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The Department of Justice (DOJ) is actively investigating the jail where former President Donald Trump may be booked after his arrest in Fulton County.

DOJ opened an investigation into conditions inside the Fulton County Jail last month after an "extensive" review of publicly-available information. That review included a report about LaShawn Thompson, an inmate who died in September 2022 after he was allegedly eaten alive by bugs in his cell, FOX 5 Atlanta reported.
I can't believe people think Trump is going to jail. All of this stuff (think of the actual timing) is to get him to spend $$$ on defenses instead of campaigns, to remind people of Jan 6 and he's so cray, hoping he will pop off which of course he will. They have been throwing stuff at him for years.

Remember the trials of Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort? no one cared about them or not registering as foreign agents, it was all to try to get at trump and tarnish him and make it harder to govern. The ironic thing about those trials and jailings is it makes it much harder for them not to jail Hunter Biden, since he did the same things even more flagrantly than they did (in addition to lots of other shit but mainly selling out our government to despots) - and Hunter is obviously much more close to the president than they were.
Also of note, the county court where Trump is expected to be charged temporarily posted 12 counts of felony and 1 serious felony as the charges in violation of Georgia's RICO. The document showed the case number, case showed as open, the charges, everything with a filing date of 8/14. The full document, which many people downloaded.

The problem? The grand jury is still in session, so none of this can or should be released.....Unless the grand jury is all a farce, due process is all a lie, and they're going to charge Trump with all of this regardless of the outcome of the grand jury.

And then they deny all of it despite all the people who say it and downloaded it.
“This was not a simple administrative mistake,” Trump attorneys Drew Findling and Jennifer Little said in a statement. “A proposed indictment should only be in the hands of the District Attorney’s Office, yet it somehow made its way to the clerk’s office and was assigned a case number and a judge before the grand jury even deliberated.”

Is that grounds for a mistrial? Conspiracy? If it's true, what happens next? I mean, obviously nothing. But what should happen if the system wasn't corrupt?
“This was not a simple administrative mistake,” Trump attorneys Drew Findling and Jennifer Little said in a statement. “A proposed indictment should only be in the hands of the District Attorney’s Office, yet it somehow made its way to the clerk’s office and was assigned a case number and a judge before the grand jury even deliberated.”

Is that grounds for a mistrial? Conspiracy? If it's true, what happens next? I mean, obviously nothing. But what should happen if the system wasn't corrupt?
I was just reading on "X" that there is apparently a new law in GA that a DA (part of a nationwide effort to oust negligent DAs in blue cities inside of red states I think) can be removed for misconduct but who knows if Kemp will do it he's no trump fan. Has anyone ever been charged with shit like leaking trump's taxes an actual felony?
Seeing as how Biden fined Musk for respecting Trump's privacy, I'm going with no, there's no chance in hell anyone was charged with leaking Trump's taxes. They probably got a promotion and a bonus for it.
CNN accuses Trump's team of breeching voting system in Georgia as the basis for one of his felonies. Intentionally twisting facts and spreading their own fake news. 2 Georgia election officials offered the Trump lawyers, in writing, the chance to investigate the machines that Trump called into question. And that's what CNN calls election tampering.

How do they get away with this shit.
“This was not a simple administrative mistake,” Trump attorneys Drew Findling and Jennifer Little said in a statement. “A proposed indictment should only be in the hands of the District Attorney’s Office, yet it somehow made its way to the clerk’s office and was assigned a case number and a judge before the grand jury even deliberated.”

Is that grounds for a mistrial? Conspiracy? If it's true, what happens next? I mean, obviously nothing. But what should happen if the system wasn't corrupt?
They also released the jurors names, supposedly.
Well, I don't watch the news anymore except maybe some local shit on the weekends.

How come none of you assholes ever mentioned the big cans on Trump's lawyer? This place is slipping...
Also of note, the county court where Trump is expected to be charged temporarily posted 12 counts of felony and 1 serious felony as the charges in violation of Georgia's RICO. The document showed the case number, case showed as open, the charges, everything with a filing date of 8/14. The full document, which many people downloaded.

The problem? The grand jury is still in session, so none of this can or should be released.....Unless the grand jury is all a farce, due process is all a lie, and they're going to charge Trump with all of this regardless of the outcome of the grand jury.

And then they deny all of it despite all the people who say it and downloaded it.

Unlike your laughable lobs at the Biden family, there are actual recordings of your cult leader subverting our democracy. Your own star witness said the calls amounted to check-ins with his son and saying 'hi.'. B-b-b-b-utt THERE HAS TO BE MORE THERE BECAUSE.....TRUMP GOT FUCKED!!!! It's nothing more than petty retaliation and you (should) know it. It is more than likely you are going to have a massive coronary event before Hunter Biden is convicted of any charge you allege, and....I have some news for you...it's not because of some 'deep state' conspiracy.

You are nothing but a loudmouth, butthurt individual who got duped by a con artist, and you don't have the balls to admit you were hoodwinked. You are derisive of anyone remotely near the center of the spectrum because you just can't grow a big enough pair of balls to leave the shithole in which you continue to live. To make matters worse, you not only can't deal with the booming metropolis of Gainesville, you would rather retreat to some trash heap with a population of less than 5,000 individuals.I mean, that's where the good, down home christian country women are, right?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

In your mind, the better option is to fight to the death, defending your idiotic blunder (being educated beyond wood shop in Alachua may have prevented this), because it's always easier to deny, deny, deny, than to toss your bullshit pride aside.

For a guy who claims to have disavowed the worst president in history, by most measurable levels, you really get your panties in a wad trying to defend him.
Hilarious. You just generalized and insulted every single person who doesn't want to live amongst hundreds of thousands of people. The utter stupidity of that :lol: Sorry sport, but mankind was not meant to live with millions crammed into a tiny area, living like worker bees blindly doing what they're told. Some of us like freedom. There must be something wrong with me for not wanting to live in a concrete and asphalt wasteland surrounded by people who think they know what's best for me. Bitch please.

You're also simply wrong. You're ignoring 90% of the FACTS about those phone calls with Joe. You're such a bitter pussy that you'll blindly make up facts and then claim that you are actually towards the CENTER? Hahahahahahahaha.

Nor have I disavowed Trump. Find a single post where I have. I said he's a douchebag narcissist, which is true. He also had pretty sound policies, far superior to Biden. You have zero credibility when you call Trump the worst President in history. That's factually incorrect. Your pathetic obsession with him having the modern hitler just shows how estranged from reality you people are. I'm also not defending Trump at all, I'm calling out the blatant corrupt and treasonous actions by the Biden administration, which you think is as innocent as Santa Claus. Hunter's laptop, his own text and phone call records prove Joe is corrupt. We've heard those. We've read the transcripts.

I don't see any proof of your alleged recordings of Trump literally subverting democracy. Not like Joe trying to create a Ministry of Truth to destroy the 1st Amendment. Or his actual subverting a free and fair election by having the media people rely on to suppress information, report blatant lies, etc. They were conspiracy theories 2 years ago. Today they are facts.

You have no leg to stand on. Your words are meaningless lies. But hey, if whatever shitty, miserable career you have doesn't work out, you could probably get the coffee for some MSNBC hack.
Hilarious. You just generalized and insulted every single person who doesn't want to live amongst hundreds of thousands of people. The utter stupidity of that :icon-lol: Sorry sport, but mankind was not meant to live with millions crammed into a tiny area, living like worker bees blindly doing what they're told. Some of us like freedom. There must be something wrong with me for not wanting to live in a concrete and asphalt wasteland surrounded by people who think they know what's best for me. Bitch please.

You're also simply wrong. You're ignoring 90% of the FACTS about those phone calls with Joe. You're such a bitter pussy that you'll blindly make up facts and then claim that you are actually towards the CENTER? Hahahahahahahaha.

Nor have I disavowed Trump. Find a single post where I have. I said he's a douchebag narcissist, which is true. He also had pretty sound policies, far superior to Biden. You have zero credibility when you call Trump the worst President in history. That's factually incorrect. Your pathetic obsession with him having the modern hitler just shows how estranged from reality you people are. I'm also not defending Trump at all, I'm calling out the blatant corrupt and treasonous actions by the Biden administration, which you think is as innocent as Santa Claus. Hunter's laptop, his own text and phone call records prove Joe is corrupt. We've heard those. We've read the transcripts.

I don't see any proof of your alleged recordings of Trump literally subverting democracy. Not like Joe trying to create a Ministry of Truth to destroy the 1st Amendment. Or his actual subverting a free and fair election by having the media people rely on to suppress information, report blatant lies, etc. They were conspiracy theories 2 years ago. Today they are facts.

You have no leg to stand on. Your words are meaningless lies. But hey, if whatever shitty, miserable career you have doesn't work out, you could probably get the coffee for some MSNBC hack.

Hilarious. You just generalized and insulted every single person who doesn't want to live amongst hundreds of thousands of people. The utter stupidity of that :icon-lol: Sorry sport, but mankind was not meant to live with millions crammed into a tiny area, living like worker bees blindly doing what they're told. Some of us like freedom. There must be something wrong with me for not wanting to live in a concrete and asphalt wasteland surrounded by people who think they know what's best for me. Bitch please.

You're also simply wrong. You're ignoring 90% of the FACTS about those phone calls with Joe. You're such a bitter pussy that you'll blindly make up facts and then claim that you are actually towards the CENTER? Hahahahahahahaha.

Nor have I disavowed Trump. Find a single post where I have. I said he's a douchebag narcissist, which is true. He also had pretty sound policies, far superior to Biden. You have zero credibility when you call Trump the worst President in history. That's factually incorrect. Your pathetic obsession with him having the modern hitler just shows how estranged from reality you people are. I'm also not defending Trump at all, I'm calling out the blatant corrupt and treasonous actions by the Biden administration, which you think is as innocent as Santa Claus. Hunter's laptop, his own text and phone call records prove Joe is corrupt. We've heard those. We've read the transcripts.

I don't see any proof of your alleged recordings of Trump literally subverting democracy. Not like Joe trying to create a Ministry of Truth to destroy the 1st Amendment. Or his actual subverting a free and fair election by having the media people rely on to suppress information, report blatant lies, etc. They were conspiracy theories 2 years ago. Today they are facts.

You have no leg to stand on. Your words are meaningless lies. But hey, if whatever shitty, miserable career you have doesn't work out, you could probably get the coffee for some MSNBC hack.
When you're finished tripping over your tongue and either or both Joe or Hunter get charged with a parking ticket, I will drive down to your shithole neighborhood in the sticks outside of Gainesville and buy you a beer.
Uhhhh, don't watch the news, do ya? Hunter already plead guilty to illegally having a firearm and now it appears his plea deal is about to disappear. Live in denial all you want, there is no way around Hunter having done a large of illegal shit because, you know, the retard kept audio and video recordings of it.

I wish I lived in the sticks. Unfortunately I've lived in this shithole of Gainesville, surrounded by retards who still wear masks to the grocery store, for a long time. Try again fucko. You're free to buy me a beer; it'd be satisfying to pour it over your head.
Not even a half hour, and two of the most insular dimwits respond with fear of being overrun by 'the browns.' So pathetic.
Not even a half hour, and two of the most insular dimwits respond with fear of being overrun by 'the browns.' So pathetic.
Great take, I’m all for legal immigration, we should be taking a lot more than we are. Vet them, make sure they will be contributing to our society/economy. Illegal is illegal. Should be illegal to be as stupid as you
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