Politics Politics

Georgia Judge for Trump's case sets trial date for March 4th, the day Super Tuesday, the Primaries election day which will clearly inhibit his ability to campaign and they're trying to put a gag order on him.

Blatant election interference. Burn it all down.

According to the Energy Department's analysis, the new rules would save households about $39 over the lifespan of the new energy-efficient fan. However, the cost to manufacturers associated with the increased equipment will total $86.6 million per year, the department said.

"This rule would require numerous small business fan manufacturers to redesign their products and may put between 10 and 30 percent of small business ceiling fan manufacturers out of business," the GOP members of the committee wrote in a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Thursday. "It appears that the Department of Energy (DOE) may not have properly considered small entities during this rulemaking process."
this is the problem with a giant unaccountable bureaucracy. they do shady cost analysis that show a "savings" based on ridiculous presumptions to push their narrative (and made easier by a recent Biden EO) as customer "savings" but don't take into account the costs manufacturers will pass on in upgrades and compliance costs and how it will drive smaller manufacturers out of business and create monopolies and then scream "corporate greed" and everyone falls for it.
this is the problem with a giant unaccountable bureaucracy. they do shady cost analysis that show a "savings" based on ridiculous presumptions to push their narrative (and made easier by a recent Biden EO) as customer "savings" but don't take into account the costs manufacturers will pass on in upgrades and compliance costs and how it will drive smaller manufacturers out of business and create monopolies and then scream "corporate greed" and everyone falls for it.
Costs which will be passed on the consumer, so when people have to replace ceiling fans, they'll pay notably more for the fan than they'll ever see in energy savings. $39 over the lifespan of the fan....So, $1.50-$2 a year savings in energy while we pay $100-$300 more per fan?

Fucking insanity.
Costs which will be passed on the consumer, so when people have to replace ceiling fans, they'll pay notably more for the fan than they'll ever see in energy savings. $39 over the lifespan of the fan....So, $1.50-$2 a year savings in energy while we pay $100-$300 more per fan?

Fucking insanity.
$35 contractor grade ceiling fan has been running continuously in my bedroom for 21 years. Only get turned off when we clean the blades.

Once they fuck with the fans not only will they cost more, I have no doubt they won't last as long.
yes great point.

let the market decide
The market doesn't get to decide because they'll tell all this energy efficient scam bullshit to fuck right off. Pizza places want to burn wood ovens, people want gas vehicles, and people don't give a fuck about $2/mo in energy savings in some ideological scam, and most importantly, people in general want the government to stop regulating the shit out of everything to hurt small businesses and the average citizen.
Are we seeing the videos of how badly Hawaii fucked up the fires? No warnings, no signal, people blocked by police to escape. People who survived were people who went around the barricades. WTF. The mayor insists he couldn't use the siren for a fire because it "usually" means a tsunami. Interviews with the burned out locals are saying real estate investors are hassling them to sell.

So let's see....The land was protected by law and couldn't have their structures demolished. It burns down, the poor people's homes not the rich people's....and now the locals have people after their land so they can build what they wanted where they couldn't have with the old buildings still standing.

Doesn't sound like much of a conspiracy theory, more like a theory with evidence.
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Did we completely miss that Russia has deployed and apparently activated their Satan II nuke? Supposedly pretty powerful (labeled as one of the most powerful nukes around....that we know of), not obsolete old shit as people kept claiming that was all he had. Not that the UK is huge, but for comparison, that missile could eliminate that entire UK island in 6 minutes.

I'm sure it's just posturing, but still...
Are we seeing the videos of how badly Hawaii fucked up the fires? No warnings, no signal, people blocked by police to escape. People who survived were people who went around the barricades. WTF. The mayor insists he couldn't use the siren for a fire because it "usually" means a tsunami. Interviews with the burned out locals are saying real estate investors are hassling them to sell.

So let's see....The land was protected by law and couldn't have their structures demolished. It burns down, the poor people's homes not the rich people's....and now the locals have people after their land so they can build what they wanted where they couldn't have with the old buildings still standing.

Doesn't sound like much of a conspiracy theory, more like a theory with evidence.
What it actually sounds like is a bitter moron who has traveled on an airplane, at best, less times than the number of fingers on one hand, but is so delusional he thinks he's more intelligent than people with doctorates. 😂

But, go ahead and alter or delete my post, or fabricate some cringe fake bullshit under my name, while whining about how your false grievances are the bulk of the ills of society, and how you are the victim of censorship.

No fucking wonder you are terrified to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and grow enough balls to elevate yourself out of a town of 150K people, or go anywhere without your fucking gun. You are such a pathetic sack of dog shit. 😂
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Dumbest. Insult. Ever. People live in small towns because they can't pull themselves up by their bootstraps and grow balls to move to a big city. How do explain all the city liberals who move out of the city to small rural areas outside to get away from the city? Why do all these rich liberals have homes in areas far away from big cities? The stupidity is amazing.

Retards like you are exactly why even this left wing shithole is too big for my preference. If I wasn't stuck here because I won't leave my daughter, I'd live in a much smaller place up in the mountains. Some of us actually like being outdoors in nature, not a disgusting lazy fat fuck living ass to elbow with pieces of shit like you who just want their hive minded liberal cock suckers to validate your love for pedophiles and cutting dicks off of toddlers. I hope that Satan nuke hits whatever big city rathole you're living in.

FYI - I'm not the one editing your posts. But it's hilarious you call it "cringe" to "fake bullshit" when that's your entire identity on this board. A hateful, arrogant, cringe fake bullshit loser who doesn't have the balls to post under anything but the guise of some retard who followed a woman across the country only to get dumped for a real man. Actually that part is probably true, 100% you're a beta cuck.
Hungarian Prime Minister - The Biden administration's claim that Ukraine is winning the war is deceptive and a lie. There is no scenario where Ukraine wins this war, especially the way Biden is handling it. Everyone in politics knows it.

Leaks show that planned assaults had no chance of winning and Biden insisted they push forward anyway. They lost the battles as was warned. Mitt Romney shows why RINO's can't be trusted by stupidly trying to convince Americans that this is a worthy cause because we can win this war without a single American life lost.....Yeah, you're just throwing Ukrainians into battles they can't win for them to lose their lives while we pay for it financially.