Politics Politics

52:20 said:
Juggs said:
NY Post report:

Biden, WH claims ZERO percent inflation in July. Which is a lie.

I'm guessing their rationale is that it didn't go higher, so therefore no inflation rise. It's enough for the Vo's of the world who want to believe

Zero percent increase but they think we’re too dumb to know the difference even thought we still go to the grocery store and can do math
its not twitter its the washington post.

and people are falling for it. hasn't anyone learned anything over the past 6 years? They just say they're investigating publicly, then whisper salacious details to the msm, and it all gets reported as fact.

and antitrumpers are all "hE mUSt bE DOIng soMETHing" and "OMG its likely worse" then why isn't he convicted of anything...at all

you know what NY AG investigation is about? whether or not Trump co took too high of a tax deduction for the wrong size water storage on top of a building

Thats why the regulations for taxes and everything are so byzantine and complicated - so political enemies can be charged with breaking the law, and Pelosi's kid is making deals on her Taiwan trip on our dime.
ha I missed those. This one was good too

"If the FBI waited 18 months to seize "nuclear documents" from a country club, everyone at the agency should be fired." lol
We all kind of knew the White House was doing this generally, but now we know they specifically targeted certain people for social media censorship.

The smoking gun:

Released - 11 boxes of classified documents from Mar-a-Lago. Trump said they were declassified (by him) while President.

Garland finally admits he authorized the raid. Said it was a "narrow scope" warrant, eluding to nuclear weapons. Actual warrant shows it was a broad warrant with no mention of nukes that covered Trump's entire presidency. Still no justification for warrant - affidavit not released.

Certain politicians insisting that this was 100% FBI and the DOJ had nothing to do with it. Riiiight. Dems pushing for Trump to be tried for espionage.

Does simply being tried for espionage exclude him from running again? :beatsme:
I spose the facts will come out, but sure appears to be very heavily political, and weaponizing federal agencies is banana republic shit. I guess i should praise the great Dem party, as i know they’re monitoring TGB, think Doc is actually Garland
No bias in the MSM!

Bari Weiss reveals New York Times editors wanted to CHECK with Chuck Schumer before running an op-ed by Republican Tim Scott about his police reform bill after George Floyd's murder

why does anyone still act like intel retired fucks are reliable when they said Hunter's laptop was russian disinfo when the FBI had a copy in 2020?

anyone not blinded by trump hate should be asking a lot of questions about the timing, the different level of intensity for previous (dem) officials, and the leaks.

On the NR podcast Charlie Cooke as usual had some great points. Now once again everything is about trump. There can be no policy discussion or talk about other leaders, its all how they relate to trump. This is what ultimately drove me into the trump camp - so many of his policies were good, but they couldn't be discussed rationally because he said mean things.
Wonder if trump will make $$$ on his sm site as I bet the trump haters are flocking there to see what he says
Read this thread - liberal elitist policies are starving the poorest and threatening us

Another loon crashed the Capitol barricades - Twitter is blaming trump obvi. If it was someone who ever voted R we will never hear the end of it, if it’s a radical liberal well never hear about it again