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This isn't a townhall, this is a debate of Trump vs. her. She keeps trying to trap him, proving she's right and he's wrong, looking for that sound bite to hammer him on. So far she's failing miserably and just making her look like a twat. She refused to accept his answer on abortion. He was pretty clear they had to come up with a solution that was fair and republicans have different ideas.

He's right - You can't give an absolute answer when you have to work with people to pass a law. But she wants him to say he's going to ban abortion to use against him. She just keeps hounding and hounding until she gets the answer she wants and he wouldn't give it to her.
She refused to accept an answer about Ukraine/Russia. He's very clear and correct when he said, "I want people to stop drying", it's not about who we label a winner or loser. And several times she refuses to accept that as answer. She wants him to say he wants Russia to win. Fuck this cunt is insufferable.
He owned her. Every time he countered her trap questions the crowd hooted and hollered. When he pulls out his tweet that was taken down by twitter (before Musk) that disproved him not saying anything for three hours. And all the tweets about respecting the cops there.

Libs were melting down saying CNN gave him a free infomercial.

"You're a very nasty person." was the clincher. They cut the thing short she and CNN looked so bad.
pg. said:
He owned her. Every time he countered her trap questions the crowd hooted and hollered. When he pulls out his tweet that was taken down by twitter (before Musk) that disproved him not saying anything for three hours. And all the tweets about respecting the cops there.

Libs were melting down saying CNN gave him a free infomercial.

"You're a very nasty person." was the clincher. They cut the thing short she and CNN looked so bad.
The 3 hours was one of the things I was thinking of when I said she was blatantly lying. She did the same when she said Obama never took confidential documents when they flat out said he did. Is she a lawyer? Because she seemed to keep telling Trump what the law is and prosecuting Trump for having those documents protected by secret service, but excused Biden who took confidential documents as a senator and VP.

And she was a nasty person. She was incredibly condescending every time she had to say, "Mr. President". Combative on every point with an ugly attitude. It was a great move calling her out on how nasty she was being, because that was absolutely emotional and personal for her. In no way was it professional and definitely not appropriate for that venue.

It was absolutely a win for Trump, but there was enough 1/6 talk to still make moderates dislike him. Hopefully they focus more on energy independence and ending the war.
Biden gives commencement speech at a historical black college graduation. How does he encourage those young men and women? He goes on an "assault weapons" ban rant/campaign. And White Supremacy is the biggest threat our Nation faces (let's ignore that his entire political career as been the epitome of white supremacy)

Is the left just stupid (rhetorical) or can they just not control his dementia (also rhetorical)...

not sure how many of you still get the Orlando Slantinal, but this is some crazy shit.


Internet hero does more journalisming then journos do anymore.
Evil gator said:
Internet hero does more journalisming then journos do anymore.

This is pretty common now. There aren't very many real journalists left anymore (were there ever any?) - they're all just mouthpieces for whomever.
DocZaius said:
Evil gator said:
Internet hero does more journalisming then journos do anymore.

This is pretty common now. There aren't very many real journalists left anymore (were there ever any?) - they're all just mouthpieces for whomever.

Yes there used to be citizen journos to point out grift - not perpetuate and aid it
Durham Report released; supposedly proves the Russian probe into Trump was an absolute lie and the FBI had no verifiable justification for the persecution.

On another note, Section 702 that gives the ability for the government to spy on innocent civilians and farm their data in the name of terrorism defense is about to expire. A new bill is already proposed (or maybe it's the renewal of 702) for intelligence agencies to continue to spy on any and all Americans without a warrant. The reason? Drug cartels. There's always a reason to violate the 4A and dumb fucks will think that'll actually make a dent in the war on drugs.
Obama just did an interview and said, "gun ownership in this country became an ideological issue......blah blah blah bunch of nonsense perpetuated by liberals" Then says it should be regulated like we do seat belts to keep people safe.

Yes, the ideology of freedom and protect ourselves from people like you, Obama.
Gun ownership is regulated. Typical dem, lies about something not being regulated and counts on mass ignorance to steal freedom and grow the administrative state
Juggs said:
Durham Report released; supposedly proves the Russian probe into Trump was an absolute lie and the FBI had no verifiable justification for the persecution.

CNN has an article titled, "Trump weaponized FBI".

How the fuck do they get away with blatantly taking shit the liberals do and blame it on Trump or Conservatives over and over?
Juggs said:
Another great headline from CNN article. Who'd have thought! Be lucky if they don't end up dead.

IRS whistleblower who claims to have information of alleged mishandling of Hunter Biden probe removed from investigation

Was just about to post this. Apparently all the agents investigating him were sacked at the direction of the DOJ