Politics Politics

DeSantis is getting hammered over his lack of charisma in his announcement to run for POTUS. Even Republicans are so retarded that they'd rather have charisma and entertainment than sound policies. They agreed with everything they said and they're still making fun of him. Obama was a great speaker, not such a great President. Trump was an entertaining speaker and an embarrassment on the world stage. Stop trying to make politics Hollywood and focus on the god damn point - Policy.
DeSantis is getting hammered over his lack of charisma in his announcement to run for POTUS. Even Republicans are so retarded that they'd rather have charisma and entertainment than sound policies. They agreed with everything they said and they're still making fun of him. Obama was a great speaker, not such a great President. Trump was an entertaining speaker and an embarrassment on the world stage. Stop trying to make politics Hollywood and focus on the god damn point - Policy.
unfortunately, if you look at modern elections its all who people would rather have a beer with

Kennedy > Nixon, Nixon > communist, Carter > stiff, Reagan > Carter, Clinton > Bush Sr, W> Gore, Trump > Hilary, Biden > Trump
unfortunately, if you look at modern elections its all who people would rather have a beer with

Kennedy > Nixon, Nixon > communist, Carter > stiff, Reagan > Carter, Clinton > Bush Sr, W> Gore, Trump > Hilary, Biden > Trump
I was with you until Biden > Trump. We knew he was senile, a buffoon, and a stooge even then. The world knew it. No way you'd pick Biden to bullshit with over Trump.

And yes, it's a popularity contest and has been for a long time. However a lot of the changes can also be attributed to the people being done with one party and deciding to give the other a chance.

Gosh I wonder why scores are so good in southern states vs northern. Maybe kids need to be in school and not wearing masks to learn?

Also I think teachers unions have less influence?