Politics Politics

Yeah I wish my friends dad who survived a concentration camp but lost his whole family was alive to explain to her why she’s a dumb cunt. She should really have to sit with her fat mouth closed and hear from rabbis and scholars for an hour, I would watch it. Then go one with her stupid fucking show. She will still say stupid shit but maybe not that dumb crap
So fewer people watch tv but insanely more young Dems watch tucker Carlson than even Maddow weird

Weird that Whoopi would adopt a Jewish surname, and claim to have some Jewish heritage, but still be so ignorant.

From Wikipedia:

About her stage surname, she claimed in 2011, "My mother did not name me Whoopi, but Goldberg is my name—it's part of my family, part of my heritage, just like being black", and "I just know I am Jewish. I practice nothing. I don't go to temple, but I do remember the holidays."[16] She has stated that "people would say 'Come on, are you Jewish?' And I always say 'Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not.'"[16] One account recalls that her mother, Emma Johnson, thought the family's original surname was "not Jewish enough" for her daughter to become a star.[16] Researcher Henry Louis Gates Jr. found that all of Goldberg's traceable ancestors were African Americans, that she had no known German or Jewish ancestry, and that none of her ancestors were named Goldberg.[12] Results of a DNA test, revealed in the 2006 PBS documentary African American Lives, traced part of her ancestry to the Papel and Bayote people of modern-day Guinea-Bissau. Her admixture test indicates that she is of 92 percent sub-Saharan African origin and of 8 percent European origin.[17]
its all a pretty natural progression. There have been conflicts between groups for decades. Like the LA riots happened because of Rodney King obvi but many targets were asian owned businesses who were seen as profiting from black neighborhoods (similar to the plot of do the right thing but with Italians and blacks neighbors), jewish and black conflicts in NYC ("hymietown"), muslim attacks on jewish and christian religious centers, etc. if its not white people being the instigators (which for a majority of attacks on jews and asians in NYC, its not), it sort of blows up the crt theory that white people set up institutions for their own advantage therefore they are the only recepients and the only ones capable of hate crimes.
Anyone care to enlighten me on the Russia/Ukraine conflict? I have paid zero attention and don't know if we are fucking up or not.
Biden's weak, Ukraine wants in NATO, Russia doesn't want them or any former soviet state to be considered. Russia is amassing troops at the border threatening an invasion. Most of NATO is supporting Ukraine, but Germany has been squishy due to Russia's ability to cut off their gas supply(thanks Biden). Putin went in front of NATO yesterday, I haven't seen much out of that. We're sending a few troops and equipment, few other allies are doing the same.
52:20 said:
Biden's weak, Ukraine wants in NATO, Russia doesn't want them or any former soviet state to be considered. Russia is amassing troops at the border threatening an invasion. Most of NATO is supporting Ukraine, but Germany has been squishy due to Russia's ability to cut off their gas supply(thanks Biden). Putin went in front of NATO yesterday, I haven't seen much out of that. We're sending a few troops and equipment, few other allies are doing the same.
Cool. Just wanted to know if I needed to move to Canada and start building a fallout bunker.
52:20 said:
Biden's weak, Ukraine wants in NATO, Russia doesn't want them or any former soviet state to be considered. Russia is amassing troops at the border threatening an invasion. Most of NATO is supporting Ukraine, but Germany has been squishy due to Russia's ability to cut off their gas supply(thanks Biden). Putin went in front of NATO yesterday, I haven't seen much out of that. We're sending a few troops and equipment, few other allies are doing the same.
Yeah, IIRC, if Ukraine or anyone is allowed to become a member of NATO, that legally requires us to go to war with Russia if they start shit. Of course they want in.

I think 3k troops are being sent.

I get the sentiment of tiny Euro nations sending a single fighter jet as a gesture....but Jebus, really? Just give us some money and keep your single jet and let the big boys play. It'd be better if the CIA could do all the spooky stuff they're allegedly good at and assassinate Putin. Apparently they're better at fucking over Americans than other countries :beatsme:
The leader of the house progressives getting dragged over her dumbass Starbucks tweet warms my cold dead heart

I'd be more annoyed at Netflix if you're pissed at anyone raising rates. Starbucks has costs associated with operating a business and supply issues like everyone else. Netflix is again raising its prices by a few dollars despite losing a lot of shows and failing to compete with other streaming sources. Instead of giving a better product, their solution was to charge the customers they have left even more. :facepalm:
What a strange world we have created for ourselves.

Just watched a video where the camera hit the streets of NY to ask the people specific questions about AOC. 50/50 results. Some acknowledge she's useless.

Not so amazingly, when asked about the 40,000 Amazon jobs she pushed out of NY and if that was a good thing, so answered yes. :facepalm: Even better, one guy said, "Sure....there's plenty of jobs out there".

40,000 people lose their jobs and the liberals think that's a good thing. Good god.

Buncha crybabies.