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This is what happens when your one claim is screaming at kavanaugh
Evil gator said:


This is what happens when your one claim is screaming at kavanaugh

She is so useless and out of her depth.

Dan Quayle is so happy she came along.

People say who is in charge doesn’t matter but republicans just saved my life probably

Tucker shows unreleased footage of Jan 6, the horned Shaman dude still arrested who we've been repeatedly told was a violent rioter. The real footage of how he got in: By cops escorting him and even trying multiple doors that were locked until they found open ones...Starts at time

Oh the fun part. CNN saying it was "unfair" for Tucker to share this without sharing it with all other news outlet to give a real journalistic opinion on the footage. After they've suppressed it, including during the Jan 6 hearings where they had it and suppressed it. Don Lemon's....what a fucking tool.
More goodness - Biden getting ready to start detaining illegal immigrants again, White House refuses to comment.

So Trump evil for doing this after Obama did it for years. Biden fucks up the border, blames Trump, and now he's reversing back to the policy he ended and no one is supposed to know about it.

FFS I can't wait until this circus to end.
Claiming that showing the videos is destroying democracy, etc. So bizarre.

Release them all, I say. Let the chips fall where they may. As I think I said when this was happening - not everyone who entered the Capitol building did so with any kind of malicious intent. In fact, I think most probably just followed along for the spectacle of the whole thing.

Lots of different things happened that day. Some people were let in and now we know, actually escorted, by law enforcement. Some fought with police and broke in, or stole Pelosi's laptop. Hell, I think the shooting of Ashley Babbit was justified.

Punish each according to what he or she actually did, not some mumbo-jumbo about "threatening democracy" merely because they followed the crowd.
yeah agree completely. Don't fall for the "no one did anything wrong" or the "democracy was teetering" angles, both are false. Smashing up shit is never okay. I do think leadership, esp Pelosi, not obtaining more security when there was a well known threat is treason, and should be exposed and punished.

again, this never happens without the foolish permissiveness of the BLM riots. 1, it made other types of bad actors feel the need for a riot of their own and more importantly 2, it made the DC mayor and other dem leaders less willing to call up the law enforcement they had vilified for months on end.