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[smention u=96]WIGator[/smention] appears to be posting from Wisconsin. I think he's a genuine hater.

But he still uses the Geocities-style "1996" theme. So he's kind of a loser.
I’d rather VD be here than that monkey, at least some of VDs stuff can be entertaining, like car wreck type entertainment
DocZaius said:
Fish still lurks, but I wouldn't want to engage with you troglodytes, either.

Let’s be honest, there’s no rational way to defend Biden or anything the looney far left has done the last couple years. Not one. Hiding or hurling insults without an actual rebuttal is all they’ve got.
DocZaius said:
Fish still lurks, but I wouldn't want to engage with you troglodytes, either.

We're down to 6 people, most of which have been talking shit to each other for 20+ years.

Kinda hard for new people to just jump in, but when they do they normally get chased away.

I'm all for new people, especially if they want to tangle with Evs. We need more entertainment around here. ;)
RIP said:
I agree with the Cane

I don't disagree.

But there's not exactly any engagement when he ignores all the other threads and just makes a drive by butt hurt snarky attack and then disappears. If there was any intent of talking, how about jumping in the movie thread?
Juggs said:
RIP said:
I agree with the Cane

I don't disagree.

But there's not exactly any engagement when he ignores all the other threads and just makes a drive by butt hurt snarky attack and then disappears. If there was any intent of talking, how about jumping in the movie thread?

36% approval for biden. My question is who the fuck are the 36%? Who can possibly think biden is doing a good job?

Does anybody keep up with the departed libs mex, ag, numby, etc through FB or Twitter? Are they still TDS'd enough to think Biden is doing a better job than the orange meanie would have? Do they defend him? I guess if all you watch is msnbc and read the New York Times you may be deceived. Although even those outlets are having trouble ignoring the shit show now.

And you six active posters that voted biden... will you do it again assuming trump vs biden? I guess Tommy and eg are the only ones outside Florida so the rest of us it doesn't really matter as Florida went Red and will be Red again in 2024.
pg. said:
36% approval for biden. My question is who the fuck are the 36%? Who can possibly think biden is doing a good job?

Does anybody keep up with the departed libs mex, ag, numby, etc through FB or Twitter? Are they still TDS'd enough to think Biden is doing a better job than the orange meanie would have? Do they defend him? I guess if all you watch is msnbc and read the New York Times you may be deceived. Although even those outlets are having trouble ignoring the shit show now.

And you six active posters that voted biden... will you do it again assuming trump vs biden? I guess Tommy and eg are the only ones outside Florida so the rest of us it doesn't really matter as Florida went Red and will be Red again in 2024.

And i don't think Biden will even be on the ticket. REP Comer is having a news conference tomorrow where he will outline all the Biden family members including "the big guy" getting foreign cash through LLC's for doing nothing but being related to the then vp. At a certain point even the MSM will not be able to run cover.
pg. said:
And you six active posters that voted biden... will you do it again assuming trump vs biden? I guess Tommy and eg are the only ones outside Florida so the rest of us it doesn't really matter as Florida went Red and will be Red again in 2024.

I voted Biden in 2020 because I thought with his record he'd be pretty moderate and the country could come together a little. I was wrong - Biden's a spineless, addlebrained puppet. Of who I'm not really sure, but it's clear to me that there's a plan that he's not in charge of and it's made things worse than ever.

I'd still prefer DeSantis over Trump, though.
Yeah... you had already confessed lol. I get your sentiment. As I have said before my one rap against trump is he seems to want the division instead of throwing an olive branch to the left.

Even i didn't think Biden would be worse but his MAGA this and MAGA that is.

I don't even think Desantis runs as he knows he will lose.
pg. said:
And speaking of posters... Doc, did you have any here before we arrived? Did we scare them off or what? Or are/were they just here for the porn?

Seems like I see phinlax lurking a lot. Is that a bot or really a dolphins fan living at the LA airport?
pg. said:
And speaking of posters... Doc, did you have any here before we arrived? Did we scare them off or what? Or are/were they just here for the porn?

Mostly for the porn, but I had a few. They still visit but don't really post.
pg. said:
pg. said:
And speaking of posters... Doc, did you have any here before we arrived? Did we scare them off or what? Or are/were they just here for the porn?

Seems like I see phinlax lurking a lot. Is that a bot or really a dolphins fan living at the LA airport?

I've message him a few times asking him if he's a real person because I see him lurking quite a bit. But I never get an answer. His IP and email address appear to be non-spammy, so I don't know what to think about him.
pg. said:
36% approval for biden. My question is who the fuck are the 36%? Who can possibly think biden is doing a good job?

Does anybody keep up with the departed libs mex, ag, numby, etc through FB or Twitter? Are they still TDS'd enough to think Biden is doing a better job than the orange meanie would have? Do they defend him? I guess if all you watch is msnbc and read the New York Times you may be deceived. Although even those outlets are having trouble ignoring the shit show now.

And you six active posters that voted biden... will you do it again assuming trump vs biden? I guess Tommy and eg are the only ones outside Florida so the rest of us it doesn't really matter as Florida went Red and will be Red again in 2024.

Lil numby still does twitter drive-bys, to tell conservative accounts they are idiots.
pg. said:
Yeah... you had already confessed lol. I get your sentiment. As I have said before my one rap against trump is he seems to want the division instead of throwing an olive branch to the left.

Even i didn't think Biden would be worse but his MAGA this and MAGA that is.

I don't even think Desantis runs as he knows he will lose.
It's pathetic that a fucking President still has to throw out "MAGA" and attacking a big chunk of the country every time he speaks (or KJP gives a presser). It's literally what lost Hillary the election was attacking half the country, but now it's fully acceptable for the sitting President to do it regularly. I don't even like that douchebag Trump (as a person), but I want him to be POTUS at this point just to see the left meltdown and hope they start some shit they can't finish.

Sorry DeSantis, you can wait now. I'm back on team Trump because fuck the left