Politics Politics

another thing that happened after the SOTU: Biden misstated a lot of stuff in laws he signed into being. There are a lot of logical exemptions to the buy american provisions (mainly because its almost impossible to open new plants and mines here to make stuff because of dem idiocy), but finance bros don't bother to read legislation so were doing analysis that wrongly indicated some companies should be downgraded because they import some components when the actual legislation exempts some, and so just about everyone in town I know was doing clean up because the president is a collasal dumbass, the press doesn't fact check dems, finance bros are lazy as fuck.

I know its hard to feel sorry for a bunch of corporations and lobbyists, but those kinds of lies for political points actually impact people's jobs (and ultimately how much shit costs everyone).
They don’t want all cars replaced by electric cars, they know the grid can’t handle it and the resources and infrastructure don’t actually exist. They want cars to be unattainable by most people so people have less freedom and are under more control

The chinese balloon. Being reported that it was capable of not just listening in on all US communications, but pinpoint where they were coming from....as it sailed over numerous military facilities.

Good job on waiting to shoot it down after it completed it's mission.

Now George Santos steals puppies from the Amish.
some guy called me from england about this, its a scam surely right?

Really long article about Russiagate:

Juggs said:
no tl;dr? slacker

The media (with the encouragement of the Clinton campaign) ran hog wild with the narrative of Trump-Russia collusion, no matter the facts. Nothing we didn't already know, but this is a bit of a deeper dive into specifics.
I think we're only a few weeks away from Sarah Palin's OnlyFans debut.

Sounds like Jim Biden is throwing Joe under the bus in admitting that he was hired to negotiation something like a $120 million deal with the Saudis years ago because, "No one would dare fuck over the brother of the VP of the US" (paraphrasing, I don't think he used "fuck" :lol: )
yeah the timing is impeccable. leak (illegally) a scary sounding investigation, allow rumors to swirl before an election, then afterwards say oopsie. Weird this never happens to dems!