Politics Politics

RIP said:
This book was great if you like post apocalyptic shit.


This is the kind of stuff Mrs. Pan is reading. It's why we are gathering prepper shit, and why she got a gun.
Panamag8or said:
Juggs said:
RIP said:
An EMP is the scariest thing possible besides all out nuclear holocaust. Everyone can prep to their heart's content but as soon as the pharmacies and grocery stores have been looted people will drop like flies. Need a life saving prescription med? You're among the 1st to die. Diabetics? Totally and completely fucked.

Yep. I’d start weening myself off Wellbutrin and Klonipin the day it happened.

As a whole, an EMP would turn every city into a war zone virtually overnight.

I’ll have to go back n the back of my neighborhood and jack one of his bad ass fully restored rides from the 50s. Load up all my guns, ammo, and the 15 gallons of ethanol free gas in gas in the garage. Go kidnap my kid if she’s not already with me and try to get to Tennessee.

Worst case I’d go out in BFE areas I know that are sparsely populated and take their house or die trying :lol: Traveling would be dangerous. Staying in a city is a certain death sentence.

Or find an acquaintance outside of town and barter my killing skills for a place to crash :lol:

Come on out. We have extra rooms and neighbors with cows.
And then fewer neighbors :whistle:
Can’t get a definitive answer. I’m bored so reading. An EMP from a nuke would be a limited blast radius similar to the radiation. 10-20 miles for a huge one. The US exploded a nuke 300 miles in the atmosphere above the Pacific in the 60s and it blew out street lamps 1000 miles away in Hawaii. So the higher in the atmosphere you go, the wider range you have, but weaker effects. So to cause a true blackout, they’d have to explode a nuke 50-100 miles above every medium to large city in the US to take us out. At that point we’re retaliating with nukes anyway from our nuclear subs or our nukes in other countries. So there’s no real benefit of trying it. They may as well just nuke us for real. China claims to have a super EMP nuke, but there’s no proof of it. Interesting stuff, but the reality is we have no clue what the governments are capable of. But physics would indicate an EMP that would ever effect more than the huge cities like NYC is extremely improbably, if not impossible. It would take a massive solar flare from the sun to do that.
The Dems as always have resorted to lies that rs want to eliminate social security. Yes, they are going to eliminate a program for the most consistent voting bloc and never win another election. Good call

Yep, all lies. Accuses Trump of fascism while actively practicing fascism. No one is blocking LGBT equality. Republicans sure as shit aren't raising taxes on low and middle class. They're not eliminating anything. They make more rational climate change decisions, not stupid ones that cause inflation.

The only one that's accurate is to put limits on abortion.

The black dude who debated MTG got destroyed by her.
Yeah like former baldy Florida gov suggested that all programs be reauthorized including ss, but none of the other members of Congress are for it. As part of his desire for fiscal solvency he also suggested that poorer people pay taxes into social programs (this the way that Europe pays for their large programs - poor people pay for the bulk of it) and was quickly shot down.

Their fantasies about trump policies only impacting corporations and the rich is absurd. Who do people think own most companies and employ people? The biggest beneficiaries of the trump tax cuts were the less wealthy, and unemployment for women and minorities was at a record low and wages a record high. Their willful ignorance of how things work is stunning
Panamag8or said:
Gainesville fucks themselves, eliminates single-family zoning.
Juggs's whole neighborhood is about to become section 8 quadraplexes.


Finally read the rest of this. The black Mayor says sing family zoning is racist and the black multi-generational blacks disagree and don't see the positive in the change. The Mayor then says it'll help with climate change. No it fucking won't.

The State told them not to fucking do this and as usual, the city did what they wanted to anyone. Of course students agree with it because they need more places to live.

Fucking. Stop. This infrastructure can't support more people.

Another article had a black woman saying, "I have the right to choose to live anywhere in town I wish and this gives me that right". No, if you're poor, you shouldn't live in Haile Plantation. They shouldn't fuck it up for the people who do well for themselves and put poor people, which always come with a trash element, to their neighorbhood. It's a sure way to fuck the city.
From last April, but just now being reported apparently: ABC Journalist Meek investigating Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan, raided by the FBI immediately drops his investigation, didn't publish what he was working on, resigns, and then disappears and hasn't been seen since.
Good. God. Are you poor? Abort your baby and you won't need to worry about gas prices or inflation

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams shocked political observers by saying Wednesday that abortion is “an economic issue” — as surveys suggest more American voters are concerned about rising inflation than the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

“Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas … [and] how much food costs,” Abrams told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
Yeah, if you're not pregnant or have children, inflation doesn't matter and won't affect you. The things that woman says is amazingly stupid when she's not outright lying about voter suppression or her being a election denier.

As for Afghanistan, ain't shit gonna happen and you know it. They'll still be holding 1/6 hearings after that.
I do enjoy how aoc got adoration from the press and started to believe everyone loves her and can’t even handle a rough confrontational meeting - like the ones she’s pushed on others



Juggs said:
Yeah, if you're not pregnant or have children, inflation doesn't matter and won't affect you. The things that woman says is amazingly stupid when she's not outright lying about voter suppression or her being a election denier.

As for Afghanistan, ain't shit gonna happen and you know it. They'll still be holding 1/6 hearings after that.

Dude, no. The party with the most people on their side gets to pick the hearings.