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LOL people who voted for this nonsense. The IRS is going to dole out all of that taxpayer cash in the "Inflation Reduction Act"/Climate Bill

in case its paywalled
The massive climate and energy law enacted by Democrats in August puts the IRS at the forefront of the effort to incentivize renewable energy across the economy. Of the nearly $370 billion of climate spending in the new law, about $270 billion will be delivered through tax incentives for electric vehicles, energy-efficient buildings, solar power and other “clean” energy technologies.

ROFL like the IRS has any expertise in dolling out cash or what projects are viable? what a fucking bunch of shit.


The IRS has struggled to answer phone calls and efficiently process tax returns, according to a June report released by an independent watchdog within the agency. During the 2022 filing season, the IRS received about 73 million telephone calls, the report said.

Only one in 10 of those calls reached an IRS employee.
Gainesville fucks themselves, eliminates single-family zoning.
Juggs's whole neighborhood is about to become section 8 quadraplexes.

Luckily the area is all built up. But the idea that it will help housing costs is absurd. Prices are sky high regardless of it’s a house or quadriplex. Most don’t qualify for section 8 anyway. It’s just the cities way to shoehorn in apartments anywhere they can to bring in more people the infrastructure can’t support.

People will start to move further out if they can, fucking yo more of the country areas. This will let Gainesville push their city limits further. Their ultimate goal being the city takes over the entire county like Jax or Miami.
1 bedroom apartments go for 1800 to 2000 around here. Rents on 3-4 bedrooms houses out where I live on 1 1/4 acre lots are about 2500. Density doesn't seem to affect price.
Not going to read, but I'll go ahead and call bullshit. TV, laziness, and processed foods made women fat. And made worse by body positivity. Fat shaming has been around a while now and calling a 300 pounder wearing a crop top into publix with her gut bouncing around "beautiful" has not fucking helped. I imagine the increased rate of poverty has played a role as well.
Tulsi said on air she wasn't a Republican and they're also evil. And now there's this headline from the daily mail:
Tulsi Gabbard will campaign with Republican Arizona Governor candidate Kari Lake and GOP Senate hopeful Blake Masters in crucial toss-up state as she throws support behind GOP after leaving the Democrats
In other news - A Boston Lab has created a new COVID virus by mixing the Omicron spike protein with other COVID strain to create one that has an 80% kill rate on mice.

So that's what we know about. What's being done around the world, including here, that we don't know about. Fucking retards.
Evil gator said:
all the things they said Trump would cause, biden has done.
I still don't think anything comes of this, but you never know. TTe company that the military and DHS uses sells EMP shields to the public. The prepper in me really wants the vehicle one, just so if shits goes down, I can still drive to Tennessee. That of course assumes every road and ditch isn't blocked with stalled cars. You'd have to be lucky enough for an EMP to hit at night.

Saw tons of people talk about having them so they can get out of the city. HAHAHAHA. If you're in a place like NYC or in any medium city and an EMP hits, you're fucked. There's no way out. Then they talk about having their home protected. Here's the problem with protecting your appliances, home, etc. from an EMP; The grid isn't protected. Do you have a generator with an endless supply of gas? Or solar panels that will run everything? Because if not, your HVAC doesn't mean a thing without the grid or an individual power source.

People really don't think things through. They're fooling themselves if they think spending thousands on all this shit is going to keep them alive. Can you imagine the sound of a running generator or two when the grid goes down? Those people would be dead in a day unless you're rural :lol:

I hope I'm wrong about being overly dismissive of Putin's willingness to nuke everyone :lol:
Your microwave is a faraday cage, so you can put your phone and an emergency radio in it to protect from an emp.

But, yeah, if one happens, most people are fucked. That's why we have a solar generator and crappy freeze-dried prepper food. Next on our list: a hand pump for the well.
An EMP is the scariest thing possible besides all out nuclear holocaust. Everyone can prep to their heart's content but as soon as the pharmacies and grocery stores have been looted people will drop like flies. Need a life saving prescription med? You're among the 1st to die. Diabetics? Totally and completely fucked.
RIP said:
An EMP is the scariest thing possible besides all out nuclear holocaust. Everyone can prep to their heart's content but as soon as the pharmacies and grocery stores have been looted people will drop like flies. Need a life saving prescription med? You're among the 1st to die. Diabetics? Totally and completely fucked.

yep I'll go straight to hell and wait for you fuckers to arrive after a lot of suffering.
This book was great if you like post apocalyptic shit.

RIP said:
An EMP is the scariest thing possible besides all out nuclear holocaust. Everyone can prep to their heart's content but as soon as the pharmacies and grocery stores have been looted people will drop like flies. Need a life saving prescription med? You're among the 1st to die. Diabetics? Totally and completely fucked.

Yep. I’d start weening myself off Wellbutrin and Klonipin the day it happened.

As a whole, an EMP would turn every city into a war zone virtually overnight.

I’ll have to go back n the back of my neighborhood and jack one of his bad ass fully restored rides from the 50s. Load up all my guns, ammo, and the 15 gallons of ethanol free gas in gas in the garage. Go kidnap my kid if she’s not already with me and try to get to Tennessee.

Worst case I’d go out in BFE areas I know that are sparsely populated and take their house or die trying :lol: Traveling would be dangerous. Staying in a city is a certain death sentence.

Or find an acquaintance outside of town and barter my killing skills for a place to crash :lol:
Juggs said:
RIP said:
An EMP is the scariest thing possible besides all out nuclear holocaust. Everyone can prep to their heart's content but as soon as the pharmacies and grocery stores have been looted people will drop like flies. Need a life saving prescription med? You're among the 1st to die. Diabetics? Totally and completely fucked.

Yep. I’d start weening myself off Wellbutrin and Klonipin the day it happened.

As a whole, an EMP would turn every city into a war zone virtually overnight.

I’ll have to go back n the back of my neighborhood and jack one of his bad ass fully restored rides from the 50s. Load up all my guns, ammo, and the 15 gallons of ethanol free gas in gas in the garage. Go kidnap my kid if she’s not already with me and try to get to Tennessee.

Worst case I’d go out in BFE areas I know that are sparsely populated and take their house or die trying :lol: Traveling would be dangerous. Staying in a city is a certain death sentence.

Or find an acquaintance outside of town and barter my killing skills for a place to crash :lol:

Come on out. We have extra rooms and neighbors with cows.