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Evil gator said:
apparently boebert and other firebrands in the house are drawing up impeachment articles for Garland

On that note, I had come across an article on WaPo that said this:

When President Biden tapped Merrick Garland to lead the Justice Department last year, he selected a cautious appeals court judge known as a political moderate who could build consensus.

Let's be real....Biden didn't tap anyone "moderate". Every pick has been extremely left.
Supreme Court case supposedly coming up to revisit unlawful search and seizure because a lower court defied their previous ruling and allowed the police, without a warrant, to go into a man's home, arrest him, seize all his guns, and put him in a psyche ward for 12 hours. The police admitted they found no justification for ever being in the home and the 14 year old grandaughter called 911 to say "her grandfather was acting weird". DCF intervened and said they would interfere with him being released from the psyche ward, despite being cleared of any mental illness or wrong doing, until his firearms were removed from the house.

This was 2014. Took years to get his long guns back, but had his CCW revoked. All without a warrant and no justification per the cops who were on the scene. And the courts ordered the seizure of his weapons anyway despite it being ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS.

WTF is the point of SCOTUS if there are no consequences for lower courts or states to blatantly defy their rulings when it regards issues that fall 100% under SCOTUS purview?
The ISD reported that one Trump supporter was "calling on fellow veterans and Americans of all walks to join him" in Washington "to protest the out-of-control FBI and its actions against President Trump," while a post by another supporter implored followers to "Protest FBI tyranny."

Protesting the FBI actions is hate speech lol?
Evil gator said:
oh look - we are all on some sort of list now

"Over the last several months, law enforcement officials across the nation have become increasingly concerned about calls for violence against law enforcement and other government officials by violent extremists," said John Cohen, a former Department of Homeland Security official who is now an ABC News contributor.

What horse shit. It's almost never the Right who call for violence on government officials and it's definitely never a Con who calls for violence on law enforcement. Saying the FBI is corrupt isn't a call for violence, FFS.

Every article, move, etc. is undeniably a blatant step towards authoritarianism that's out in the open for everyone to see.
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
oh look - we are all on some sort of list now

"Over the last several months, law enforcement officials across the nation have become increasingly concerned about calls for violence against law enforcement and other government officials by violent extremists," said John Cohen, a former Department of Homeland Security official who is now an ABC News contributor.

What horse shit. It's almost never the Right who call for violence on government officials and it's definitely never a Con who calls for violence on law enforcement. Saying the FBI is corrupt isn't a call for violence, FFS.

Every article, move, etc. is undeniably a blatant step towards authoritarianism that's out in the open for everyone to see.

Yeah, BLM calling for cops to be shot in the street wall no biggie, though.
threatening SCOTUS justices and protesting their kids school is fine, but OMG if you question the necessity of a raid over a restaurant menu or have the gadsen flag somewhere, you're a threat.
this may get Trump the presidency, but I'd prefer Desantis, because I think he's more capable of fixing the problems. I'm not aware of anyone dissolving a federal agency - the unions and power are too entrenched. I feel like desantis in two terms could do some things.
I'd just as soon keep Desantis where he is. Christ, we might end up with Crist.

I would think Trump/Desantis will be the ticket, with him being heir apparent.

Or some black woman, or tranny, to get that vote.
pg. said:
I'd just as soon keep Desantis where he is. Christ, we might end up with Crist.

I would think Trump/Desantis will be the ticket, with him being heir apparent.

Or some black woman, or tranny, to get that vote.

That would be a bad move for DeSantis.

First, VP is a useless position. It's a title, but they're basically useless. It's a waste of DeSantis when he could be keeping Florida on the right track.

Second, the moderates that decide elections constantly swing left to right. They have a few years of one party, get sick of them, and then jump to the other side to see how that goes. History would indicate that the situation we're in doesn't matter. So another 4 years of Trump and then running DeSantis could see DeSantis lose just because people don't want 8 or potentially 12 years of an R / Trump regime. Especially if Trump doesn't get the economy back where it was before Biden destroyed it. So DeSantis may not want any stink associated with a 2nd Trump term.

DeSantis himself is better off not aligning himself with Trump on a ticket.
Re: the Trump raid: Glenn Beck reports that the warrant was refused to be shown at the premises, to Trump's lawyer. She was shown it from a solid 10 feet away, so there was no indication of what the search warrant was permitted to search or not. It was only until they left that the lawyer received the warrant, however they didn't give her the affidavits and accompanying documents with the warrant itself.

This fuck up of procedure, refusing to let the lawyer inspect the warrant before they broke into safe's, etc., may be why Garland is claiming he knew nothing about it.

If Garland didn't know anything about it, he should be fired for not knowing WTF his people were doing.
Juggs said:
pg. said:
I'd just as soon keep Desantis where he is. Christ, we might end up with Crist.

I would think Trump/Desantis will be the ticket, with him being heir apparent.

Or some black woman, or tranny, to get that vote.

That would be a bad move for DeSantis.

First, VP is a useless position. It's a title, but they're basically useless. It's a waste of DeSantis when he could be keeping Florida on the right track.

Second, the moderates that decide elections constantly swing left to right. They have a few years of one party, get sick of them, and then jump to the other side to see how that goes. History would indicate that the situation we're in doesn't matter. So another 4 years of Trump and then running DeSantis could see DeSantis lose just because people don't want 8 or potentially 12 years of an R / Trump regime. Especially if Trump doesn't get the economy back where it was before Biden destroyed it. So DeSantis may not want any stink associated with a 2nd Trump term.

DeSantis himself is better off not aligning himself with Trump on a ticket.
I don't think that's actually true. Reagan/Bush was 12 years. Clinton was 8, Bush 8 and Obama 8. Covid fear/weird voting/constant barrage of bad (partly his fault) is what killed Trump. his policies were wildly popular

The republicans will improve the economy the way that Reagan and trump did -lowering taxes and regs and cutting government spending. Its actually really really simple and dems just refuse to do it (because clinton was a republican by current standards).

florida isn't going to go blue if Desantis runs for pres, that's just dumb. if desantis governs like he has florida he will easily get re-elected barring a crazy thing like covid was.

finally what dem is going to be elected president after all of these fuck ups? Harris? Mayor Pete? Come on, there's zero bench on the dem side, they are all idiots or 80. the only way biden got elected was by fooling dumbasses into thinking he was moderate. there are no young moderates that are capable of getting elected. Another Obama isn't walking through that door, and most moderates hopefully aren't going to learn.

The hispanic shift is enormous.
8 years seems to be the swing, I mean. I think it's better for Desantis to run separate from Trump. A lot of Pubs love DeSantis that hate Trump. I also didn't say Dems could win a 2024 election. I'd just rather not see Desantis and Trump beat each other up in the primaries. There's no huge upside for DeSantis to run with Trump. I will say that the half joking rumors of AOC running is hilarious. I'd love to watch that train wreck.

I didn't say Florida would go blue, but that doesn't mean we'd get a Pub that has the balls that DeSantis does. There are also plenty of RINO's out there that we could end up with.
Juggs said:
8 years seems to be the swing, I mean. I think it's better for Desantis to run separate from Trump. A lot of Pubs love DeSantis that hate Trump. I also didn't say Dems could win a 2024 election. I'd just rather not see Desantis and Trump beat each other up in the primaries. There's no huge upside for DeSantis to run with Trump. I will say that the half joking rumors of AOC running is hilarious. I'd love to watch that train wreck.

I didn't say Florida would go blue, but that doesn't mean we'd get a Pub that has the balls that DeSantis does. There are also plenty of RINO's out there that we could end up with.

the thing is, people who are going to win primaries are going to be trumpy/desantisy from now on. look at the way Republicans who are winning are talking now. Its all less government, anti-woke, pro US stuff. That's going to be the way for a long time.

I don't think another old man makes sense. I'm going to vote for whatever R wins, but I think desantis is a better national candidate and more importantly, will be better at getting things done that I think are key to a better US, like limiting the federal bureaucracy.
I don't know a thing about her.

And I agree, I'd much rather see Desantis as POTUS than Trump. It's not even close. But I don't think we're going to see Trump back down unless the DOJ finds a way to keep him from being able to run. And they're clearly trying damn hard to do so.
Juggs said:
NY Post report:

Biden, WH claims ZERO percent inflation in July. Which is a lie.

I'm guessing their rationale is that it didn't go higher, so therefore no inflation rise. It's enough for the Vo's of the world who want to believe