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😢Whine As Juggs' World turns

Basically blue's forum is entirely public. So I post, usually after a few drinks, the daily folks might see it, then it goes away. Being a very private hermit, I don't want google or some tugbux migrant knowing I hung out one time with gigolo tony as a kid, lol. Pretty sure it's some form of narcissism. :)
Basically blue's forum is entirely public. So I post, usually after a few drinks, the daily folks might see it, then it goes away. Being a very private hermit, I don't want google or some tugbux migrant knowing I hung out one time with gigolo tony as a kid, lol. Pretty sure it's some form of narcissism. :)

Sometimes I make it private, but that discourages new folks from finding us. I can make it private again if that's what people want.
Basically blue's forum is entirely public. So I post, usually after a few drinks, the daily folks might see it, then it goes away. Being a very private hermit, I don't want google or some tugbux migrant knowing I hung out one time with gigolo tony as a kid, lol. Pretty sure it's some form of narcissism. :)
More like paranoid schizophrenia w a dose of homo on the side.
Women continue to show they've got batshit crazy and follow with latest trends in dating. Now, the big thing is "friends first".

That has 2 meanings, depending on the woman, both are lose-lose for me. First is, she just wants to build a roster, hang out a with a bunch of different men (probably sleeping with at least 1) and see who comes out on top while she strings others along. It doesn't work out, she goes to option 2 and so on. They're easy to spot, ignore.

Now the difficult one, like this woman I'm talking to. Another devout Christian, very sweet, kind, looking for that leader, protector, etc. I completely understand not jumping right into a relationship and confusing compatibility with lust. But, "friends until I decide I want to be courted by him" is fucking stupid. They want to get to know a man first, but they still expect dating like treatment as friends, and you want the man to lead, but tell him he's in friend zone until you decide to date....he's not a mind reader to "lead" and magically know when that moment is. She won't know if he's a friend or partner material unless he plans thoughtful days together, picks up the check, and so on....which is dating FFS. But if I were to hang out with a buddy, I don't plan thoughtful days or pick up the tab. Friends get treated like friends regardless of their sex. I've tried to explain this to women and they comprehend it. Why can't they just say, "Sex is off the table, we just date and spend time together until we see if more happens".

The stupidity is baffling. Monogamous friendship, that's basically dating. But if you tell me we're just friends until you decide you want to be "courted", don't expect me to pay for shit and call that "old fashioned". Women are retarded. This one I'm talking to isn't retarded, she's just obviously been hurt and trying to be really cautious. She's more of a loner and doesn't really like people (like me). But FFS, they don't know how to handle it.
I think I’m going to dump my beautiful, smart, stable, rich wife, and go back for some more crazy woman pain, i miss being miserable.
Miserable, no. Frustrated with how absurd women are these days, yeah. They want it all, even when "all" includes completely contradictory things. Dealing with retards, I can handle. Dealing with otherwise good hearted women who fell for the stupid is what makes me want to snap.
Half the hispanics around here don't spend English :lol:

I've seen some hot ones, but they're always either fat or have 3 or 4 black/hispanic babies. I was talking to a really hot black chick briefly. Crazy body, pretty, articulate, and liked white country boys. But at the end of the day, it wasn't right to her because I knew I'd never settle down with her because of those 2 black kids :lol:

I'm about ready to just take a chubby chick and let her treat me like a king :beatsme:
Honest question @Juggs - are you done having kids?

If you found the right woman but she had kid(s) from a prior relationship is that an automatic dealbreaker?
Oh I'm fine with kids, but a max of 2 (unless at least one is older/out of the house) and no mixies. I know I can't handle 4 kids in the house at the same time :lol: If I had another kid of my own, it'd either be an accident or a younger Asian gal talked me into it :lol:

I've dated a few women who didn't have kids, but most of them were 30-35 yr old Asians and only 2 were women my age. Won't lie, it was nice :lol: But if I had a no kids rule (aside from being horrendously hypocritical, which I'm not), I'd reduce my odds even greater. I already reduce my odds a ton by having a 2 at home limit.

My 3 fails from the last few days with women:
1) She "loved so much about" me.....but I didn't eat, breathe, and shit Jesus...... (this is common. I attract old fashioned women, but they're serious hard core Bible thumpers that can't accept that I don't mention Jesus every 3rd word).

2) A woman a couple years older than me. Attractive, submissive, a home body. I liked her, but she didn't seem too bright and not a great conversationalist. We were talking for a couple hours (text) and then she just disappeared. Women ghost all the time, so today I just messaged, "Good luck to you". She acted like nothing happened and then said she got busy plus it was game day (I hate women obsessed with sports). This isn't the first time I had a discussion with someone about manners and common courtesy, only for them to do something like that within minutes. I told her it takes 30 seconds to say, "Game day! Talk tomorrow". To show a smidge of common fucking courtesy. So good luck.

3) A 31 year old from Jax. I obviously had to ask why a 31 year old is messaging a 44 year old an hour and a half away. She didn't have a great answer other than she hated Jax. Long story short, it ended with me saying, "You're a 31 year old cashier with a toddler, if you want a real man whose not just trying to fuck you, you have to bring more to the table than a cute face". I'll note her communication was also as solid as a toddler's. I have a feeling she was looking for an older guy to take care of her.

Oh, I forgot a 4th. A woman my age who said she's old fashioned and wants to live the old fashioned life. She wants to be a house wife. Like huh? You currently have a job and you have no kids. What motivation is there for a guy who already handles his shit to have a house wife if no kids are involved? Because of us aren't filthy rich that just want a stay at home leach to fuck.
Half the hispanics around here don't spend English :lol:

I've seen some hot ones, but they're always either fat or have 3 or 4 black/hispanic babies. I was talking to a really hot black chick briefly. Crazy body, pretty, articulate, and liked white country boys. But at the end of the day, it wasn't right to her because I knew I'd never settle down with her because of those 2 black kids :lol:

I'm about ready to just take a chubby chick and let her treat me like a king :beatsme:
honey boo boo reality GIF by RealityTVGIFs
This is the first holiday season I can recall where I didn’t easily pick up chicks. The level of requirements from chicks is insane. Came across a country gal where I fit 90%, but I don’t meet her first requirement: “Required to go dancing on the weekends”.

I wanted to message and said good luck finding a guy who has all 10 of those because most men who fit those aren’t fucking dancing at all. Bitches be crazy yo

On another note, this is smallest gal in my age range to message me in a few weeks (that lived nearby). The rest have been 48-50.


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I don’t know that I ever had a list: attractive (square jaw) good at sports, nice, funny, likes me
I've seen some more whoppers the last few weeks :facepalm: One moderately attractive woman admitted to being high maintenance in her profile, another said she was loud and kind of a nag.

Had a couple more really attractive, sweet women who liked me until they asked me if my life revolved around Jesus first and foremost. Hardcore bible thumper women have the same problem liberal women do....They want specific traits, but look around a church. Big time bible thumping Christian men (like liberal men) are kinda beta, they don't give women the safe/protective feeling. So they'll sit there and love being single forever wanting to have it ALL.

One of them I actually talked to had her playing 20 questions list and I finally said, "You know what list men have? It's not a passport stamp requirement, not a dancing requirement, not a skydiving requirement or any of your absurd lists. We want to be treated well, not nagged, get support and respect, and a little bit of fun.....that's it. And you wonder why you're single when you throw lists like this at men?" . I got deleted without a reply :lol: