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Jill has her shit all over his seat, even though he keeps telling her to put her shit away!

Also, he's going to have an Adderall drip and oxygen before the debate, I'm sure they negotiated the time limit to how long it'll keep him wired.
Trump's Press Secretary speaking on CNN, tried to point out the CNN Presidential debates will be biased because the moderator repeatedly called Trump "Hitler" and they cut her mic and ended the interview on the spot.

CNN has contacted Youtube to not allow anyone on Youtube to air their debate, where Youtube reached out to political podcasts who air and live fact check debates to try and tell them they couldn't do it anymore.

The rigging is already in action.
Niggas gonna gonna. Want to ask a question and then interrupt the moment he said a word they don't like.

Great answer as usual from Byron. I wish he would have thrown in, "Why should anyone else, including white people, have to pay reparations when they or their ancestors migrated here long after slavery or after Jim Crow?"

You're really shutting them down with the student loan argument though. Well, it would if they were rational thinkers.
What if one ancestor fought for emancipation and a later one was against civil rights

What if one ancestor was a slave owner but a more recent one fought for civil rights?

What if one ancestor died for the Union and another for the confederacy?

What about a black immigrant whose ancestors were actually slave traders?

How about native Americans?

It’s all really stupid
Trump was his buffoonish self but Biden looked like a clueless stuttering moron.
I have to disagree. I'm only on the 4th question, but so far he's pretty calm and collected. None of his usual ranting, jabs, or over the top nonsense. Compared to past Trump, he's almost a different man - At the point I'm at. So far, my play by play:

They start off with bullshit, CNN saying inflation is down, but groceries today have gone from $100 to $120. Way to severely lowball that inflation rate.

Biden sounds terrible, his chest his heaving so much it looks like he’s having trouble breathing. He blames Trump for a destroyed economy, severe loss of jobs, blah blah. Apparently we’re pretending that while yes, Trump shut the country down, we didn’t know shit about COVID then. It was Biden who knew it was a farce and kept them down. Trump did a great job not falling into the traps in his response though.

Biden blames trump for people dying in Afghanistan and says he’s the only President in a century who didn’t have any new wars. Generous take there considering how Biden fucked up Afghanistan and he instigated Russia’s invasion.

3rd question – Biden is bumbling the math and getting it wrong, all over the place. 1,000 billionaires who only pay 0.2% of the taxes, they should pay 25%. He’s rambling, getting lost. He’s not closing his eyes and staring down, just mumbling. He goes silent, eyes still closed looking down. He’s lost. And CNN saves him by saying “Thank you” and cutting him off.

Biden just said if Trump can let Roe V Wade go back to the States, then they could do that with Civil Rights too (No Joe, that's a Constitutional Amendment). Then he starts rambling about inlaws can rape just as much as immigrants. He starts babbling nonsense about immigrants and CNN interrupted him and cut him off again to keep him from speaking. They are doing their best to save his ass.
Border Policy - Biden lying again. Babbling nonsense. He acts like wanting to make them all asylum seekers was solving the immigration problem. By the end he was babbling. Trump's first reply was, "I couldn't understand what he was saying at the end". THIS is what should be highlighted, Biden can't even speak, let alone run a country. Trump points out all the known terrorists, murderers, etc. who have come in the country under Biden.

Biden replies by saying the only terrorists that have come into the country came in under Trump. Uhhh, no, the government has admitted terrorists have entered the country. They're monitoring some of them. They lost track of some of them. Some of them are on viral fucking videos admitting it. Biden is also stammering worse. This is a shit show.

Trump states facts about the Border. Cites news stories, etc. Biden simply claims they're all lies.