Politics Politics

If the press covered this fire even close to how they covered Katrina, well you know. but there's no Rs to blame it on so it's "climate change" not the fault of dumb policy for not upgrading equipment and clearing brush because they were spending too much on inadequate solar and wind
If the press covered this fire even close to how they covered Katrina, well you know. but there's no Rs to blame it on so it's "climate change" not the fault of dumb policy for not upgrading equipment and clearing brush because they were spending too much on inadequate solar and wind
Funny, since this I've seen quite a few people bring up Bush/Katrina and then somehow use that to excuse this situation. Do huh what?
Have we seen Biden asleep during his meeting with the Maui victims?

How can liberals defend this.

Oh and the locals shooting Biden the bird and yelling "fuck you" in response to his retarded speech :lol:
Biden caught using various pseudonyms that prove he did make millions through the energy deals with Ukraine and China. Laptop emails prove that Hunter and Joe both were on the same emails that were reminders from staff about their meeting with the former Ukraine President while Joe was VP.

The shocking point? CNN discussed it, acknowledged it's true, and showed the clip of old debates with Biden saying Hunter never made a dime from it and Trump says they made millions. Now they did try to cover for him and say Joe may not have known Hunter was making millions off it.....so they're going back to ignoring the facts from the laptop and Hunter's texts. Then CNN comments, "and the Republicans won't let it go".

Why the fuck should they let go of illegal dealings with our enemy by our now POTUS; outright corruption? Particularly when they've persecuted Trump for over 6 years now over nothing? When do Democrats "let it go?"
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Anyone watch any parts of the Republican debate? Christie is insufferable and the crowds booing him so badly he couldn't even talk, hilarious. Yokels no one cares about (even if they had some solid points). Pence is a blowhard that thinks way too highly of himself,....and he keeps mentioning Jesus or his Heavenly Father. It got like ONE applause. Despite the establishment and many people like Knowles who say the Conservatives aren't Conservative enough, the audience and general public clearly disagree. God, sure. Is Jesus governing our Nation something that most people want, Republican or not? Fuck no.

Vivek crushed everyone other than Ron, but he still beat him soundly. Vivek didn't wait for the crowd or wait for other responses to give his opinion. He shot his hand up when asked if anyone up there would not continue support for Ukraine. The ONLY one. Ron was wishy washy. Only Vivek says Nuclear energy is the answer.

Overall, these debates are awful. They talk about respect and then interrupt each other non-stop. No one can ever finish a thought and half of them don't even talk about the question. Pence was the worst about it. He talked over his limit and shit on Vivek. When Vivek gets his 30 seconds to respond, he made it 5 seconds before Pence took over again and talked right over them.
Biden caught using various pseudonyms that prove he did make millions through the energy deals with Ukraine and China. Laptop emails prove that Hunter and Joe both were on the same emails that were reminders from staff about their meeting with the former Ukraine President while Joe was VP.

The shocking point? CNN discussed it, acknowledged it's true, and showed the clip of old debates with Biden saying Hunter never made a dime from it and Trump says they made millions. Now they did try to cover for him and say Joe may not have known Hunter was making millions off it.....so they're going back to ignoring the facts from the laptop and Hunter's texts. Then CNN comments, "and the Republicans won't let it go".

Why the fuck should they let go of illegal dealings with our enemy by our now POTUS; outright corruption? Particularly when they've persecuted Trump for over 6 years now over nothing? When do Democrats "let it go?"
To me the money is the just start. Awful of course. But how is that impacting his policies and making the US weaker and all of us poorer? They are getting paid by entities like fossil fuel producers in other countries and at the same time Biden is crying about climate change as an excuse to limit fossil fuel production in the US. Energy is needed for EVERYTHING so just this one policy increases inflation and harms US security. this is just an obvious one. You're paying more for gas and everything so the Bidens have more cash and guess who doesn't care about the environment - those foreign governments paying the Bidens.
To me the money is the just start. Awful of course. But how is that impacting his policies and making the US weaker and all of us poorer? They are getting paid by entities like fossil fuel producers in other countries and at the same time Biden is crying about climate change as an excuse to limit fossil fuel production in the US. Energy is needed for EVERYTHING so just this one policy increases inflation and harms US security. this is just an obvious one. You're paying more for gas and everything so the Bidens have more cash and guess who doesn't care about the environment - those foreign governments paying the Bidens.
Vivek pointed that out more or less.
That stupid bitch from South Carolina is also insufferable. She is clueless and fully supports the stupid notion that Ukraine are a good honest democracy. An innocent victim and the front line of defense against Russia that deserves all this money because Russia will take over the world if we don't. She seems to think that she can secure our borders and put Russia/china in their place at the same time. She can do it all!

Vivek is the only one up there who says NO, you can't do it all. You have to pick your battles and America is more important than Ukraine.
ha its funny how different all the takes on the debates are, either vivek won or is a psychopath; Haley won or is awful lol
Vivek is a more professional Trump, Haley and others are typical establishment Pubs. Anyone who isn't happy with RINO's and their having helped the Dems destroy America the last couple years will like Vivek. This was basically 1 pro-Trump vs. anti-Trump establishment candidates.....and none of it matters because Haley has zero chance....yeah she said some good things, but it was all common sense stuff like anti-trans in womens sports and no late term abortions.
I've heard what is circulating as his mugshot was not the legit mugshot, just most likely someone who snapped a quick pic to leak. No idea though. The one I saw definitely didn't look official.
Trump himself posted it on X.

If that is his real account. Supposedly if it is a fake account now it has to say (Parody) after it.

So that was his first post back to "Twitter"? He swore he'd never use it again. Hah, just now Timcast episode posted last night posted that minutes after it happened and apparently it's legit.

Speaking of X.....Elon Musk. The DOJ going after him now, too. Not the fine for refusing to give them access to Trump's account. The Feds are suing Space X for hiring too many American citizens and not refugees.
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So that was his first post back to "Twitter"? He swore he'd never use it again. Hah, just now Timcast episode posted last night posted that minutes after it happened and apparently it's legit.

Speaking of X.....Elon Musk. The DOJ going after him now, too. Not the fine for refusing to give them access to Trump's account. The Feds are suing Space X for hiring too many American citizens and not refugees.
that is the issue with having thousands of vague regulations - the government can only prosecute those who anger them. it ceases to be the rule of law and instead tyranny.
that is the issue with having thousands of vague regulations - the government can only prosecute those who anger them. it ceases to be the rule of law and instead tyranny.
I would think the rule of law would to be not putting refugees and people with unknown backgrounds into a company like Space X with potentially confidential technology.

The problem with forced diversity is that, aside the absurdity of telling Space X to hire non-citizens when we've had a few people selling secrets to the Chinese recently, is that it technically violates the civil rights act. It says no one can be discriminated against based on race, etc. So saying you can't hire American citizens or white people if they're the most qualified violates that.
On this whole climate emergency, did I miss the part where China, India, and others are on board, and the world is ending soon because a group of non hysterical Americans aren’t recycling enough?
On this whole climate emergency, did I miss the part where China, India, and others are on board, and the world is ending soon because a group of non hysterical Americans aren’t recycling enough?
You retard, America not using plastic straws (while drinking out of Styrofoam cups with plastic lids) and recycling water bottles is going to save the world! We can accumulate so many carbon credits we'll make China AND India's non-stop stream of pollution to be irrelevant. Their billions of people is nothing compared to our whopping 330 million people, many of whom already recycle. Ideology is stronger than science!

Climate emergency translation = Excuse to pass absurd laws that only oppress and lead to the financial ruin of the non-elite while they gain more power, more money, and ignore every single law they passed while pushing towards total totalitarianism and the liberals will thank them for destroying their lives.
In addition to people who chose to take peyote in the desert I’d like to see cops do it for ordinary working people. I love the pussy filming backing away from the big black guy lol

That dumb bitch with the pink hair just holding her arms out. I wanted that old blonde woman to just kick her right in the face. Just punt their heads off their shoulders.

Is there any law against physically moving them. 2 big guys, grab them one by one and carry their ass away. Seriously, how the fuck is blocking highways not illegal? Go disrupt politicians, not civilians and civil servants. When that shit is happening, someone needs to just drive away, park elsewhere, and come back with a baseball bat and a ski mask.

Guarantee you'll never see assholes blocking traffic like that in a rural community. Rednecks will fuck their ass up and smile for the mugshot.