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🤬Bitch Bitch thread

My God people are stupid. Saw a youtube video on a shed build. I don't know why I look at comments, I know most of them are retarded. It's a small, basic wood shed and in mildly sped up time, shows the entire build, except he oddly left just plywood exposed on the roof. No shingles, no tin. This guy makes these to sell and the buyer finishes it to their taste. He also sells the plans of his builds on his website. It's how he makes a living.

What are the comments filled with? People asking dumb fucking questions. First, many people asking him to reply with a materials list. You dumb fucks, he has a link right there that wants you to PAY $20 FOR THE PLANS. He doesn't give this shit away. Second, people asking if the walls need to be painted, if it needs a roof, does it need a foundation or does it just sit on the ground.

I replied to a couple people, If you want it to rot, no it doesn't need a roof, paint, and it's ok to set it on the ground. It baffles me that men can be so stupid about basic build stuff. You don't have to be a handyman to know wood rots without treatment :facepalm: The school system needs to bring back shop class.

On the topic of school, not in a creepy way, but I couldn't help but notice at my kid's school that quite a few of these middle schoolers, bodies of adults. 8th grade girls (I assume) that are crazy tall, thin, and C or D cups. I don't say this in a "minor attracted person" way, but in a fatherly, "those poor fucking parents" way. You can't not see it because that shit was NOT normal when I was that age. WTF are we ingesting to cause this change?
Yeah I was pretty shocked recently seeing some back to school pics by friends with girls in middle school. It's insane. I hardly recognize them.
I don't know if girls were built that way and I was too dumb to notice at 13-14, but it definitely seems like they are maturing earlier now.

I blame contrails and 5G.
Most of my friends in 7th grade looked like cocktail waitresses and all wore bras and smoked. Two of them even got knocked up - each by a different one of my bffs brothers
Evil gator said:
Oh but actually it’s climate change lol


Yeah. It wasn't hot in south florida when I was growing up.
I wonder how much of kids lack of fitness is related to covid lockdowns as well. It wasn't as bad in Florida but in other areas parks were roped off, fitness classes and gyms closed etc. Unless kids had a yard, I can see it making things worse. not that kids and people haven't been getting fatter and more out of shape in general, but this feels like hiding the banana
Evil gator said:
I wonder how much of kids lack of fitness is related to covid lockdowns as well. It wasn't as bad in Florida but in other areas parks were roped off, fitness classes and gyms closed etc. Unless kids had a yard, I can see it making things worse. not that kids and people haven't been getting fatter and more out of shape in general, but this feels like hiding the banana

Palm Beach County was pretty gung ho about lockdowns and shit. They closed the beaches and even closed the boat ramps. All the parks around me stayed open though, but the playgrounds and swing sets and shit were closed off.
Yeah let’s make it harder for people to have enjoyable exercise - then blame climate change when they are less fit!

More government is always the answer even if government caused the problem
Evil gator said:
Yeah let’s make it harder for people to have enjoyable exercise - then blame climate change when they are less fit!

More government is always the answer even if government caused the problem
That's the intent. They create the problems and then hail themselves the saviors when they present a half assed solution.
Apparently people have gotten carried away with inflation adjustment.

The bid site I buy my cigars from, everything is going for 20% higher than they were weeks ago. It's maddening. It's a bid site...you don't HAVE to pay more you shit birds.
Parenttards - At what age can I hopefully expect my daughter to not be a complete fucking moron?

She's in the kitchen making waffles, so I tell her to keep an eye on the bacon while I do other shit. I come back to the kitchen to bacon smoking and burn black and she's standing 2 FUCKING FEET AWAY and she didn't notice. Didn't smell it, didn't see the smoke, didn't....fucking hell. Obviously I snapped and asked her she couldn't fucking notice black ass bacon smoking and burning right fucking beside her.

I'm cranky. I've barely slept more than 5 hours a night for nearly a week. I had an injection of 7 large fucking pellets 2x the size of rabbit food pellets in my kidney area that's sore as shit and makes it even harder to sleep than normal.

I need to shoot something.
yeah i know kids who at age 7 or 8 could handle cooking a full meal with no problem. I also know complete adults who have set houses on fire out of simple dumbfuckery.

my college roommates mom burned down their house because she put her snowboots in the oven to "dry them off"
fuck me.

There's really not many more shitty feelings than to be a parent and acknowledge that your kid isn't as smart as you are. For common sense, I guess the best I can hope for is she'll develop it later. Obviously my attempts at cultivating it within her, at least the best she can control by simple responsibility and paying the f attention, are failing
Juggs said:
fuck me.

There's really not many more shitty feelings than to be a parent and acknowledge that your kid isn't as smart as you are. For common sense, I guess the best I can hope for is she'll develop it later. Obviously my attempts at cultivating it within her, at least the best she can control by simple responsibility and paying the f attention, are failing

Dude... take it easy on her. She's got to figure out where her next soul is coming from. She has no time for your frivoulous shit.