Politics Politics

If so many people say this in public you wonder what they are like in private

I am friends with lots of people who worked for politicians and I can’t remotely imagine any being this unprofessional, though they are in their 30s or older

Have you get people just been so fucked up by work teachers and bubbles, doting parents and COVID that they think this is okay? I don’t get it.
There are assloads of these going around today. They're not even trying to hide it. I love that Libs of Tiktok is also exposing them non-stop

Yeah Obama really started hiring those types and Biden admin hired more and emboldened them when they have AOC and Omar and role models. This is why I will vote republican the rest of my life for president because having unaccountable bureaucrats that hate America, free enterprise and the constitution is the worst thing for all of us.

There’s tons of pro Palestinian/terrorist at places like state which is terrifying. Most of intel has been made up of ex military decent humans but newer hires? I’m concerned
Remember when DOJ and Biden admin were m no on making a big deal about white supremacy in the military? What happened with that? These liberal bureaucrats are a dime a dozen doing unamerican crap.

I hope trump makes Vivek tsar of government cutting or something and he and an army of conservatives root these assholes out
Yeah Obama really started hiring those types and Biden admin hired more and emboldened them when they have AOC and Omar and role models. This is why I will vote republican the rest of my life for president because having unaccountable bureaucrats that hate America, free enterprise and the constitution is the worst thing for all of us.

There’s tons of pro Palestinian/terrorist at places like state which is terrifying. Most of intel has been made up of ex military decent humans but newer hires? I’m concerned
The Secret Services public decoration that DEI was important for them is scary enough. We need to look now, does Biden have 5'3' DEI hires protecting him? I doubt it.

I'm jumping on the conspiracy bandwagon here. Every aspect of this event is sketchy as shit. This kid who get laughed out of a shooting club for missing the target by 20 feet managed to scout the location which is only announced 24 hours in advance, gets by cops and SS to a convenient outside ladder accessible roof with a straight line of sight. The cops ignored the report that he was sighted, as noted the sniper seems to be looking right in that direction and kills him instantly, so why let him get off a few shots first? Surely this can't all be pure incompetence.
Remember when DOJ and Biden admin were m no on making a big deal about white supremacy in the military? What happened with that? These liberal bureaucrats are a dime a dozen doing unamerican crap.

I hope trump makes Vivek tsar of government cutting or something and he and an army of conservatives root these assholes out
In the military, in America. Actually I believe it still has white supremacy as the greatest domestic threat on the FBI website.

I don't think it'll happen, but I agree. I hope Trump stays professional for the election, uses this to advantage properly, and then drops the hammer hard when he gets in office.
If these videos and the timer are lined up correctly, there appears to be at least 1 armed person approaching the shooters location at around 2 minutes. If that's not a civilian, there's no way the SS sniper didn't have the location radioed in and he was already pointed right there. What footage we do have sure makes it look like the SS sniper had all the time in the world to take him out, but waited until after multiple rounds were fired.

There's another video of a man doing the same thing, only he doesn't even lower himself or get out his camera. He just sits there perfectly still, watching, as everyone around him ducks and panics.
He’s smart, well accomplished, not your typical long term establishment dude, I’d guess it’s to try and appeal to the blue collar voters in the swing states, he grew up definitely not privileged.