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I have to disagree. I'm only on the 4th question, but so far he's pretty calm and collected. None of his usual ranting, jabs, or over the top nonsense. Compared to past Trump, he's almost a different man - At the point I'm at. So far, my play by play:

They start off with bullshit, CNN saying inflation is down, but groceries today have gone from $100 to $120. Way to severely lowball that inflation rate.

Biden sounds terrible, his chest his heaving so much it looks like he’s having trouble breathing. He blames Trump for a destroyed economy, severe loss of jobs, blah blah. Apparently we’re pretending that while yes, Trump shut the country down, we didn’t know shit about COVID then. It was Biden who knew it was a farce and kept them down. Trump did a great job not falling into the traps in his response though.

Biden blames trump for people dying in Afghanistan and says he’s the only President in a century who didn’t have any new wars. Generous take there considering how Biden fucked up Afghanistan and he instigated Russia’s invasion.

3rd question – Biden is bumbling the math and getting it wrong, all over the place. 1,000 billionaires who only pay 0.2% of the taxes, they should pay 25%. He’s rambling, getting lost. He’s not closing his eyes and staring down, just mumbling. He goes silent, eyes still closed looking down. He’s lost. And CNN saves him by saying “Thank you” and cutting him off.

Biden just said if Trump can let Roe V Wade go back to the States, then they could do that with Civil Rights too (No Joe, that's a Constitutional Amendment). Then he starts rambling about inlaws can rape just as much as immigrants. He starts babbling nonsense about immigrants and CNN interrupted him and cut him off again to keep him from speaking. They are doing their best to save his ass.
I was kinda referring to Trump repeatedly avoiding the question he was asked to make the same previous points he's made several times before. It was annoying. He did pretty well refuting most shit Biden mumbled about.
Biden said everyone in jail for 1/6 deserves to be in jail. Uhhh, there are people who supported 1/6 who weren't even there that are locked out. Trump points out Portland and the other cities burned by leftists. Trump could have done better here though, he didn't get to finish his points.
I was kinda referring to Trump repeatedly avoiding the question he was asked to make the same previous points he's made several times before. It was annoying. He did pretty well refuting most shit Biden mumbled about.
50/50 on when he addressed it. He got side tracked a few times and it was annoying. The most disappointing part is when Joe brings up Trump and the porn star and went in on all the personal stuff and said he had no morals.

That was the perfect opportunity for Trump to point out the verification of the diary that Joe showered and obviously molested his daughter.
The more this goes on, the more Biden blatantly lied. He keeps repeating Trump "quotes" and lies that were proven to be debunked. The liberals even admitted by this point that in full context, he said none of those things Biden keeps repeating.
Biden said he wants to give 10,000 to black families to buy their first home.

Ummm, that's discrimination and illegal. And 10k ain't doing shit. With interest rates right now, every one of those homes would be in foreclosure within a year. Do these retards even think?
Ain’t no way they run this dipshit, the polls were showing Trump pulling away before the debate, there’s no question it’s about to get much worse for the dems
Ain’t no way they run this dipshit, the polls were showing Trump pulling away before the debate, there’s no question it’s about to get much worse for the dems
But they are in a corner.

People voted for Biden in 2020 because he was perceived as a moderate. No younger dems can win the middle and get those votes.

Also, the Kamala issue. She’s just terrible. But they can’t replace a black woman or risk alienating their base.
There’s not really a mechanism to do it unless he steps down.

Newsome isn’t gonna win a national election - he’s left as fuck - and black people will stay home if he is pushed over Kamala
There’s not really a mechanism to do it unless he steps down.

Newsome isn’t gonna win a national election - he’s left as fuck - and black people will stay home if he is pushed over Kamala
They likely lost to Trump the first time for fucking Bernie over for Hillary. Don't underestimate the DNC to be overly cocky about their braindead voting base. With Trump's numbers among blacks skyrocketing and Kamala's dumbass speeches, I don't know how much she matters. Obama, she is not. Gavin may be left as fuck and has ruined Cali, but how many Dems see it that way? It's hard to gauge since there's no honesty in media and TDS means Dems won't say their true thoughts out loud.

What choice do they have? Biden is senile and has no chance of legit beating Trump. Newsome is the one everyone mentions, but yeah he'd lose, too.

I think this is a sacrificial lamb situation. They're just fucked no matter what. They'll let Biden lose, hope they can steal the election, but if not, Trump has to fix Biden's nightmare and in 4 years, Trump is out of the picture.
Or, they knew this would be a shit show, which sets it up for them to run Newslime, but as evil said, they can kiss the black vote goodbye, blacks already are moving away from President Fucktard. Think you might be right Juggs, they know they’re fucked this election
Or, they knew this would be a shit show, which sets it up for them to run Newslime, but as evil said, they can kiss the black vote goodbye, blacks already are moving away from President Fucktard. Think you might be right Juggs, they know they’re fucked this election
Also as Evil said, they can't just replace him. He won the nomination. He has to willingly quit. Not to say that he can't be "convinced" to back out.
There’s not really a mechanism to do it unless he steps down.

Newsome isn’t gonna win a national election - he’s left as fuck - and black people will stay home if he is pushed over Kamala
I think they are going to have to embarrass him out. I can't wait for the smear campaign that's going to come out, like confirmation of pant poopings. If it happens, I feel like it's going to be Michelle, she's protested too much, straight out of Hitlers playbook. The reluctant leader.
Also as Evil said, they can't just replace him. He won the nomination. He has to willingly quit. Not to say that he can't be "convinced" to back out.
Saying he has to be willing to quit is pretending he's aware of what's going on more than 10% of the time. That dude is out of it. They could absolutely force a competency test or they likely already have more than enough evidence on hand to prove he's not mentally sound. We all already know it, we've all seen and heard it. And that's after they dope him up with who knows what drugs.....What kind of dirt you think they have on him in his everyday life? If the party wants him out, they'll get him out and he can't say shit about it....in those occasional bouts of lucidness when he's also screaming and going angry old man on everyone.