Politics Politics

Pentagon revealed new stealth B12 B21 Raider bomber (nuclear armed).

Military industrial complex apparently has some multi-year contract to send weapons to Ukraine that supersedes any peace deal :scratchhead:
Don't know if this is technically politics, but it is fucking Minority reportish...

DocZaius said:
This thread is wild.


Good. God. I haven't even read it all and I've already seen billions that go to absolutely pointless shit like renaming buildings to absurd liberal agendas like the LGBT museum, Ukrainian Freedom Park, Surveillance, and weakening our border further.

I've yet to read a single thing that's worth spending the money on. And hat's an insane amount of money. Even rational democrats like Bill Maher should be enraged over that bill.

Also - Proof has come out that the FBI knew 100% the Hunter laptop info was absolutely real and intentionally suppressed it. I guess before it was "allegedly", now it's certain that the FBI made up a story about someone cloning his laptop and making stuff up prior to it being left at the store. And the FBI PAID twitter millions for their complicity in censoring people.

And the left politicians are now working on "banning" the use of the word "American" to describe citizens as it's "harmful".
Released emails have shown that CDC caved in to gun control advocates and removed all statistics showing how many cases where firearms were used for self defense or saving others, which showed that as many as over 2 million people per year are saved by firearms each year. How is the FBI, ATF, and police force documented reported self defense crimes "misleading", "out of context", or misinformation"? Oh, that's right, facts are inconvenient to a liberal.

The agenda laden email:

"[T]hat 2.5 Million number needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and buried again," Mark Bryant, executive director of the Gun Violence Archive, wrote to the CDC in one of the emails. "It is highly misleading, is used out of context and I honestly believe it has zero value — even as an outlier point in honest DGU discussions."

"And while that very small study by Gary Kleck has been debunked repeatedly by everyone from all sides of this issue [even Kleck] it still remains canon by gun rights folks and their supporting politicians and is used as a blunt instrument against gun safety regulations every time there is a state or federal level hearing," Bryant's email continued. "Put simply, in the time that study has been published as ‘a CDC Study’ gun violence prevention policy has ground to a halt, in no small part because of the misinformation that small study provided."
The Kari Lake court case. Every bit of evidence so far sure looks like fraud. And Hobbs team using semantics and false context to defense. No chain of command in ballots. Originals missing. Ballots delivered in a box without security seals (apparently the Hobbs team keep repeating, WAS IT SEALED OR NOT? and refusing to acknowledge that the missing security seal was ok because it had a piece of red tape across the edge after the fact). Naturally the media is using very selective clips to make it look awful for Lake, but the full version looks very damning.
Anyone else see the speech from Zelensky to Congress and the segment with Biden reading his list of shit to Zelensky?

1) Zelensky needs to be bitch slapped for some of the shit he said and his tone towards us.

2) More money, Patriot missiles, training his troops and we're going to ignore that Zelensky isn't just demanding that we help him protect Ukraine, but to have a full regime change in Russia?

If we go down this path, I hope Zelensky and DC get nuked first.
Pro choice here but whenever you vote dem you push us closer to this. It’s not about abortion it’s about uniformity of thought and that’s only what the WEF wants you to believe

The Kari Lake court case. Basically the outcome was that the Judge recognized that there were irregularities and the election was likely subverted due to a variety of issues. But since they can't prove that it was intentional, that it's ok. You can't prove they intended to cheat, it just happened to turn out in their favor, so all is good. The outcome that should have happened is irrelevant.
Reported, Facebook and Google riddled with "Ex" CIA agents running things like "harmful content" sections of the platforms.

Add that to the FBI who did the same thing at twitter.

How exactly do spooks get involved with silicon valley? I'm sure they're super qualified to do all the tech stuff, because that's all they're doing. Tech stuff. Right?
It’s very common for industry to hire ex govies to help navigate complex regulations - as an example one my my friends was a state bank examiner for years, then was hired as VP at a bank. Ostensibly to keep them out of trouble.

More sinister, and the left used to be very against this, is say an epa person going to a law firm to help with compliance and then back again. This is fairly common but now it’s only shady if pubs do it. In general, these people still have friends in gov as well as an understanding of how it all works. I’ve hired people like this in my job - they are partly selling their access.

The hiring of say gov cybersecurity experts makes sense in that they could well be experts and have access, but I think a more sinister view is that they are still affiliated with gov agencies and in addition to keeping these companies out of trouble are doing the deep stare bidding. Certainly the Twitter files, in particular the one covered by shellenberger a few days ago, would lead a reasonable person to at least suspect this.