Politics Politics

He needs to step down as President as well, immediately. If he’s too feeble to run, he’s for sure too feeble to do the job. Fktard.
Who do they stick in? All the known names (Newsome, Whitmer, Harris) are pollingworse than Biden.

Hillary? Big Mike?

They'll pull a fast one and shove in Manchin to get the rubes.
Who do they stick in? All the known names (Newsome, Whitmer, Harris) are pollingworse than Biden.

Hillary? Big Mike?

They'll pull a fast one and shove in Manchin to get the rubes.
Remember how bad the thought of Hillary sounded (except EG), kinda sounds better than Kamala, but she’s about the same level as Joe on the ability to sound partially intelligent.
Hilary is listed as potential vp for Kamala lol that would be hilarious, thought she would be prez, killed people, destroyed the fbi, lost and would have to be second fiddle to a blithering idiot
Kamala’s record as a AG of Ca will bite her in the ass with the black vote, and she will rightfully be portrayed as someone dumber than Biden. They’re boxed in, but they fight dirty
Can't remember if these tidbits have been posted: We know the kid was in a blackrock commercial. An associated company to Blackrock owns those buildings the shooter was on. The window of the building to the rear had a window that was open, which basically had the same trajectory as the shooter. I've added to my conspiracy theory :lol:

Real shooter shoots from the window. The kid then shoots his 5 random shots. The shooter from the window pops the kid to tie up that loose end. The FBI washes away the evidence.

I haven't seen it factchecked, but I've seen a video that claims (with some photos) that DHS was at the same shooting range as the shooter in days leading up to the rally. IF it's true, that kid's coincidental ties to both blackrock and DHS is an awful big coincidence.