People are cunts. Picking up the kid from school
1) 2 lane 34th St. A truck with a trailer was apparently lost. He stopped dead in the lane and just blocked traffic. Eventually people started going around him. Just as I got around him, he started driving again and turned just 20 yards from where he was stopped.
2) The area where I park for the kid to walk to me is a 1 lane, 1 way parking lot. Dumb cunt skips the parking, drives to the front of the lane before it gets to the exit and just parks. Kids are showing up, getting in vehicles. I'm talking to myself, don't be too much of a dick when I knock on their fucuking window and tell them to GTFO out of the drive aisle, it's not a god damn parking spot. Luckily someone left before me and this tiny asian guy got them to move just enough to get past.
3) Right as I was backing out, someone whipped in the entrance behind me and started driving way too fast up that 1 way aisle. I hit the brakes figuring they'd drive on by and park further ahead than I was. Nope. 50 yards east or west was dead empty for them to park. They stopped DIRECTLY behind me so I couldn't move and just sat there as their kid walked the other 20 feet and got in the vehicle. It couldn't have been possible for them to not see me.
How are people this big of cunts. FTR - all black people. Yep, I'm going there. Black people are the worst drivers alive. I've said it for years. I use to think it was Asians. They are terrible drivers, but asians are just simply bad. Most of them didn't drive before they moved to the US in my experience. Bad black drivers (American blacks, not foreigner blacks, they're cool) on the other are just cunts that don't give a shit about anyone else and at this point, I'm certain they're doing it purpose. The same way they slow down and stare at you when they cross the street.
This day just needs to fucking end.