That's pretty true. Document everything. At least, I assume, gargin or the company should have plenty of numbers to prove it was performance and not age related. Even compare it to the older fella who's doing his job. I'd also get it in writing or subpoena every single person he told about his June retirement (assuming it goes to court)...I mean, in one post it sounds like he has enough proof to defend himself.
People seriously suck. Years ago, I had a coworker who was 100% incompetent. Super nice guy, we bullshitted all the time. But he took a month to do a project that I could do in under a week, which I had to do because he'd fuck it up so badly, I had to redo the entire project. Every time. I collected everything I had to. I had over 6 months of emails, deadlines missed, etc. of examples of how terrible he was at the job. They wouldn't fire him because he was one of the few black people. So they gave him more rope to hang himself and intentionally let him kill a multi-million dollar job. We pissed off the client and lost the profit for 6 more months just so they could fire him without worrying about a discrimination lawsuit.
Here's a novel idea: A company can fire whoever the hell they want to for any reason's their company.