Politics Politics

Evil gator said:
DocZaius said:
I guess this fits into "Politics":


tl;dr: Government bans synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and as a result, production falls and food prices surge. More people in poverty.
Yes this is atrocious- Biden official was just saying how their purposeful war on oil and gas cutting fertilizer is a good opportunity to use “natural” methods
That’s dumb AF, not sure why anyone with any brains would say dumb shit like this.
Juggs said:
Irish Mike said:
Juggs said:
This ban on abortion that some governors have done is a stupid fucking move for the party. It's an over correction/reaction to the far left and not taking into account most people are reasonable about abortion. A 3 month term limit on abortion unless the mom is in danger is a reasonable compromise I think the majority of Americans would get behind. But nope, retards have to double down on banning it altogether or something as soon as 6 weeks when sometimes women don't even realize they're pregnant yet.

I haven't really been following it, but the bit that I did hear kept mentioning 15 weeks, which seems reasonable.

6 weeks is new to me. And stupid.
2 or 3 states did the 6 week thing and if IIRC, Desantis said wthin the last few days he's going after 6 weeks also.

His first bad move imo.
Where did you see Desantis say he wanted to go to six weeks. From my understanding, he said he didn’t want to go to 15 weeks but wouldn’t stop it.
DocZaius said:
Irish Mike said:
@DocZaius , I've read 5 articles that say 5 different things. Is this opinion by Alito a result of a vote on the issue or is it just Alito's opinion? Has the vote already happened and now they are just forming the published opinions?

Hard to say, but I think this was written after the justices took a preliminary vote on the matter. The justices have been known to try to persuade each other to change positions, which is why this kind of leak can be so damaging. They need to know that they can discuss the cases without political and public pressure being put on them during their deliberative time.

yeah this isn't getting nearly enough attention. The trust to deliberate is gone. This wasn't cons "testing the waters" - everyone knows this is a controversial issue, they wouldn't blow up an institution to tell them something they know. Its a lib clerk who doesn't have respect for anything and wants the court packed with libs.
DocZaius said:
Irish Mike said:



Beyond stupid. "Mental health" basically translates to a change of mind. Pregnancies that actually put the mother's health at risk are rare as a % and shouldn't be factored in to this at all. If you can abort a 9 month pregnancy on a whim, I should be able to abort you as a full grown adult.
The argument that pregnancy is more risky than abortion, used for decades, is now being used for chopping up trans kids - "puberty is more dangerous than blocking it" which tells me it was disingenuous.

Abortion in the first trimester is pretty safe, as is pregnancy when you have modern medicine. The arguments counter either side makes isn't sensible.
In a world where people should have some self-responsibility, unwanted pregnancies should be extremely avoidable. How many pregnancies are actually the result of a broken condom, failed birth control pill, failed IUD, or rape?

And with Plan B out there, most of the arguments for abortion are moot.
Irish Mike said:
In a world where people should have some self-responsibility, unwanted pregnancies should be extremely avoidable. How many pregnancies are actually the result of a broken condom, failed birth control pill, failed IUD, or rape?

And with Plan B out there, most of the arguments for abortion are moot.
Yeah, most unwanted pregnancies are the result of not giving a fuck/willing to risk it or booze.

But the left has done their best to shirk personal responsibility and make excuses for basically everything
Evil gator said:
No birth control method is 100% foolproof, and you men are the first to balk at condoms.

:lol: I've never balked at condoms. I did whatever I had to do.

I know no method is 100% foolproof. Just wondering what percentage are actually "accidents".
Wow. And the comments that support it. Maybe I"ll go to her twitter and suggest we force the same measures towards men and women who want welfare.

Can any of these lunatics name a single example of anything even remotely resembling the handmaids tail? They keep screaming it, but no evidence to suggest it's real.
oh fuck you for posting that. I went down the rabbit hole of lunatics from that tweet. Liberals screaming that now we're under sharia law and republicans are going to ban birth control, gay marriage, interracial marriage and all kinds of shit. All these asinine huge leaps out of outrage over putting a law back on the States where it belongs. Seriously, I want them all dead. Every last one of them.
Juggs said:
oh fuck you for posting that. I went down the rabbit hole of lunatics from that tweet. Liberals screaming that now we're under sharia law and republicans are going to ban birth control, gay marriage, interracial marriage and all kinds of shit. All these asinine huge leaps out of outrage over putting a law back on the States where it belongs. Seriously, I want them all dead. Every last one of them.

Yes justice Thomas is going to ban interracial marriage. Brain worms