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đź“°News The :goodbye: thread

My parents sent me to see Straw Dogs at the Reitz theater while they did some kind of errand on campus. I was 10. They thought it was a western.
I was traumatized.
Evil gator said:
was she the first black chick you guys wanted to bang?

I had to google her because star trek sucks and I never watched it, so no.

I think for my age it had to be one of Tyra Banks, Chili from TLC, Janet Jackson, Aaliyah....one of the actual famous ones. Of course, outside of 2 or 3 songs, TLC was more famous for Left eye burning down Bison's mansion :lol:
You know, a lot is made about the Uhura character breaking down the color barrier, but I never saw her as "black," at least not "American black." The name "Uhura" sounded exotic to me, so I always imagined her as being from some Pacific island or Middle Eastern or something because her skin tone wasn't that dark.

Kissing Lt. Uhura didn't seem crazy to me. But imagine if Capt. James T. Kirk made out with a really dark-skinned and nappy-haired Ensign Quantavia in 1967?