Politics Politics

52:20 said:
I hate the titt for tatt, but impeaching him in the house after november is going to be funny to watch.

And why would they think the Saudi’s would play ball, they can’t be that stupid.

I disagree on titt for tatt. At this point, the R's need to stoop to their level and start playing hard ball. I don't mean blatantly lie like they do, but get the dirt and out them all. Dox them. Do all the ugly shit that they do. You don't win by taking the high road in politics. They need to do a better job of exposing the corruption and getting it to the masses.

It may not make any difference at all, but it would make me feel better having more hard proof shoved in the left's face
Yeah the 1/6 using contempt and all of that for essentially a show trial and disallowing the party to select it’s own members set some precedents Dems are going to regret.

The border, origin of Covid, tech and fbi collusion, just general big government shit can make a lot of problems for Dems
Lol I didn’t realize the Durham trial about the Steele dossier bullshit is in the courthouse across the street from me. They will never get a conviction here its 99% dem and gov employees or those who love them
I know no one gives a shit about the Jan 6 stuff, but any one think the dramatic never before seen footage of pelosi etc escaping danger was a little too convenient? That her filmmaker daughter just happened to be there to film it all dramatically?

I am normally against tin foil hattery but given how often they have been right, I wonder. And I’m afraid to say this anywhere else and risk losing my IRA
Evil gator said:
I know no one gives a shit about the Jan 6 stuff, but any one think the dramatic never before seen footage of pelosi etc escaping danger was a little too convenient? That her filmmaker daughter just happened to be there to film it all dramatically?

I am normally against tin foil hattery but given how often they have been right, I wonder. And I’m afraid to say this anywhere else and risk losing my IRA

Yeah, seems a little weird to me, too.
Fuck this interfering piece of shit, no remorse or reflection. The federal government is made up of people who think they have the right to tell you what to think and do

MSNBC segment had a guest on with the caption, "Republicans ramp up Civil War rhetoric" and he goes on to say that if Republicans win, Fascism is here to stay and Democracy is dad. If Democrats win, there will be another insurrection.

The mental gymnastics here are amazing. The liberals are the ones acting fascist, not Trump. Liberals are the ones threatening civil war if Trump wins.
In that video of Pelosi filmed by her daughter, who said she didn't know she was being filmed, used "poo poo" to describe the mess. Uhhh, yeah we know she wouldn't say "poo poo" if she didn't know she was being filmed.

Also, this part makes it sound like she did in fact know what was going to happen and that's why the security was mysteriously missing: “I hope he comes,” Pelosi responds. “I want to punch him out. This is my moment. I’ve been waiting for this. For trespassing on the Capitol grounds. I want to punch him out, and I’m going to go to jail, and I’m going to be happy.”

The comments on WaPo are so pathetic. Just a stream of people worshiping her bravery and courage, the hero of DC. And the Republican slander of trying to portray her as a drunk is traitorous. Interesting theory: The Democrats knowingly make up misinformation to effect an election, weaponize federal agencies, and tried to create a Ministry of Truth to kill the 1st A.....actual treasonous actions are A-ok. But calling Pelosi drunk when she is acting drunk....that's somehow treason? Free speech is treason?

Liberal logic.
Yeah keep in mind Pelosi refused to allow republicans to pick their committee members, something that breaks 246 years of process. Because they were going to ask why wasn’t there national guard and dc cops there to protect the Capitol? Who is in charge of that? Pelosi and McConnell. Why wasn’t she questioned? If they point is to never happen again isn’t the truth important? I’ve no problem with a bunch of blame going to trump. But all these hearings showed was that he’s a negligent douche, which we already knew. How about the blame to McConnell and Pelosi and DC mayor Who knew what when? I’ve heard from people in intel related fields it was widely known there were threats, as happens when any kind of protest goes on for days, bad assholes get into the crowd. It happened in summer 2020 - and the DC mayor let it. Crowds attacked rand Paul and other Republicans then.

The idea that the lawlessness of 2020 and Russian hoax didn’t play a part is preposterous. Or that Pelosi didn’t have some blame. The questionable video proves it
Biden continues to lie and lie every fucking day with almost never any fact checks. Do you recall all the stories that when trump would say something in passing that turned out later to be true “trump says, without proof, blah” like yeah bitch he’s walking to a limo.

But Biden says “republicans want to end social security” and “republicans will make inflation worse” that are complete lies meant to scare people and there’s not a peep except sometimes on fox or wsj. It’s fuCking ridiculous
Yeah I’m sure they didn’t want any special treatment from the VP

Look at the comments
