the biggest d—, you are out there stroking your d—- over the Columbus statue, I am trying to keep Chicago Police officers from being shot and you are trying to get them shot.

The lawsuit claims she then went on to say, “My d— is bigger than yours and the Italians, I have the biggest d— in Chicago.”

Ah my home state ❤️

This is actually a good idea, but it was the Left(TM) who shut down the asylums decades ago.
Read San fransicko - or just the joe Rogan interview. CA just dumps money and had the worst homelessness in the country. A lot of it is not arresting drug abusers
DocZaius said:

This is actually a good idea, but it was the Left(TM) who shut down the asylums decades ago.

Yes and no. Forcing people into treatment doesn't do a damn thing if they don't want it. 99% guarantee that most of those they force into addiction treatment will BS through the course, waste government resources, and end up right back where they started the day they get out.

It sounds good in theory, but recovery doesn't happen without effort and desire. And if these people have nowhere to go afterwards but back to the streets or some shit life, they don't have much motivation to not numb life away
This is unintentionally hilarious


It’s always the poor dem being bullied, never a con in Seattle or a college campus
Evil gator said:
This is unintentionally hilarious


It’s always the poor dem being bullied, never a con in Seattle or a college campus

Yeah, on balance, I'd say the right is way more often a target of this kind of rhetoric than the left. No one is showing up and ree-ing at Democratic candidates so much that they can't speak.
Irish Mike said:
DocZaius said:
Well, isn’t this interesting.


I wonder if she’ll get the same treatment that Amy Coney Barrett did for being connected to a Christian group. This one explicitly denies trannyism and homosexuality, and seem to be pro-life - which seems at odds with this Administration’s priorities.

But I suppose that’s what you get when your only criteria is that the nominee be a proud woman of color.

Nothing to see here, and to bring it up is racist.

Editorial on her, dismissing a wrongful death suit against Boeing by forcing the family to seek justice in a Malaysian court. The family involved are not fans of the Judge:

The consequence of Jackson’s judgment may not be limited to one family. Pending a higher court review, her judgment can be seen as precedent and so reflects on any other American seeking justice for the loss or injury of a loved one abroad.

This means that any other American family who suffered as the Wood family did will find themselves in exactly the same position. Of being essentially helpless in the eyes of the law. The family are understandably bitter.

Contemplating Jackson heading to the highest court in the land, Nick Wood said this week, “Everything that she stands for and exists for, I believe, is a lie. She has the right skin color, according to President Biden’s requirements. She has the right-sounding name. She went to the right schools.”

She is the perfect example of the nepotistic “swamp,” according to Wood. “I’ll never be able to find out what happened to my father, since she didn’t grant us US-style discovery. An American judge shouldn’t be able to force an American family suing an American company to a foreign court by simply saying, ‘Well, that’s a “more convenient” forum.’ Convenient for whom — for Boeing? That’s never been done before. And it sets a horrible precedent for every citizen in the United States, for anyone seeking justice for a loved one who was killed.”

“She’s either lazy, calculating, or both,” Wood said. “A political ­opportunist.”

Did she ever express any sympathy for the family? “No, absolutely not. Why would she? Who are we to her? You know, we’re just a steppingstone to her ultimate goal. We have been treated with disdain.”

Eh, that article is long on emotion and short on legal analysis. Things get real complicated when you are trying to sue for things outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. I'm not going to hold a single ruling against a judge based merely on the opinion of the losing party.
Evil gator said:
Thinking of how the euros laughed at Trump when he warned them about relying on unreliable green energy and Russian oil.

Yeah, this video has been making the rounds:


I have no love for Trump, but he was 100% correct here.
Germany basically invented "modern" geology and mining. they have plenty of materials but they are all such spineless NIMBYs. The alpine coal is some of the safest to mine in the world because the extensive faulting has released the methane so zero chance of explosion like we face here and other parts of the world. Mining can be done so cleanly, safely and equitably by first world countries now. The leverage given up by outsourcing this is disastrous and its just the beginning of a really bad time.

Biden's BBB which was supposed to encourage american manufacturing of green energy also includes a ban on mining. Its retarded.
also lets not forget the Biden family has been getting rich on this sort of outsourcing


Nor how the Russians pushed the antifracking narrative


Europe is too dumb to save itself and I fear we aren't much better here. All of the bad shit that greens say we will suffer because if climate change will actually happen, but because of stupid energy/climate change policy.
LOL check out this EPA job, no education requirements, $106-128K


- Provide technical assistance in the application of community revitalization policies, programs, and practices aimed at improving environmental outcomes in economically distressed, environmentally overburdened communities (urban and rural);

Aren't you happy to fund this crony position that will not improve the environment but is a payback to dem donors?
I think its pretty dangerous for people to not automatically vote democrat, even though their small businesses were fucked over by COVID policy and they don't want their kids to be taught to become trans.
The responses to this are hilarious


I love the gays, but I don’t see a sitch where grade school kids need to learn this stuff, it’s creepy. How do you parents feel?
Evil gator said:
The responses to this are hilarious


I love the gays, but I don’t see a sitch where grade school kids need to learn this stuff, it’s creepy. How do you parents feel?

There's a time to learn about human sexuality, but it isn't in k-3rd grade.

Here is the "problematic" text:

Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

I don't want my kids learning about sex at all - gay, straight or otherwise - at that age. Not sure why this is controversial.