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Yeah it’s weird they waited so long to release it, I guess they wanted us to believe it was a Republican.

Great article

Evil gator said:
Yeah it’s weird they waited so long to release it, I guess they wanted us to believe it was a Republican.

Great article


That was the narrative. Politically motivated. Of course they don't want to truth out.
Former South Carolina governor Nikki something announces she's running for Pres (R).

So what's the purpose behind such a stupid thing where she knows she has no chance of beating Trump or DeSantis? To get a VP spot as a woman? Get her foot in the door elsewhere?
Juggs said:
Former South Carolina governor Nikki something announces she's running for Pres (R).

So what's the purpose behind such a stupid thing where she knows she has no chance of beating Trump or DeSantis? To get a VP spot as a woman? Get her foot in the door elsewhere?

She'll take shrapnel from Trump for a few months and clear the way for DeSantis.
Desantis has won a couple head to head polls, but anytime they put them all(possible candidates) in a poll, Trump wins handily. I’m afraid Trump is going to win again and possibly give Biden a second term.
52:20 said:
Desantis has won a couple head to head polls, but anytime they put them all(possible candidates) in a poll, Trump wins handily. I’m afraid Trump is going to win again and possibly give Biden a second term.

I meant clear the way for DeSantis to go one on one with Trump. I really wish Trump fans would realize what they have with DeSantis. Similar ideas, similar take no bullshit attitude, but no circus sideshow.
Irish Mike said:
52:20 said:
Desantis has won a couple head to head polls, but anytime they put them all(possible candidates) in a poll, Trump wins handily. I’m afraid Trump is going to win again and possibly give Biden a second term.

I meant clear the way for DeSantis to go one on one with Trump. I really wish Trump fans would realize what they have with DeSantis. Similar ideas, similar take no bullshit attitude, but no circus sideshow.

plus DeSantis is not a whinner, nor is he bat shit crazy.
Agree if he even decides to challenge the king. I think he would have to feel real confident he would win. Which I don't think is the case. I still see a lot of trump flags lol.

So like it or not I think it will be trump. I think desantis would be better but I actually think trump is owed 4 years due to the media, and liars like Schiff and all the intelligence community claiming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA because of TDS. My preference would be 4 more years of trump and then 8 years of Desantis. I'll probably be gone or incoherent after that. So doesn't bother me if he wins. And I don't think he's a whiner or crazy. Plus much more entertaining. Anybody but biden.
I think DeSantis can go toe to toe with Trump, dude doesn’t appear to be intimidated like the other clowns were last Pub primary.
Tommy said:
I think DeSantis can go toe to toe with Trump, dude doesn’t appear to be intimidated like the other clowns were last Pub primary.

I'm curious if these polls showing Trump winning handily are having moderate R's voting. It's anecdotal, but while you see a lot of Trump flag, online seems to be way more DeSantis supporters. Or the other problem is how many want Trump for 4 more and DeSantis after that. Their attempt at a long term vision clouds the reality that we should just set Trump aside and the best thing we need right now is a rational R, not a divisive one to get more moderates back and stop this insanity.
Another shining example of how horribly bias NBC is. You don't even need to watch the crying, the title and caption are sufficient. But it's nice to see the comments calling out their bullshit.

Trump calls DeSantis a groomer and posts a blurry cropped picture of what they claim is DeSantis having a "drink party" with high school girls. Questionable whether the pic has any validity at all.

So Trump doesn't know what a groomer is and he continues to show he doesn't give a fuck about anything but his ego.
Biden's SOTU speech. Same ol' same ol'.

All the headlines are about a call for unity while we ignore that he's continuing to attack anyone not on the far left between his calls for "unity". Submission and suppression is not unity.
Getting through the entire speech. Side note - THe entire speech was leaked online at the beginning :lol:

1) Fuck his words were slurred and he couldn't remember shit.
2) Pelosi is the greatest Speaker in history. Virtue signals with the first black DNC leader.
3) Again takes credit for putting back jobs the liberals took away during COVID.
4) More virtue signaling over protecting gays and trans.
5) Tells a story about his dad that is 100% a lie.
6) Putin evil.
7) Says the supply chain begins in America and stays in America (stealing Trump's position while he actively works with China). How does any retard believe this bullshit?
8) All construction supplies for US Infrastructure will be all US made...Sounds good, but you can bet the cost will skyrocket. That cost will work it's way down to us.
9) Criticizes Big Pharma after pimping Pfizer non-stop
10) Takes credit for Trump's $35 insulin plan
11) Corporations need to pay their far share (ie, drive more overseas). Blatantly lies by saying corporations that turn a profit don't pay taxes.
12) Spends time bashes Trump and blaming for national debt and pats himself on the back for lowering it 1.7 trillion.
13) Repeated the lie, to many boos, that Republicans are trying to eliminate social security.
14) Claims taxes won't be raised on anyone making under 400k (while hiring 83k IRS agents who want to take money for not reporting minor expenditures in the hundreds)
15) Enters into a weak ass campaign speech.
16) Claims minimum wage restaurants have non compete so a burger flipper can't leave Burger King and work at Wendy's (that's a lie) and he reversed it.
17) Credits the vaccine for breaking the COVID danger. Talks about the terrible toll it took on our children and says a million lives were lost due to COVID. More and more lies regarding COVID. Congress needs to dish out money to research future strains. Blames COVID for spike in crime, not Democrats policies that promoted crime.
18) Only black and brown people have to talk to their kids about how to behave when pulled over by a cop. Blacks need to keep their hands on the steering wheels. The courage! Because white people can jump out of hte car and swing at the cop and get a pass.
19) Tyree, calls him Tyler, as he's using him as a political talking point.
20) Ban Assault Weapons Now! After talking about an event and mentioning only a pistol. Nooo, they don't want to go after handguns, too as he uses handguns as a reason to ban "assault weapons".
21) Saying it's on Congress to provide him with the support to control the border. Uhhh, what about the Democrat Congress the last 2 fucking years?
22) Roe V Wade blah blah blah
23) Claims to have stood up to China. Says Democracy has gotten stronger, authoritarians have gotten weaker. No one told Canada, Australia, China, etc.
24) Woe is us on Fentanyl and how we have to stop it while he hasn't done shit about it while he's letting all the illegals in and shipping them all over the country.

That was painful. No accountability for his administration. All Trump's fault. All Republican Congress members fault. He slurred and fucked up so many words it's sad. No actual suggestions on resolving issues he complains about.
Non-compete's in fast food, nobody believes that. They are about to do a rule change and get rid of non-competes. Very good for me, my industry is tiny and I'm locked in as is all my competitors. Its extremely difficult to find employees with experience.
52:20 said:
Non-compete's in fast food, nobody believes that. They are about to do a rule change and get rid of non-competes. Very good for me, my industry is tiny and I'm locked in as is all my competitors. Its extremely difficult to find employees with experience.

Even though I don't agree with them, I can kind of see wanting non-compete in maybe sales for a similar item in a particular territory, but most of them are just stupid.
Irish Mike said:
52:20 said:
Non-compete's in fast food, nobody believes that. They are about to do a rule change and get rid of non-competes. Very good for me, my industry is tiny and I'm locked in as is all my competitors. Its extremely difficult to find employees with experience.

Even though I don't agree with them, I can kind of see wanting non-compete in maybe sales for a similar item in a particular territory, but most of them are just stupid.
I don't disagree, it's a good thing in most cases. But to claim they have it in fast food and to pat himself on the back because he's giving poor people a huge boost is just a lie.
Man dems are so lazy and the press props them up as “serious” by taking their words and making them sound important, and only quote republicans if they say something that they can make sound dumb or crazy. I have seen this so clearly this week. A lot of hard work unnoticed it’s hard not to feel down about the activist lying press
1) I find that entirely believable.

2) I only read a little under half article, but why does it seem like they're making Republicans the bad guys for blowing up the pipeline and excusing Biden when Republicans didn't have control of Congress, nor is that something Congress would even vote on.
Juggs said:
1) I find that entirely believable.

2) I only read a little under half article, but why does it seem like they're making Republicans the bad guys for blowing up the pipeline and excusing Biden when Republicans didn't have control of Congress, nor is that something Congress would even vote on.

I didn't read it as making republicans bad guys, or really anybody a bad guy. They gave Biden all the credit, somewhat fellating him for doing it.