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They’re smart by staying in the bigger cities, they take that crap to more rural areas, it won’t go well for them. The whole damn thing is nonsensical, I could understand if they were protesting Billy Napier, high fructose corn syrup, people calling Publix bag boys tards, etc, but this is dumb.
Yeah it’s much harder to bully when people have guns. I think that’s why there’s so much less of this at sec big 12 and big 10 schools, for the most part in smaller towns The only ones where it’s been much of an issue are near big cities
I want to see a protest in an open carry state.
They want a violent response so they can claim victimhood. These are ugly losers with nothing good in their lives. The only way to feel special is to pretend to care about some cause of supposedly oppressed people they never have to personally deal with: trannies, terrorists, victims of weather.
They want a violent response so they can claim victimhood. These are ugly losers with nothing good in their lives. The only way to feel special is to pretend to care about some cause of supposedly oppressed people they never have to personally deal with: trannies, terrorists, victims of weather.
Oh I agree, I’m just ready to see the violence start and let it kick off the war that ends these leftist lunatics.
Hamas would kill these idiots in a blink if they could, those terrorists HATE westerners, especially the type that’s now pro hamas. This is, as usual, a scheme to maintain power among a few, while enriching them greatly, Yassar Arafat was worth 2 billion when he died.
What do these folks have against Israelis/Jews? I can't say that I know any but the ones I've seen on the internet seem like decent people. Talking about actual people from Israel.
What do these folks have against Israelis/Jews? I can't say that I know any but the ones I've seen on the internet seem like decent people. Talking about actual people from Israel.
It goes back to the mooslims saying that’s mooslim land that is now the country of Israel, though the Jewish history goes back way further, with archeological evidence to back that claim up. The mooslim “leaders” need a boogie man to maintain their grip on the poor mooslim people, so between their religion & the constantly stoked hatred of the jews, that’s how they do it. Same old story, a handful of folks getting rich AF on the backs of the poor & dumb, and our dumb are doing their bidding. Our dumb need to go on a field trip to Iran / Gaza, and educate them on the virtues of being gay / fat / tranny etc.
What do these folks have against Israelis/Jews? I can't say that I know any but the ones I've seen on the internet seem like decent people. Talking about actual people from Israel.
The moronic protestors are being amped up by agent provocateurs, not sure who is paying them, probably fucktards like progressive dems
The moronic protestors are being amped up by agent provocateurs, not sure who is paying them, probably fucktards like progressive dems
George Soros, says the interwebs. Possible, I’d lean more towards our 3 letter agencies. We’ve already had an FBI agent whistleblower say they were practically behind coaxing people to “storm the capital”

re: Israel, I’ve known a few Israelis. Worked with an older Israeli immigrant for years. Met some younger ones. All very nice, mild people. As you pointed out, this stolen land nonsense is bullshit. If we’re sticking with relatively modern history, clearly Judaism is far older than Islam and Muhammad’s hate mongering pedophilic shit came much later. This isn’t up for debate, it’s a fact. But these retards don’t care about facts, the Muslims or the paid activists.