Politics Politics

It’s one of those things you can’t speak about but being colonized by a western country is one of the better things to happen to a country.

I’ve always though India is growing as successfully as it is because of how common the English language and traditions are

They've proven 20,000 illegals registered to vote in Arizona, a swing state conveniently stolen from Kari Lake already.

I have little faith that Trump will make it back into office. There's endless evidence of fraud and no one is doing anything about it. Elected Republicans: "THey're cheating!!!! Oh well....."
Listen to this jibberish. I know it cuts short, but the whole thing, she never does answer the question. Price gouging is not the issue here. It may be in some areas to a small degree, but we all know it's not the root cause. Also, I like how they specifically chose a woman who didn't speak a word of fucking English. Assimilate you dumb cunts

She doesn’t have to make sense to us, she just has to make elite dem donors feel good about themselves

“Did you see her with the Latinx people’s? She’s so compassionate”