Politics Politics

Evil gator said:
the dark/china/russian funded enviros have their useful idiot in the white house who is making it harder to produce and transport oil and gas, so they are relatively quiet. There are many rules/exec orders to make production of fuels much harder and more expensive.
However, the transition to unreliable renewables, generally backed up by coal, has led to an increase in emissions in 2021, so all of their fracktivism is pretty stupid and misguided. Remember the faucet on fire hoax in gasland?

its one of the dumbest things to oppose, its extremely safe and efficient. The benefits wildly outpace the dangers, and ours is produced safely and with much lower emissions than russia.

Like food energy should be produced locally, be it nukes or gas or coal or biomass. but environmental groups and nimbys have to ruin everything for all of us.

without Biden's ridiculously stupid anti energy policies, we'd be paying a lot less for gas, be shipping more product to our allies, and Russia would be far less likely to have the money and gall to invade ukraine.

About 33 minutes in to yesterday's released 4.5 hour podcast with Jordan Peterson on Rogan....debunking the stupidity panic over fracking and fracking was the result of our carbon emissions going down over the last 15-20 years and doesn't cause the BS enviro issues whackos say.
Ain’t no way they’re voting in that fruitcake, she’s all flash & no substance, but that’s just one hillbillies thought, wtf do I know…
Tommy said:
Ain’t no way they’re voting in that fruitcake, she’s all flash & no substance, but that’s just one hillbillies thought, wtf do I know…

you're correct that she is the least effective rep as far as introducing legislation and doing traditional congress activities. But she and the rest of the squad aren't interested in norms, they are really far more outside of government norms than Trump and his cohorts. For example, they wanted the stupid rent moratorium continued. Instead of developing legislation, negotiating to get votes, taking it to leadership, etc, she and Bush and other squad waited until the congressional session was over (didn't even bring it up), then camped out on the congressional steps demanding that Biden issue an executive order, which SCOTUS had already said wasnt legal. its stunty crazy town with that lot, not actually wanting to pass law. Pelosi has been the most effective House leader possibly of all time because she understands how everything works and goes within the system or just outside it to push her party's agenda. I don't see AOC or any of that crowd having anywhere close to those skills.

On the other hand, AOC's crazy green new deal and other socialist ideas got into a lot of this administrations agenda, some of which is legal to do thru exec action. So in terms of impacting the direction of the dem party, she and the squad are really the ones that are strongest at pushing their IDEAS, just not what they were hired to do. AND, most of their ideas are unpopular to wildly unpopular.

it looks like Hakeem Jeffries is the next up to lead the dem house, he's pretty boring but maybe can wrangle people. I think Jaipal has more of a shot than AOC - her ideas are just as kooky but she is very pleasant and comes off as less kooky
Florida's Surgeon General is going through his confirmation hearing in the Florida Senate right now. He's black, the son of a Nigerian immigrant. He was asked if he grew up poor OR entitled. :lol:
Also this administration that says climate change is its #1 priority, is denying a metals mine, the very stuff we desperately need for renewables


When they do this they should have to show where the material is supposed to come from. Hunters Chinese pals I guess
Even more on the stupid as fuck energy policy by this inept administration


This article like the book the Prize shows how so many wars start over the need for energy. We’re seeing that once again
Evil gator said:
Justice Breyer retiring - likely because the senate will go R soon. Biden has said he will pick a woman of color - maybe a way to get rid of Kamala?

He has says a black woman. So she fits.

Such blatant identity politics. King Solomon could be available and would be overlooked because of his white maleness.

Why not put Garland in now that they can lol.
pg. said:
Evil gator said:
Justice Breyer retiring - likely because the senate will go R soon. Biden has said he will pick a woman of color - maybe a way to get rid of Kamala?

He has says a black woman. So she fits.

Such blatant identity politics. King Solomon could be available and would be overlooked because of his white maleness.

Why not put Garland in now that they can lol.

He’s old and dumb

They want someone fairly young so they’re in there a while.

Keep in mind the Rs tend to vote for D nominees way more than Ds do Rs
Garland hasn't exactly made any friends among the GOP during his stint as AG, either. The Republicans can paint him as a power-mad dictator after that memo about targeting parents who speak up at school board meetings.

I agree, they will find someone relatively young. CNN has a short list that assumes Biden will keep his promise to put a proud woman of color on the Court.

Part of me hopes he nominates a tranny, though. The mid-terms will be a bloodbath if he does.