Politics Politics

KJP's presser defending the military vax mandate: It saved lives. Cites numbers of military died before the vax mandate. In her statement she casually noted that the majority of those who died were 1) not active duty - meaning many were old, retired, fat, etc. and 2) at the height of COVID and 3) no evidence some of those deaths weren't wrongly attributed to COVID.

Ignoring that 1) Healthy military, very few died and 2) Those 400x-500x increase in over a dozen medical issues since the vax mandate and 3) COVID is basically a cold now, so it's completely dishonest to compare numbers from this year to earlier strains.
Sinema left the dem party.

ufgators68 said:
Sinema left the dem party.

Not a huge difference, she'll still vote how she wants to. If anything, it could be bad in 2 years as her seat could go to a party line Democrat instead of her keeping it and being an occasional thorn
shes still going to caucus and have dem committee assignments (much like Angus Young), but its still good since R's lost a seat and now its clear that she and Manchin might potentially hold up some super leftie appointees. I'm praying for the health of Thomas and conservative justices. They are really the only check on the fascist totalitarian left.

Damn I wish Toomy hadn't retired and just ONE of the dem seats had a good candidate and not shady voting shit.

WTF is wrong with this guy? Besides the obvious, I mean.
weird that someone who wants to dress up and do weird master and slave crap would fail to follow other societal norms.

Didn't the trans military doctor the admin was bragging about get busted for espionage?

PS some of my undergarments disappeared off the laundry line when I lived in the student ghetto and I'm still skeeved by what happened to them.
Also involved with the Trevor project, a group intended to “help” gay kids that is a vat of pedos

Other countries/central banks are hoarding/stockpiling gold. Putin's response to the cap on oil price was to say give me gold instead. If Putin goes to gold as his cost for energy....

BlackRock warns of great recession coming that can't be cured the way it was in the past.
oh you mena the blackrock that has injected its flawed ESG policies into pension and 401k funds and lost people lots of money, so much so that Florida kicked them out? That blackrock? yes a crash is coming of their own making for not funding energy projects and companies and other malfeasance.
Apparently the Biden admin is going to announce a major advancement/breakthrough in fusion, with them creating more energy than input tomorrow. Hope it’s true, but I don’t believe anything they say.
Evil gator said:
oh you mena the blackrock that has injected its flawed ESG policies into pension and 401k funds and lost people lots of money, so much so that Florida kicked them out? That blackrock? yes a crash is coming of their own making for not funding energy projects and companies and other malfeasance.
Well exactly, they're marching alongside the NWO/WEF tune and doing what they can to cause it.

People will see that as a warning, not as a blatant "I'm going to do this to you".
52:20 said:
Apparently the Biden admin is going to announce a major advancement/breakthrough in fusion, with them creating more energy than input tomorrow. Hope it’s true, but I don’t believe anything they say.

So the Law of Conservation of Energy is out the window?

A lot going on I'm seeing on podcasts, but not in MSM.

US Ok's Ukraine attacks on Russian nuclear bases. US supposedly sending tanks, attack drones, and such to Ukraine. That supposedly leaked by a Pentagon source, publicly denied. Russian Press Secretary says they are at a head with the West and he fears the war could escalate into, basically saying WWIII.

Germany bans guns after attempted coup. The U.N. tells Israel to give up their nukes as Russia gets cozy with Iran (does Russia give Iran nukes?).

No proof, but allegedly people have said their credit card purchases were declined when trying to buy a gun with certain cards. Not enough details to know.