Politics Politics

Tommy said:
There was a very valid reason Biden could never get any traction in previous presidential elections, because the dem party knows he’s a complete idiot, but inexplicably pushed him this time. Result is we’ll are the ones paying for his incompetence, not the even bigger idiots he has in positions of power.

Wasn't inexplicable. Trump would have wiped the floor with a Kamala, Bootyjudge, Klobachar or Bernie.

The supposedly moderate and level headed Biden was their only chance.
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
Covid scared people. People felt like bigger government nanny state was the way to go.

Won’t make that mistake again

IMO, COVID scared a small fraction of people, the media scared way more, and some of us never gave a fuck all.

Yes good point - the media made a hero out of cuomo and villain out of trump over Covid. I think trump would have won if not for Covid. The media painted a pic of him not doing enough, even though he got vaccines in record time and many more haves died of it under Biden.

But all of the complications from Covid were a big part of Biden winning. No way he could have won hiding in his basement under normal circumstances, or without a lot of mailin ballots, or the media shutting down his blatant corruption (hunter laptop).
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
Covid scared people. People felt like bigger government nanny state was the way to go.

Won’t make that mistake again

IMO, COVID scared a small fraction of people, the media scared way more, and some of us never gave a fuck all.

Yes good point - the media made a hero out of cuomo and villain out of trump over Covid. I think trump would have won if not for Covid. The media painted a pic of him not doing enough, even though he got vaccines in record time and many more haves died of it under Biden.

But all of the complications from Covid were a big part of Biden winning. No way he could have won hiding in his basement under normal circumstances, or without a lot of mailin ballots, or the media shutting down his blatant corruption (hunter laptop).
Which really happened because the science was still sketchy and constantly changing at the time so the media's reaction fo LOCK US ALL DOWN!!. And some of the science that Trump ignored at the time has turned out to be true. Lockdowns didn't reduce COVID. Crappy masks didn't do much. Not that he knew that was going to be the case, but it made an impact at the time.
Just read this on Youtube, might be my favorite thing I've read this year - Arguing with a Democrat is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird will knock over all the chess pieces. shit all over the board, and then strut around like he ''won''.
Evil gator said:
Tell me again how the media is unbiased



Hey, you know all these issues that Biden caused since day 1 of his Presidency? That all happened because of events that hadn't even begun yet!
Jabber/Stonger 2024?

