Politics Politics

Well, it was a settlement, so they weren't "held liable" (although the news articles I'm seeing are erroneously using that language).

But they did get screwed by the Connecticut courts and then the Supreme Court refusing to hear the appeal. The case should have been thrown out at its inception - it was clearly barred by the PLCAA and if the case was heard anywhere other than Connecticut state courts it probably would have been.
Russell Brand killing it again, pointing out that Biden's administration is instigating the Ukraine/Russia war. Ukraine President is trying to de-escalate and saying there is no imminent invasion, while Biden is saying war is coming "any day now" and Ukraine NEEDS our help so we better arm them and send troops over. We're basically trying to force the invasion.
I've gotten the impression this administration thinks its an episode of west wing and doesn't know what the fuck they are doing about anything.

Biden's performance warning people gas prices would go higher was maddening - so much of it is his administration's actions. Jeez when you shut off leases, pipelines, and appoint people who want banks to not loan to oil producers, I wonder what will happen? Maybe make russia billions of dollars richer and invade their neighbor?

What a shitshow.
Actually, I think this administration is like watching Veeps. I started watching that last week and am on season 3. Every single thing they do is a huge clusterfuck in the show, one gaff after another. It instantly made me think that's how the Biden Admin acts
How Can Biden take credit for Russia not invading if people don't believe they were going to invade?
52:20 said:
How Can Biden take credit for Russia not invading if people don't believe they were going to invade?

Yeah, it's a win-win for Biden. If Russia was just posturing, the left will claim Biden scared Russia out of invading. If they do invade, Biden gets his war. Historically the people don't like to change Presidents during war, he goes after the bad man that pulled the strings over Trump, and war often gives the economy a boost.

From what I've read, the whole thing is just Russia pressuring Ukraine into not joining NATO.
Whoopi rejoins The View and immediately goes into politics. Said Trump tried to make America like the Taliban.

It's baffling that liberals believe this shit. Biden's overreach and the liberal assault on the 1st Amen is obvious and they still try to make Trump to be the devil despite having never done anything close to the Biden Admin when it comes to violating the constitution.
Juggs said:
Whoopi rejoins The View and immediately goes into politics. Said Trump tried to make America like the Taliban.

It's baffling that liberals believe this shit. Biden's overreach and the liberal assault on the 1st Amen is obvious and they still try to make Trump to be the devil despite having never done anything close to the Biden Admin when it comes to violating the constitution.

Yeah the authoritarianism is so much more of a left thing: see blue state lockdowns, Canada seizing the bank accounts of truckers, just support for increasing government control of everything and silencing dissent.

The few authoritarian issues pushed by the right - say abortion - are amplified and the lefts authoritarianism is couched as “help” or “the public good” or “safety” when it’s really nannystateism
Juggs said:
Yep. Tell people it'll make them safe and feel good and half the country blindly goose steps that way.

yes these are the people who say Joe Rogan's podcast is a safety issue or even the same as violence. Meanwhile, these leaders ignore actual, like, crime
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Yep. Tell people it'll make them safe and feel good and half the country blindly goose steps that way.

yes these are the people who say Joe Rogan's podcast is a safety issue or even the same as violence. Meanwhile, these leaders ignore actual, like, crime

Rogan has been officially put on the same level as Trump and Trump's murder of everyone who died with COVID.
Also don’t buy these stories as any sort of savior for Biden - these are leases that were approved under trump. This is only for a short time if Biden and his anti everything dickheads don’t change their ways, and they won’t.


Senators demand media outlet censor videos about exercising a Constitutionally-protected right. That's like, double-unconstitutional, or something.
There was a very valid reason Biden could never get any traction in previous presidential elections, because the dem party knows he’s a complete idiot, but inexplicably pushed him this time. Result is we’ll are the ones paying for his incompetence, not the even bigger idiots he has in positions of power.