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Yeah, the wording of it actually means he's being indicted for free speech. We all know Trump firmly believes he won that election, that was never in question. The entire indictment for things Democrats have done for decades is crazy. Gore and Hillary both denied election results. The blatant hypocrisy over the documents? Every once of this weaponizing the government against your political opponent is pretty authoritarian.
Yeah, the wording of it actually means he's being indicted for free speech. We all know Trump firmly believes he won that election, that was never in question. The entire indictment for things Democrats have done for decades is crazy. Gore and Hillary both denied election results. The blatant hypocrisy over the documents? Every once of this weaponizing the government against your political opponent is pretty authoritarian.
Al Gore, after a lengthy legal challenge, conceded after 36 days. Hillary Clinton within 48 hours.

Donald, to this day, is still whining like a snowflake, and you are pathetically failing to perform mental and emotional gymnastics to excuse his behavior in refusing to concede an election we all know he lost, that is bolstered by 60+ failed lawsuits.

Yet, still, morons like you continue to cling to insane conspiracy theories and pride, not to mention refusing to admit what we all watched on television, in some desperate attempt to 'own the libs.'

It is delusional and pathetic.
Hilary complained for years after her loss that Trump was an illegitimate president, are you really that stupid, or just that desperate for attention? I think both.
Hilary complained for years after her loss that Trump was an illegitimate president, are you really that stupid, or just that desperate for attention? I think both.
Did she concede or not? donald, to this day, has not conceded. You have ambiguously claimed to not support him, yet your posts prove otherwise.
Al Gore, after a lengthy legal challenge, conceded after 36 days. Hillary Clinton within 48 hours.

Donald, to this day, is still whining like a snowflake, and you are pathetically failing to perform mental and emotional gymnastics to excuse his behavior in refusing to concede an election we all know he lost, that is bolstered by 60+ failed lawsuits.

Yet, still, morons like you continue to cling to insane conspiracy theories and pride, not to mention refusing to admit what we all watched on television, in some desperate attempt to 'own the libs.'

It is delusional and pathetic.
Talk about putting words in my mouth. Concession is irrelevant to asinine, made up charges of sedition.

And it’s not a conspiracy when it’s a proven fact that the media and FBI colluded to suppress the laptop story that absolutely swayed many voters. It may or may not have made a difference, but it’s 100% election interference. No rational, sane person can deny that. Trump is a Russian asset. The laptop doesn’t exist. The laptop doesn’t have any data. The laptop is only this. Biden never talked to hunter about his business. Biden never talked to any of Hunters associates. Biden only talked about the weather. Every week they move the goal posts to excuse and cover up their lies and corruption.

But hey, I’m glad you’re enjoying everything going to shit under Biden’s administration that has fucked up every single thing they’ve touched. The party of “whoever smelt it, dealt it”.
He continues to this day to sow distrust and anger amongst the dumbest in this country. This is where you loons operate; it's all about the margins and semantics.

You can nitpick all you want. It is 2023 and the conman is still pulling your strings because your party is full of dipshits that get triggered every time he opens his mouth by antagonizing you
ignorant morons' fears.

Trickle down economics has now failed 3 times in 40 years. Trump added almost $8T in debt, which is a quarter of what we owe cumulatively, much of it based within a tax cut that 99% of you will never see a dime of, but you identify with because he inspires a bunch of incels to march around with torches screaming obscenities toward Jewish people, because the black guy 'divided us,' and because you want to follow a charlatan on a message board who is feeding you nonsense.
Talk about putting words in my mouth. Concession is irrelevant to asinine, made up charges of sedition.

And it’s not a conspiracy when it’s a proven fact that the media and FBI colluded to suppress the laptop story that absolutely swayed many voters. It may or may not have made a difference, but it’s 100% election interference. No rational, sane person can deny that. Trump is a Russian asset. The laptop doesn’t exist. The laptop doesn’t have any data. The laptop is only this. Biden never talked to hunter about his business. Biden never talked to any of Hunters associates. Biden only talked about the weather. Every week they move the goal posts to excuse and cover up their lies and corruption.

But hey, I’m glad you’re enjoying everything going to shit under Biden’s administration that has fucked up every single thing they’ve touched. The party of “whoever smelt it, dealt it”.
Instead of telling fart jokes, you could have taken a 5 minute pause from your fake outrage to read Devon Archer's testimony amounted to a nothing burger.
You're such a sheep you probably believe Joe never spoke to hunter about his business lol. Which Archer pretty much blew out of the water.
Or how about Hunter texting his own daughter in a tantrum about the percentage he had to give his dad.

I'm not sure why is highlighting the thing that proves my point. The left claims something never happened. Proof comes out it did. They move the goal post and say, "Well at least he didn't...." and then that is proven to be untrue again. Rinse and repeat. It's blatant lies and there is no defending it. You don't have to be a Republican or Trump supporter to call out blatant corruption.

Here's the difference - I had plenty of negative to say about Trump and still do. Evil losers like WI knowingly defend the corruption of their own party or pretend it's all a lie when they know damn well it's not. He makes sheep look like critical thinkers.
that thing about Hunter complaining about paying dads deals has been around for years. There's plenty of evidence, if people still think Biden isn't hopelessly corrupt at this point they should be wearing corrective headgear
Shocker reports are coming that the coke is hunters.
Sounds almost too good to be true. I only see this going 2 ways. First, they all deny it as Hunter being framed or "It has no merit, just like the hunter laptop" as a way to unfairly attack Biden. The other, the left jumps all over it as their way to cast aside their senile old man and get a new candidate.

J6 Committee failed to preserve records, has no data on Capitol Hill security failures, GOP charges​

ha what an absolute joke. I was in favor of investigations as clearly there were some major security problems that really really need fixing, but any question into Pelosi was off limits. DC mayor bowzer certainly is also at fault, just as Trump was to hold the rally when he did. But part of the real problem is the summer of 2020 unprecedented allowance by dem mayors to coddle rioters and criminals and just encouraged lawlessness and bad behavior all around.