Politics Politics

I’m worn tf out re politics, I’m solidly in dgaf zone, smart people I know have Kamala signs in their yard, the whole thing is retarded
Yeah, TDS is in full swing. They still repeat proven lies about Trump, they still think Trump will destroy America. Like the last 4 years of clusterfuck after clusterfuck, sky high crime and prices, aren't actually happening. It's baffling.

But when I'm at my desk working, I can't help but read this shit. :facepalm:
Does anyone believe this? That Obama is running the government and the deep state? I have trouble believing that the powers that be would let an oreo into their clubhouse, let alone give him full rein.

Does anyone believe this? That Obama is running the government and the deep state? I have trouble believing that the powers that be would let an oreo into their clubhouse, let alone give him full rein.

How many of his appointees are still working for dhs,fbi,nsa etc. Honest question, I have no idea?
Obama went on an 8 year hiring spree of ideological fanboys for the federal government and they are all still there. Think about the msm and how much they lie and cheat for dems. There are millions of federal employees led by wonks beholden to Obama. Look at all of his intel guys who said hunters laptop was Russian disinformation. The guy who pushed the Steele dossier is leading security advisor in Biden WH. It’s a deep state and you’re not in it juggs
Trump sentencing until after the election. Is it because they think he's going to win POTUS and their best chance to get rid of him is sentence him while in office?

Can Trump pardon himself? :lol:
WTF is this....Imagine this woman speaking with foreign leaders, particularly our enemies

I wear lipstick and have been the only woman in a meeting room many many times (discussing much less important things than national security) and have never once thought this and if I had I wouldn’t share it with a fucking college full of people. My god she’s so shallow. No wonder she almost lost to a Republican in California. What an embarrassment