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Juggs said:
The White House officially pressuring Spotify to sensor Rogan.

How the fuck is that not a violation of the first Amendment?

It is. Here's a good article from The Atlantic, telling us how Trump was violating the First Amendment by threatening the NFL if they didn't fire Colin Kaepernick and discipline players who kneeled during the national anthem.
DocZaius said:
Juggs said:
The White House officially pressuring Spotify to sensor Rogan.

How the fuck is that not a violation of the first Amendment?

It is. Here's a good article from The Atlantic, telling us how Trump was violating the First Amendment by threatening the NFL if they didn't fire Colin Kaepernick and discipline players who kneeled during the national anthem.

Weird how they cared then
Interesting development in Commie-fornia:

Outside of sf and la and suburbs cal and the west coast are pretty conservative, same with ny state. CA power though is so dominantly dem and they continue to fuck things up royally. Look at the idiots they promote, Kamala harris and Gavin newsome. No way they’d be elected in Florida or some other purple state.
More dem hypocrisy, Politico is reporting

Take a minute to scroll through the anonymous Instagram account pulling back the curtain on how the Hill treats its staffers, and it won’t take long to notice a trend: Many of the lawmakers being called out are Democrats, several of whom have dedicated their careers to advocating for things like higher pay, better working conditions and less workplace discrimination.

Some highlights:

a salary offer of $34,000 a year that was revoked when they asked if it was negotiable, and a lack of overtime pay despite the fact that “it’s really, truly a a 24/7 job.”
the staffer lives in affordable housing because they cannot otherwise afford D.C. rent on their Hill salary.
“When I’ve told my managers that … they’re like: ‘Oh yeah, super common for congressional staff. Super common,’” they said. “I’ve never been met with shock. I’ve never been met with: ‘Wait, what?’ It is always a very common practice.”
“It’s hugely hypocritical,” they said. “You have members who are publicly talking about workers’ rights and a living wage and everything — and they don’t pay their interns, or they pay staffers what equals out to $3 an hour.”
“It’s crazy to see those press releases, and then know exactly how they treat their own staff,” the staffer added.
Another former House staffer who has also made submissions to the account made the same point: “I just really want it to be known that there are so many members who proclaim to be these supporters of labor, unions, progress and progressive values and democratic values. And yet they have no problem demeaning, belittling, underpaying, undersupporting the people who are the ones that write the legislation, the ones that take the meeting, the ones that drive them, give them coffee.”
As did a current Senate staffer who follows the account: “it gets harder every day to watch your boss go on TV and say, ‘Everyone deserves $15 an hour.’ And then they can control it in one environment — but they choose not to. It’s just harder and harder to watch that as time goes by.”
Bunch of tough German journalists in the press room today. New chancellor says no pipeline if invasion.

Makes me nervous when Joe ad libs on international affairs.
RIP said:

[glow=red][shadow=red][fade][marq=left]Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance 'Racial Equity' - Washington Free Beacon
The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its plan to advance "racial equity."[/size][/marq][/fade][/shadow][/glow]
It’s incredible how much the Biden admin is tied into the money-making grift of “clean energy” and ESG. GM just hired Biden’s niece to head up their ESG. I’m sure they won’t get any special access for that salary, and has nothing to do with continued snubbing of Tesla

Also have we talked about the Canadian truckers? I remain anti protest, but it’s funny how the same people who called the 2020 burning of cities peaceful now bending over backwards to label horns honking violence

If they are blocking people/vehicles fuck them. Buts it’s always funny to see how unapologetically hypocritical liberals are.