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So we've seen all the updates that came out yesterday from the SS meeting with Senators, right? This just gets worse and worse.

SS knew of the shooter and watched him for 10 minutes before Trump even went on stage. So why the fuck did they let him on stage to begin with? SS says the sniper we keep seeing a picture of fire is not the sniper team that killed the shooter. There were other snipers there, but mums the word apparently (so what did the sniper we see fire at? He definitely fired). And why was the FBI already power washing the blood away from the crime scene? Since when does the FBI even do that? Is it because there's blood splatter in a direction we shouldn't know about?

I'm calling it now, my own conspiracy theory. This kid was a patsy. It's why there are now so many videos of the kid walking around, looking at rooves, it's like he wanted to be seen. He was the diversion, second shooter somewhere. I want to see heights and positions of everything laid out to see if that bullet came from the roof. What about the team alleged IN the building? Awful convenient to have a team in the same building the shooter was on. One person to pull the trigger at Trump, the other to off the patsy on the roof after he takes wild shots. The sniper took the shot at Trump that was perfect, the kid shoots innocent civilians before he's taken out.
Those polls are reason he is gonna run away.
Those polls are the reason every other Dem is forcing him out. Did you hear his rant yesterday to other Dems? He claimed he created NATO and expanded it. He said all the world leaders think he's the strongest leader in the world. He's fucking unhinged....he wouldn't step down on his own without some serious threats.
The amount of leftists on Twitter suggesting the attempted assassination was staged by Trump is mind-boggling.

I guess the right-wing doesn't have a monopoly on conspiracy theorists.
The amount of leftists on Twitter suggesting the attempted assassination was staged by Trump is mind-boggling.

I guess the right-wing doesn't have a monopoly on conspiracy theorists.
They only talk facts. Conspiracy theories are only for the right.

Yeah, Trump took the risk of having his head blown off for a publicity stunt in a race he was already winning. That makes a ton of sense.
Did we discuss that there SS claims there were 5 snipers on site? And the 2 we saw in the video were not the ones who killed the shooter?

So who the fuck shot him and from where? And if the 2 snipers we saw on video didn't kill him and supposedly had their line of sight blocked by a tree, then what the fuck did he fire at? Because he 100% shot something and snipers don't just fire through trees.
Did we discuss that there SS claims there were 5 snipers on site? And the 2 we saw in the video were not the ones who killed the shooter?

So who the fuck shot him and from where? And if the 2 snipers we saw on video didn't kill him and supposedly had their line of sight blocked by a tree, then what the fuck did he fire at? Because he 100% shot something and snipers don't just fire through trees.
They're just fucking with us now.
Yeah, none of it adds up. I hope the FBI investigation will at least clear up some of those details but given recent history, I'm not holding my breath.
Yeah, none of it adds up. I hope the FBI investigation will at least clear up some of those details but given recent history, I'm not holding my breath.
They've already sanitized the scene personally. We already know for sure the FBI is corrupt, so we won't be getting any details out of them.

DHS Mayorkas has already told the DEI hire SS director to shut up or she's out because the more she says, the more questions get raised.

The entire thing is a shit show of confusion. She claims that roof was the city PD's responsibility and they said she's lying, they were told only to direct traffic. Everyone is pointing figures, she says "the buck stops with me", but is clearly not taking any accountability.....Did we also address that Trump's normal security detail was given the day off at the last minute and hand picked half assed agents from different offices to "fill in" while the replacements were also split with Jill Biden at her puny rally no one went to?

So, SS detail pulled and replaced with DEI hires. Reports of a shooter and told to stand down, while they intentionally let Trump walk onto stage knowing this and waits until he's shot at for them to move. A shooter who can allegedly build a bomb with zero evidence he researched how. Every new piece of info that comes out only muddies the waters even worse. 100% an inside job. Even if they didn't organize it, they saw an opportunity and let it happen.
So we've seen all the updates that came out yesterday from the SS meeting with Senators, right? This just gets worse and worse.

SS knew of the shooter and watched him for 10 minutes before Trump even went on stage. So why the fuck did they let him on stage to begin with? SS says the sniper we keep seeing a picture of fire is not the sniper team that killed the shooter. There were other snipers there, but mums the word apparently (so what did the sniper we see fire at? He definitely fired). And why was the FBI already power washing the blood away from the crime scene? Since when does the FBI even do that? Is it because there's blood splatter in a direction we shouldn't know about?

I'm calling it now, my own conspiracy theory. This kid was a patsy. It's why there are now so many videos of the kid walking around, looking at rooves, it's like he wanted to be seen. He was the diversion, second shooter somewhere. I want to see heights and positions of everything laid out to see if that bullet came from the roof. What about the team alleged IN the building? Awful convenient to have a team in the same building the shooter was on. One person to pull the trigger at Trump, the other to off the patsy on the roof after he takes wild shots. The sniper took the shot at Trump that was perfect, the kid shoots innocent civilians before he's taken out.
Burnie Burns Conspiracy GIF by Rooster Teeth