Politics Politics

Remember how Biden stopped the Keystone XL pipeline and won't approve new ones? No shock that they are lying saying it doesn't raise the cost of gas, according to the US government. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=51898
What else are they going to do? Desperation has set in, it's going to get crazier the closer we get to the election. Full on over the top gaslighting
Yeah they are also blaming trump and that they had to clean up his “mess” it’s got nothing to do with idiotic energy policy or government handouts they pushed
So the 15% ethanol gas. They nixed it when Trump tried to do it, now it's acceptable. It was a bad idea then, bad idea now.

It won't make a damn bit of difference. And while they're claiming it's perfectly safe for most engines, I know a few mechanics who strongly disagree. This temporary order, once people have forgotten that it pollutes more, will likely stay permanent to "reduce fossil fuels" and ignore how stupid that is in so many ways. Eventual damage to vehicles is possible and instead of saving 10 cents of gas temporarily, people end up with car repairs they can't afford. Not to mention, not all towns/cities have ethanol free gas available, so their mowers, chainsaws, etc. are fucked for sure.
It’s entirely political too - there are still dem voted in the Ethanol states like IL and Iowa, not as much in O&G states.

It really shows the giant hypocrisy- “we can’t do anything about prices! My policies didn’t raise things!” They are easily changing this policy, there are dozens of Anti fossil fuel policies like not having lease sales and banning drilling in the gulf. People are fucking retards if they still believe Biden’s garbage
Evil gator said:
It’s entirely political too - there are still dem voted in the Ethanol states like IL and Iowa, not as much in O&G states.

It really shows the giant hypocrisy- “we can’t do anything about prices! My policies didn’t raise things!” They are easily changing this policy, there are dozens of Anti fossil fuel policies like not having lease sales and banning drilling in the gulf. People are fucking retards if they still believe Biden’s garbage

Well, at least 1/3 of the population are clearly that stupid.
This is funny. Nikki Fried announced that rumors of her having a sex tape are false… but there are no rumors.

Biden says we cut down all our forests.

Even better, he has to tell the audience they can calp, guilting them into an applause. The best....this is really the best. The video of him trying to shake a ghosts hand. This is hilarious and sad. Plays at the time stamp

ufgators68 said:
What they're doing to him is elder abuse. I don't even like that m'fer but that shit is fucked.

Yep. I've had relatives with alzheimers/dementia. This dude is just fucking gone most of the time....they need to let that dude retire. Does it really matter? The same puppet masters pulling his strings will do the same to Harris and they're gone at the next election.
Juggs said:
Starts at the time stamp....must watch. Easter Bunny has to direct and guide Biden. He is so f'n lost.


Makes me wonder who's in the bunny suit. They have to be astute enough to intervene when he starts talking about foreign policy.
its reportedly the coms director who stops all the questions normally.

I used to work with the bunny in the Bush Admin. he had a pic up of himself in the bunny suit and with Laura Bush.
Your tax dollars at work - the fed gov owns vast complexes of purpose built structures all over and the are mostly empty, as these workers sit home and tell you what you can and can’t do with your life.
